Contents tagged with Russia

  • Lithuania seeking to abandon Russian-made software

    Lithuanian cyber security experts are searching for replacements for software developed in Russia, reported Interfax news agency.

    As stated by Vice-Minister of National Defense Edvinas Kerza, such software leaves security gaps  that allow hacking systems to gain entry. This poses problems for software used in government departments and enterprises. Lithuanian Railways, for example, uses the Klub-U navigation system developed by Izhevsk Radio Plant, which belongs to the military-industrial …

  • Russia nominates Ex-Chancellor of Germany to Rosneft Board of Directors

    The Russian Federation has nominated former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to join the Board of Directors of the Russian energy giant, Rosneft, reported DW.

    "The government of the Russian Federation nominated Gerhard Schröder as the new independent director of Rosneft. He currently heads the Shareholders Committee of Nord Stream AG," the statement said.

    According to the publication, Gerhard Schröder was named one among seven candidates for the position. Shareholder voting for candidates …

  • Kremlin demands that Snapchat stores its user data in Russia

    Roskomnadzor (Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) added Snapchat to the register of companies that organize and disseminate information anonymously.

    The company was registered unilaterally, RBC news agency reports with reference to the representative of Snap Inc. (the company-owner of the application).

    "We provided very basic contact information, but not with the goal of being registered, we did not know how they[Roskomnadzor] …

  • Ukraine voices protest over navigation restriction in Kerch Strait by Russia

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (MFA) has issued a protest against the restriction placed by the Russian Federation on navigation through the Kerch Strait during August and September and underlines the “illegality” of the construction of the Kerch Bridge, as stated in a statement published on the website of the Ministry.

    “The MFA of Ukraine expresses protest over the Russians prohibiting navigation through the Kerch Strait during August and September 2017 due to bridge construction …

  • Ukraine: Missiles launched from Russian warships in Crimea can reach any target in Europe

    Russia has increased its military forces in the Crimea, which potentially poses a threat to the whole of Europe.

    This was reported by the press service of the Ministry for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons.

    "Thus, in December 2015, the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation was equipped with two small rocket ships, Zeleny Dol and Serpukhov, both equipped with Kalibr-NK missile systems. According to military experts and Russian media outlets, these missile …

  • Putin asks State Duma to allow use of air defense on the border of Belarus and Ukraine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has submitted a draft federal law to the State Duma that would allow for the use of air defense on the border of Belarus. The corresponding bill has been posted on the website of the State Duma.

    It is noted that Putin has asked the State Duma to ratify the protocol "on introducing amendments and additions to the Agreement Between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on Joint Protection of the External Border of the Union State in Airspace and the …

  • Journalist: Russian weapons and equipment are moving towards Ukrainian borders

    In Russia this week, there is an unprecedented movement of military equipment being flown into the Moscow Region, as well as into Kostroma, Samara, and Volgograd. Military equipment is being moved via aircraft into the European part of the Russian Federation from Novosibirsk. Russia states that this is part of the Zapad-2017 exercises, according to journalist and military correspondent, Andrei Tsaplienko’s blog on website.

    The exercised will begin on September 14th in six formations in …

  • Russian journalist sentenced to 3.5 years for investigating incomes of the high ranking officials

    The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow sentenced Alexander Sokolov, a journalist of RosBusinessConsuilting Media group (RBC), to three and a half years incarceration in general-regime correctional facility, reported Dozhd TV channel. 

    Sokolov was accused of organizing the activity of an extremist organization. The court also sentenced Sokolov to 1 year of parole following his incarceration. The term of punishment was commenced from the moment of Sokolov's arrest, which was July 28, 2015.

    Three …

  • Russia introduces emergency administration in the largest Crimean bank due to insolvency

    The Central Bank of Russia introduced a temporary administration in Genbank, one of the largest banks in the Crimea, as reported on the bank’s website.

    The bank, which was found to have a shortage of funds, will be salvaged by becoming a part of Sobinbank, which is part of the Bank Rossiya Group. The US Department of the Treasury believes that Rossiya is the personal bank of the top leadership of the Russian Federation. The shareholders of the institution are members of President Putin’s inner …

  • Crimean authorities are investigating why most of the generators on the peninsula are out of order

    Vladimir Serov, Deputy Prime Minister of Kremlin-controlled Crimea, requested an official investigation into the fact that most of the diesel generators on the peninsula are not in an operational condition, Krym.Realii reported with reference to the press service of the Russian government of the Crimea.

    “It is not weather conditions which are to blame for the fact that out of the 284 diesel generators we have, only 75 work, but the people who do certain jobs. I ask for an official …