Contents tagged with Russia

  • German Foreign Minister: We do not need a debate on Crimea, we need to think about truce in Donbas

    In an interview with the German daily newspaper Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel claimed that Christian Lindner, a leader among German liberals, is just trying to get headlines when speaking of the temporary postponement of the issue of Crimea's annexation, and that the main task at present is to achieve an ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. European Pravda reported this.

    "In my opinion, Mr. Lindner is only concerned with headlines. We do not need debates on Crimea. We …

  • Russia’s Gazprom continues to supply gas to separatist-held territories and billing Ukraine for it

    In the first half of 2017, Russian Gazprom delivered 1,389 billion cubic meters of gas to the separatist DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic. The price of Russian gas as of the first quarter of 2017 was $306.6 per thousand cubic meters, as supported by the data from Gazprom’s report for the second quarter.

    Ukraine has not been importing gas from Russia for more than 600 days, which means, all deliveries go to separatist-held territories of Ukraine.

    According to …

  • 270,000 tons of Donbas coal exported from Russia in July

    In July 2017, about 267,000 tons of coal mined in the separatist-held territories of eastern Ukraine were exported to European countries from Russia, reported citing Russian Railway and Russian Federal Customs Service data.

    The largest exporter of Ukrainian coal was Gaz-Alyans, controlled by Serhiy Kurchenko. In July, more than 50,000 tons of anthracite were exported from the Russia’s ports. The entire quantity was exported by the South Ossetian company Vneshtorgservis JSC, and was …

  • Russian media: Putin has not appeared publicly for a week already

    Since August 9th, the Russian Federation President, Vladimir Putin, has not appeared in public, Dozhd reports.

    "The Kremlin website publishes reports on the President's meetings, but journalists are not invited to attend. It has been reported that they have been recorded in advance. At the same time, there is no mention of Putin's vacation this year," the message says.

    According to the channel’s report, the last time Putin appeared in public was on August 8th, and the next time will be when …

  • Former Ukrainian representative to UN: Russia granted Yanukovych’s request to deploy troops in Ukraine an official status of UN Security Council document

    An appeal by Viktor Yanukovych to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the use of Russian Armed Forces to restore "constitutional order" in Ukraine was not only read by the Russian representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, but the Russian side additionally granted this document official UN status, stated the former Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, Yuriy Sergeyev, stated this, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    "Yanukoych’s request was …

  • Kyiv: Russia could have removed Ukrainian engines from Cyclone rockets and sent them to North Korea

    There are between 7 and 20 Cyclone-2 and Cyclone-3 rockets with Ukrainian RD-250 engines in Russia, and it is likely that these are the engines that Ukraine is accused of supplying to North Korea, stated  the Chairman of the State Space Agency, Yuri Radchenko.

    “According to operational information, Russia currently has between 7 and 20 Cyclone-2 and Cyclone-3 missiles, which have these engines (RD-250). There is documentation,” he said.

    According to him, these engines were previously …

  • Putin announces reduction in Russia's defense expenditure

    One of the saving goals of the 2018 budget is to reduce defense expenditure, but this will not affect the plans to retrofit the army and the navy. The state will fulfill the defense order. Russian President Vladimir Putin made a statement to this effect at a meeting with United Russia party leader Vladimir Vasilyev in the State Duma. A transcript of the meeting was published on the Kremlin’s website.

    Putin noted that “significant budget savings” are planned.

    “We will fulfill the state defense …

  • Russian FSB announces arrest of 'SBU agent' in Crimea

    The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) announced that on August 12, Ukrainian citizen Hennadiy Limeshko was arrested while attempting to damage the power line between Sudak and Novyi Svit. The FSB report calls him an SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) agent, sent to Crimea to carry out acts of sabotage, as   reported on the FSB website.

    He was allegedly found in possession of two TNT type 200 blocks and a ZTP-50 capped fuse, a mechanism for detonating the explosive device, an RGD-5 grenade …

  • Ukraine protests Russia’s political repression in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested categorically against another wave of political repression and human rights violations by the Kremlin towards Ukrainian citizens in annexed Crimea.

    “The Russian occupation authority continues to discriminate according to national and religious attributes in the occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, persecuting ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars,” the MFA’s statement reads.

    Over the last month at least five …

  • Russian Security Service detains suicide bombers who planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Moscow

    Officers of the FSB in Russia detained four ISIS terrorists who were preparing to commit a series of terrorist attacks in shopping centers and on public transportation in Moscow.

    The FSB reported that “members of a terrorist group were detained as a result of a special operation. Among them are the organizer of the attacks, who is an emissary of the Islamic State; an expert in the manufacture of explosive devices; and two suicide bombers.”

    The terrorist group consisted of a Russian citizen …