Zelensky pushes for NATO invitation from Biden before 2024 elections in the US

According to the French publication, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky aims to secure an invitation to NATO before Joe Biden's current term ends. Zelensky, in declaring his victory plan against Russia, envisions Ukraine’s NATO entry before the U.S. presidential elections on November 5, reports Le Monde.

According to Zelensky, obtaining such an endorsement would position Ukraine to negotiate the war's end with Russia from a place of strength. The Ukrainian leader announced that he has a peace plan to present to President Biden and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The goal is not only to end the war but also to secure additional guarantees ensuring future self-defense, despite existing security agreements with key NATO players.

"Zelensky aims to get Biden’s invitation for Ukraine’s NATO membership before he leaves the White House in January 2025. This is a pivotal element of the 'victory plan,'" writes the Le Monde. However, the challenge is Biden’s "old formation" mindset. He allegedly believes Ukraine's NATO entry and heightened confrontation with the Kremlin could spark a new world war. Thus, the current U.S. administration is helping Ukraine merely to avoid losing to Russia while limiting weapon supplies and their use for strikes on Russian territory.

Meanwhile, Zelensky told Le Monde that "everything depends on Biden’s decision." The Ukrainian leader hopes Biden will use his remaining time in office to place Ukraine in the strongest possible position for victory.

  War in Ukraine, Zelensky, Biden, Trump, NATO
