Contents tagged with Russia

  • UN has enough evidence to indict Assad but Russia prevents it

    International Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte said that the investigation of crimes in Syria has yielded enough evidence to prosecute President Bashar Assad.

    Carla del Ponte became famous for her investigations of war crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. Last week, she said that she is withdrawing from the UN Commission on Syria in protest. She is unhappy that the UN Security Council is not creating a special tribunal for Syria, to bring to justice those responsible for war crimes.

    One of …

  • Media: Subsidiary of Russia’s Ministry of Energy becomes a monopoly fuel supplier to separatist-held territories of Ukraine

    Russian export company, Promsyrieimport, owned by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation is a monopoly supplier of fuel to the uncontrolled territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts, as reported by Ukrainian news website.

    According to the publication, in 2016 Promsyrieimport supplied the separatist-held territories of Ukraine with more than 200,000 tons of gasoline, diesel fuel, and motor oils for $116 million. This is 86% of all the fuels and lubricants sent to the …

  • Russian Minister of Defense: Damascus-controlled territory has increased by 2.5 times

    In a broadcast of the TV channel Russia 24, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said that Damascus-controlled territory has increased by 2.5 times in the last two months.

    According to him, this is a “serious success”. Shoygu said that half of the province of Deir ez-Zor is controlled by Syrian state forces. Its liberation will be decisive in the fight against the terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS).

    He specified that in Syria, since the start of the Russian Armed Forces’ operation, there …

  • Lukashenko sees danger in how Belarus-Russia relations are developing

    President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that he is concerned about the negative dynamics in the development of relations between Belarus and Russia.

    “We have a large debt under the Union State treaty. We lost a lot on many fronts. But the worst thing is that on some issues we are losing ground,” said Lukashenko.

    He also mentioned the restoration of border zones on the Belarusian-Russian border.

    We were proud of the fact that both Russians and Belarusians have equal rights here. Now we …

  • Russian Foreign Ministry says that US Army must leave Afghanistan

    The US military contingent must leave Afghanistan, as Washington’s campaign has proved to be inconclusive, said Zamir Kabulov, Russian Special Envoy for Afghanistan and the Director of the Second Asia Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    "Moscow has never hurried the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan; however, since the US army can not do anything properly, they should leave Afghanistan. The American campaign in Afghanistan has failed. Afghanistan may become a global incubator of …

  • 'Given the threat', Poland does not want to resume a small border crossing with Russia

    Poland does not want to resume a small border crossing with Russia in the Kaliningrad region "given the threat posed by Russian politics", as stated by the Polish Minister of the Interior, Mariusz Błaszczak, reports Polish Radio.

    "The small border crossing with Russia in the Kaliningrad region, given the politics of this country, has still not been restored," said the Minister.

    In addition to the above, he added that it is because of Russia’s behavior that NATO troops are located in Poland. …

  • Media: Iran shipped heavy weaponry components to Russia despite UN sanctions

    Iran shipped components of heavy weapons to Russia despite the UN Security Council sanctions. As Welt am Sonntag (the Sunday edition of Die Welt) reported with reference to sources in western intelligence agencies, the Iranian weaponry came to Russia through Syria.

    According to the article, in June two Iranian planes landed at the air base in Khmeimim, Syria, where the Russian aviation forces are based. The planes brought heavy weaponry components for further transportation to Russia. The …

  • Russian Minister of Defense hopes for continued cooperation between Russia and Serbia

    The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, and General of the Russian Army, Sergei Shoygu, is counting on the growth of military and military-technical cooperation with Serbia after the appointment of the Minister of Defense of that country, Aleksandar Vulin.

    “In recent years, we have started and done a lot. This also applies to military-technical cooperation, our assistance in the supply of arms and military equipment. Including, of course, military cooperation, joint exercises, and …

  • Media: flow of goods between Russia and separatist-held territories of Ukraine reaches $1.4 billion

    The total trade between Russia and the separatist territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2016 is estimated at about $1.4 billion, as stated in an investigation conducted by

    According to insider data of the Federal Customs Service and Russian Railways, in 2016, goods and products worth $1.2 billion were shipped from Russia to the separatist-held territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

    Last year, companies from Russia supplied goods to separatist republics for a total …

  • International Criminal Court to investigate Russia’s war in Georgia

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) has included funding for an investigation of the 2008 Russian-Georgian war in its 2018 budget, reported by Georgia Online, quoting an interview with ICC press spokesperson Fadi El-Abdallah.

    "The Assembly of ICC member countries is responsible for ensuring that the Court has sufficient financial resources within its mandate, and that all member countries are making a financial contribution to the ICC budget, which includes mobilizing the resources …