Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia denies explosion mark findings on President Kaczynski's plane

    The Polish state sub-commission conducting investigation into  the crash of President Lech Kaczyński’s Tu-154M plane said that the wing wreckage shows signs of an explosion which are not related to the collision with the birch, but the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) dismissed this claim as “baseless”, Interfax reports.

    “It is absolutely incomprehensible what these subsequent findings of the Polish experts are based on. When ballistic and explosive experts’ examinations were done …

  • Media: Authorities warn German policemen against visiting Russia

    The Ministry of the Interior of the Federal State of Lower Saxony, located in the north of Germany, warned the local police about taking private trips to Russia, reported German broadcasting company Deutsche Welle.

    The Ministry has become aware of several cases where German policemen were detained in Russia and subjected to interrogations about their official duties.

    Earlier, the publication Focus reported that, apparently, an incident that occurred with three German policemen in St. …

  • Putin plans another visit to Crimea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning another visit to Crimea. According to Russian media group RBC, he will visit the peninsula August 18-20.

    During the trip, Putin will talk with members of the Tavrida youth camp, which he visited last year. At that time, the camp will be renamed to “Creative Country Team.”

    It has also been stated that Putin will visit the Opera in Chersonesus festival in the Sevastopol Museum, scheduled for August 19-20, as well as the Night Wolves bike show, where …

  • US special representative for Ukraine Volker and Putin’s aide Surkov to meet in the end of August

    The meeting of US State Department Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker and Russian Presidential Advisor Vladislav Surkov will take place in Moscow in the last two weeks of August, a diplomatic source told the Russian publication Izvestia.

    According to a source close to the Russian presidential administration, the parties will discuss matters relating to the resolution of the situation in Ukraine and the prevention of conflict escalation.

    “Moscow will present the facts which show …

  • Ukraine withdraws from the agreement with Russia on joint export of military products

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Wednesday adopted a resolution on the termination of the intergovernmental agreement with Russia to cooperate in the export of military products to third countries.

    This document was adopted on March 24, 2004. Its purpose was to establish cooperation between the parties in the export of military products to third-world nations.

    The agreement was applicable to the military products that have been jointly developed, produced or modernized after January 1, 1 …

  • Ukrainian MP: Russia is preparing to attack Ukraine in Odessa region

    A member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security and Defense, Irina Friz, sent an appeal to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleksandr Turchinov, with proposals to minimize threats of Russian subversive activities against Ukraine from the self-declared Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic (PMR), as she indicated on her Facebook page.

    "We must pay attention to the appearance of materials that refer to plans for an offensive operation in the southern part of …

  • Gazprom claims that increase in Nord Stream’s transit did not reduce gas transit through Ukraine

    Gazprom is experiencing good dynamics in its gas exports to Europe through Nord Stream  and OPAL pipelines; at the same time, transit through Ukraine has even increased, TASS reported quoting  Chairman of the Board of Gazprom, Alexey Miller.

    "Between August 1 and August 8, production through the OPAL gas pipeline by Gazprom increased by 30%. Today, the pipeline has reached full capacity. The volume of daily gas supply to Greifswald reached 140 million cubic meters on August 8. That is, the use …

  • Electricity shortage in Crimea causes power outages in Russia

    Temporary power outages are being introduced in the Krasnodar Krai region (Russia) due to hot weather. It is also related to the difficult situation regarding energy supply of the Crimea, the administration of the Krasnodar Krai said.

    Thus, electricity outages will be conducted in the evening – from 20:00 to 23:00 for consumers in Novorossiysk, Anapa, and Gelendzhik, as well as in the Crimean Abinsk, Slavyan, Krasnoarmeisk, Temryuk districts of the Krasnodar Territory. Power outages, as has …

  • Russian reconnaissance plane flies over Washington

    On Wednesday 9th of August the Capital Police alerted the public that an "authorised low-altitude aircraft" would fly in restricted airspace between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. The message stated that the aircraft "will be large and may fly directly over the U.S. Capitol."  

    The Capitol Police further added that the aircraft "will be monitored by U.S. Capital Police and other federal government agencies." 

    The Russian Air Force TU-154 aircraft conducted the flight under the Treaty on Open Skies …

  • Analysts: Russia deploying equipment on EU border under the cover of Zapad 2017 military exercise

    Since the start of August 2017, large-scale deployment of Russian military equipment has been observed along all lines of the European border with Russia.

    This is the finding of an OSINT investigation by the international investigative community InformNapalm, Ukrinform reports.

    By monitoring social networks and analyzing photographs, InformNapalm volunteers established that since the start of August 2017, “large-scale deployment of Russian military equipment has begun along all lines of the …