Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia to send 4 mobile gas-turbine electrical power generating plants to Crimea

    Four mobile gas turbine power plants (MGTS) with a total capacity of 88 Megawatts (MW) will be delivered to the annexed Crimea from the Russian mainland in order to cover the existing energy deficit in the Region. This was announced to the Russian media by the Member of the State Duma of Russia from the annexed peninsula, Mikhail Sheremet.

    "Here, on the territory of the republic, we plan to supply four MGTS from the mainland of Russia with a capacity of 22 MW each. This is enough for us to …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: there was no strong response by the world community to Russia’s aggression on Georgia

    Due to the lack of tough and consolidated response by the world community to the “crimes of the Kremlin in Georgia,” a fifth of its country is still under “occupation,” as indicated in a statement issued by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNIAN reports.

    On the ninth anniversary of “armed aggression of Russia against Georgia,” which killed hundreds of people and left tens of thousands homeless, Ukraine confirms its respect for the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of …

  • Ukrainian official: Russia continues pouring weapons and personnel to Donbas

    Russia sent 104 trains and 53 convoys of military and motor vehicles to Donbas since the beginning of 2017. This was stated in the materials published by Yevhen Marchuk, the representative of Ukraine in one of the subgroups in the Tripartite Contact Group for the Settlement of the Situation in the Donbas.

    "When I hear the Russian propagandists writhing in hysteria over the possible transfer of defensive weapons to Ukraine by the United States and how it is sung by some of our so-called " …

  • Net profit of Russia’s Gazprom falls by a record number in the past six month

    In the first half of 2017, the net profit of the Russian monopoly Gazprom fell to almost nothing - 17.4 billion rubles ($290 million USD), down from 194.417 billion rubles ($3.24 billion USD) in January-June 2016. This is shown by Interfax’s calculations based on the company’s materials using Russian accounting standards.

    The data shows that in the second quarter of 2017, Gazprom had a loss of 90 billion rubles ($1.5 billion USD), whereas in April-June 2016 the parent company earned a symbolic …

  • Georgian Foreign Ministry calls Putin's visit to Abkhazia a 'cynical act'

    Georgia’s Foreign Ministry has called Russian President Vladimir Putin’s to Abkhazia "a continuation of the deliberate policy" by Moscow against Tbilisi.

    "This cynical action on the ninth anniversary of the Russian-Georgian war leads to the legitimization of violent changes in the borders of a sovereign state through military aggression, ethnic cleansing and occupation," the Georgian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    The Ministry believes that Putin's visit to the Republic, bypassing the …

  • Court of Arbitration in The Hague considers lawsuit filed by Naftogaz against Russia on Crimean assets

    The International Court of Arbitration in The Hague (the Permanent Court of Arbitration) began consideration of the lawsuit of Naftogaz of Ukraine against the Russian Federation over compensation for assets lost as a result of the annexation of the Crimea.

    Information about the case under consideration was reported on the arbitration website, according to Oil News.

    Naftogaz, like other Ukrainian companies, is appealing to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and …

  • Ukrainian military command: 40,000 Russian soldiers and mercenaries are stationed in Donbas

    As many as 40,000 Russian military personnel and mercenaries recruited by them oppose the Ukrainian army in Eastern Ukraine, stated Viktor Muzhenko, Chief of the General Staff and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in an interview with

    “The total number [of militants in the Donbas] which we identify at present is between 39 and 40 thousand. This is the total military group,” he said.

    Muzhenko clarified that these were regular Russian military personnel as well as …

  • Canada sends warship to the Baltic Sea

    The Canadian Navy Frigate Charlottetown has set off for the Baltic Sea to participate in a NATO operation to contain Russia, reported the Ministry of Defense of Canada.

    "The deployment of HMCS Charlottetown demonstrates Canada’s ongoing commitment to international security and cooperation as part of NATO assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe," the Defense Ministry stressed.

    The Defense Ministry added that Charlottetown’s mission to the Baltic Sea will last 6 months, …

  • NATO criticizes Putin’s official visit to Abkhazia

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to unrecognized Abkhazia, Reuters reports quoting the representative of the alliance.

    “The visit of President Putin to the Georgian region of Abkhazia on the ninth anniversary of the armed conflict undermines the efforts of the international community to reach a peaceful and agreeable solution to the conflict,” the report said.

    The NATO spokesman said that Putin’s visit should have been …

  • Ukrainian Naftogaz to increase its claim against Gazprom by $5 billion

    Naftogaz of Ukraine intends to increase the amount of claim in a lawsuit against Russian Gazprom over natural gas transit costs by $5 billion, as indicated by their Commercial Director Yuri Vitrenko on Ukrainian Channel 5.

    “We are seeking a judgement in our favor regarding the transit contract. We are claiming more than $13 billion, and we will sue for an additional $5 billion as well,” Vitrenko promised, noting that Gazprom's claims amount to $7 billion. “We expect that we will receive fair …