Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia destroyed 17,000 tons of foreign food products over the last two years

    In Russia, since August 6, 2015, about 17,000 tons of food products imported from countries that fell under Russia’s food embargo have been destroyed, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) reported.

    The territorial offices in Bryansk, Smolensk, Tver and Pskov regions located on the administrative border with Belarus are the most active in identifying the sanction products because the main attempts to smuggle prohibited products go through those …

  • Former Russian ambassador says Russia will never abandon its diplomatic estate in the USA

    Russia will seek access to its diplomatic residences in the United States and will not give up the right to them, stated the former Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak on Russia 24 TV, RIA Novosti reports. "We are going to fight [for this property]; we will never give up our rights to this dacha. And we'll see what happens next," Kislyak said.

    Kislyak accused the USA of violating international law. "They deprived us of access to our property. The Soviet state had paid a lot …

  • Lavrov: Russia will respond to US sanctions

    Russia intends to respond to all unfriendly actions of the US, as stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov following a meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Manila, Russian Foreign Ministry reported.

    The representatives of the Russian Federation and the United States discussed the crisis in relations at the meeting. In this regard, Lavrov said that “the US bill on sanctions against Russia had become another link in a chain of steps that are unfriendly and dangerous to …

  • Polish Foreign Ministry: There is no Ukrainian crisis, there is Russia’s aggression against Ukraine

    Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski told RIA Novosti in an interview that there is no Ukrainian crisis, but there is Moscow’s aggression against Kyiv.

    “Let’s start by identifying problems. There is no Ukrainian crisis, there is Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Russia sent its forces to capture the Crimea, Russia initiated the rebellion in the Donbas,” the head of the foreign policy department stressed.

    “We all know who sent the forces: Russia deployed the forces to capture the …

  • Russia introduces a schedule of power outages in Crimea

    Russia introduced temporary power outage schedule for the southern coast of Crimea as a result of the maximum load on the Simferopol – Yalta power lines being exceeded, as stated by the Ministry of Energy of Russia, according to Interfax.

    "On August 6th, at 10:33 Moscow time, an order was issued to introduce timetables for the temporary shutdown of consumption in the amount of 8 MW (...) in the power sector for the south coast of Crimea. The reason for this is the exceeding of the permissible …

  • Media: Dachas being demolished in Crimea to build road access for Kerch Bridge

    In Kerch, in the territory of the garden non-profit partnership "Zaliv", the demolition of dacha sections owned by members of the cooperative has begun, reported the local newspaper Kerch.FM, citing members of the cooperative.

    Summer residents report that the heavy equipment that is razing their lots to the ground has already been working for a week. These lots are located on territory along which will run future automotive access ways to the Kerch Bridge, which is currently under construction. …

  • Polish Foreign Minister: Poland to buy Patriot missile defense system from US because of Russian Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad

    Warsaw’s desire to deploy additional batteries of Patriot anti-air defense systems is related to Russia’s plan to rearm the missile brigade in the Kaliningrad province, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski told Kommersant in an interview.

    “Here’s your answer: Russian missiles have already been deployed there, and until now we have had no anti-air defense systems to defend ourselves in the event of a possible attack. We are not taking the first steps, we are reacting to what we see. …

  • Human rights advocates demand sanctions to be imposed on those responsible for prosecution of Ukrainian activist Balukh

    The Crimean Human Rights Group considers the case against Vododymyr Balukh to be fabricated, and has demanded that FSB officers and all those involved in the case to be included in sanctions lists.

    A representative of the organization, Volodymyr Chekrygin, stated this during an interview with Radio Liberty.

    "And now, I would like to note that in the case of Volodymyr Balukh, we insist that all persons involved in the case are included in the sanctions lists; all, not only the FSB and court …

  • Germany’s Special Representative for Cooperation with Russia calls on Ukraine to focus on Donbas conflict

    Germany's Coordinator of German-Russian Intersocietal Cooperation, Gernot Erler, said that Ukraine should focus on resolving the conflict in the Donbas, and only then return to the issue of Crimea’s de-occupation, reports According to the German special envoy, such an approach coincides with the wishes of the European community. It considers the ending of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine a matter of priority. The matter of the de-occupation of the Crimea is on the …

  • US special representative for Ukraine to visit Russia soon

    US special representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker will soon visit Russia and meet with Vladislav Surkov, advisor to the Russian president, as stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov after meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was in the Philippine capital of Manila on Sunday.

    “Rex Tillerson confirmed that such contact with our representative Vladislav Surkov has been planned and will take place soon,” RIA Novosti cites Lavrov as saying.

    Lavrov mentioned that Volker …