Contents tagged with Russia

  • Georgia accuses Russia of trying to 'legitimize regions that were forcibly taken away’

    While commenting on the reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to visit Sukhumi on August 8, Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili stated that Tbilisi would construct a meaningful response to the illegal actions of Russia, reported the Voice of America. August 8 is the day of the ninth anniversary of the Russian-Georgian war, after which Moscow recognized the independence of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region.

    "These statements, which we heard in connection with the visit …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO is not seeking confrontation with Russia

    NATO hopes for a dialogue with Russia and does not want a confrontation with Moscow, stated the Secretary General of the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    “We do not want a new cold war with Russia, we do not want a confrontation with Russia, so we are acting in a balanced and measured way. We continue to seek a dialogue with Russia, since this is our largest neighbor ... and we must try not to be nervous,” he said.

    According to Stoltenberg, the building up of Russia’s …

  • Russia suspends import of pork from Romania after Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin was denied entry

    Russia imposed a temporary ban on the supply of live pigs and pig products from Romania a few days after Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin was refused entry into the country, reported by Novosti with reference to a statement by Rosselkhoznadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance).

    Russia explained that the reason for the ban on the supply of live pigs and pig products from Romania is the outbreak of African swine fever in the country.

    “ …

  • Ukrainian activist Vladimir Balukh gives final word in Crimean court

    In his speech, Balukh pointed out that the reason for his imprisonment is not the ammunition which was allegedly found in his possession, but his principled position with respect to the “occupation of his homeland”, reported the Crimean Human Rights Group on their website.

    “The origins of this are not at all in some cartridges, not in some substance which the court inexplicably identified as explosive, there is no basis for this at all. The decision has been made to ‘take me out’ since the …

  • Foreign Minister of Estonia: twice in the past decade Russia has shown that it can invade its neighbors

    The Estonian Foreign Minister, Sven Mikser, said that Russia is a country which is ready to go to war with its neighbors to achieve political goals, in an interview with Current Time, commenting on the recent visit of the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Postimees reports.

    Answering the correspondent's question as to whether Estonia feels safe, Mikser answered, "Estonia definitely feels that our allies are protecting us. We believe that the deterrence policy really works. We neighbor a large …

  • Kremlin: Russia may reconsider the disarmament agreements with the US because of the new sanctions

    Mikhail Ulyanov, Director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the Russian Foreign Ministry admitted to Interfax that Russia could review disarmament agreements in response to new US sanctions.

    In answer to whether Moscow's retaliatory steps could touch upon the sphere of disarmament and the treaties which are in force in this area, the Foreign Ministry spokesman replied that "everything is possible in life." He recalled that in October 2016, Russia decided to suspend the …

  • Ukraine tells UN that Russia is supplying weapons to separatists in Donbas

    During the meeting of the UN Security Council in New York, the representatives of the Ukrainian delegation said that separatists in eastern Ukraine have received weapons and ammunition from the neighboring state.

    “The international policy aimed at stopping the supply of weapons to terrorists, faces a problem when the states that must adhere to it, in fact, are violating their own international obligations and promises. One of the most striking modern examples of this is the continual influx of …

  • Pence accuses Russia of trying to organize a coup in Montenegro

    During his visit to Podgorica, US Vice President Mike Pence has accused Russia of last year's attempted coup in Montenegro and attempting to destabilize the Western Balkans,  reports the news agency RTCG.

    "In these times…we must stand together in defense of all that we hold dear…Here, in Europe, we must be resolute and uncompromising in the face of aggression from an unpredictable country that casts a shadow from the east," Pence noted.

    According to Pence, Russia is trying to reshape …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry: Russia intends to escalate military action in the Donbas in response to American sanctions

    In response to the tightening of US sanctions as well as the US’s expected allocation of lethal weapons to Ukraine, Russia is planning a number of military and organizational events which will improve its abilities to escalate combat action in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, reports, citing a high-ranking source in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    “We are noting that alongside the increase in intensity of combat and, correspondingly, shipments of ammunition and weapons …

  • Kremlin admits that Russian volunteers might be fighting in Syria

    The Kremlin admits that Russian volunteers may be fighting in Syria, but says that, even so, official data of the Russian Ministry of Defense should be consulted for the number of casualties among Russian soldiers there, reports the Russian media.

    Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated this in regards to Reuters, which alleged that the number of Russians that have been killed in Syria is higher than was officially stated.

    According to him, the Russian volunteers who may be in Syria have …