Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian Prime Minister calls new U.S. sanctions against Russia 'all-out trade war'

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called President Donald Trump’s signing of sanctions against Russia an “all-out trade war.” 

    “First of all, any hope of improving our relations with the new U.S. administration is at an end. Secondly, an all-out trade war has been declared on Russia. Thirdly, the Trump administration has demonstrated complete impotence, in the most humiliating manner, in transferring executive powers to Congress. This changes the alignment of power in U.S. political …

  • Moldova declares Russian Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin a persona non grata

    The Moldovan government adopted a ruling to declare Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin a persona non grata.

    As reported by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI), according to the adopted ruling, the Russian deputy prime minister is banned from entering Moldova and from transit through its territory.“Russian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Chișinău Farit Mukhametshin was invited to the MFAEI in connection with the recent …

  • Lithuania to investigate local companies doing business in Crimea

    The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement appealing to the Prosecutor General's Office in case of media reports about possible violations by some Lithuanian enterprises of the sanctions against Russia.

    "Lithuania consistently fulfills its obligations in accordance with EU Council Regulation No. 692/2014 from June 23, 2014 in implementing the restrictions that should be applied to the importation of goods of Crimean or Sevastopol origin into the European Union in response …

  • Ex-Deputy of German Bundestag is being investigated over his visit to Crimea

    The prosecutor's office of the German city of Karlsruhe began an investigation against a former member of the Bundestag, Jörg Tauss, who visited the annexed Crimea, as reported by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin.

    “It's not worth it to go to the Crimea and it is criminal to organize group trips there. German ex-MP Tauss learned that to his cost,” wrote the Minister in his Twitter. He believes this is “an important precedent for the legal proceedings by the …

  • Resident of Crimea to be sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for hanging Ukrainian flag over his house

    The authorities want to sentence Crimean activist, Vladimir Balukh, to five years in prison for hanging the Ukrainian flag over his house, as reported by a Crimean human rights group on Facebook.

    "Today, on August 1st, at a court hearing on Balukh’s case, the prosecutor, Korolyov, asked for a sentence of five years and one month in a prison colony," the statement said.

    This term is in accordance with the criminal code of Russia. The Ukrainian activist is charged under Part 1 of Article 222 ( …

  • Media: Chechen gays hunted as terrorism suspects in Chechnya

    Chechen police have announced a search for several homosexuals suspected of involvement in the terrorist group “Islamic State” (ISIS), as reported by a source in one of the advocacy organizations which helps evacuate homosexuals, Kavkaz.Realii writes.

    According to the publication’s correspondent, in this way the Chechen law enforcement agencies are preventing the evacuation of gays from the republic.

    “Literally the other day a young girl was pronounced a terrorist. She ran away from home …

  • Ukraine will sue Russia over Kerch Strait bridge to Crimea

    Russia’s introduction of shipping restrictions through the Kerch Strait in connection with the construction of a bridge will lead to losses for Ukrainian ports and will be challenged in court, stated Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Yuriy Lavrenyuk, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    “The Ministry of Justice, within the framework of the existing lawsuits against Russia, has singled out the problem of the blocking of the Kerch Strait and imposition of restrictions on navigation. Now …

  • Ukraine submits a minute-by-minute account of the seizure of the Crimea to European Court of Human Rights

    Ukraine has submitted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg the testimony of fifty witnesses and about a hundred video recordings concerning the annexation of the Crimea, said government commissioner for the ECHR Ivan Leshchina.

    “For each videotape we have testimony of either the person who made the recording or was in it,” Leshchina said on a broadcast on Channel 5.

    We made three separate timetables. One is the arrival of the Russian troops. We showed when they arrived, …

  • Russian Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin deletes tweets on conflict with Romanian authorities

    Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin deleted all the tweets about his conflict with the Romanian authorities, who denied airspace access to a plane with him on board on July 28, Meduza website reports.

    Rogozin, who is under EU sanctions, intended to fly to Chișinău to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the peacekeeping operation in Transnistria. He was invited by the Moldovan president.

    Before the trip, the Russian official was warned that he should fly in a commercial, not a military …

  • U.S. Embassy in Russia removes its belongings from confiscated summer house

    Workers at the U.S. Embassy in Russia have vacated the summer house in Serebryany Bor and the warehouse on Dorognaya Street, Interfax reports.

    “The U.S. Embassy in Russia was able to gain access to the summer house for the diplomats in Serebryany Bor. We removed the remaining furniture, kitchen utensils and barbecue facilities, as well as equipment for the children's playground,” said press secretary of the diplomatic mission Maria Olson.

    Also, American diplomats managed to take all the …