Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: the USA is preparing a response to the expulsion of American diplomats from Russia

    Washington regrets Moscow’s decision to reduce the staff of American diplomatic missions in Russia and is considering a response, as stated to RIA Novosti by a U.S. State Department representative.

    "This unjustified measure is regrettable. We are estimating the impact of this reduction and how to respond to it. There are no other comments at this time," the U.S. State Department representative said.

    Russia responded to the passing of a new sanctions bill by the U.S. Congress by demanding a …

  • Media: Russia prepares to respond to demolition of Soviet monuments in Poland

    Russia is preparing an “asymmetric” response in answer to the adoption by Polish authorities of a law on de-communization, which provides for the taking down of monuments to Soviet soldiers in the country, reports the newspaper Izvestia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia said that the “unfriendly actions of Warsaw will, in any case, not remain without consequences.”

    Several options are considered, including personal sanctions against Polish politicians involved in drafting of the law, …

  • Russia bans internet anonymizers

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law banning the use of tools to bypass blocked internet access. The decree has been published on the official Internet portal for legal information.

    The State Duma adopted the package of amendments on July 21, which was approved by the Federation Council on July 25. According to the document, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have the right to find so-called anonymizers – services through which an internet user can access sites that …

  • Putin signs law on visitor's tax for the Crimea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that would impose a fee for the use of resort infrastructure in three regions of Russia and the annexed Crimea.

    The corresponding document is published on the Russian Federation's portal for legal information.

    It says that an "experiment on the development of resort infrastructure" will be carried out in these regions through December 31, 2022.

    Payers of the fee will be physical persons who have reached the age of majority and who are living …

  • Kremlin: Russia will continue supplying rocket engines to the USA

    Russia still intends to continue supplying rocket engines to the United States, as stated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in an interview on Russia-24 television channel.

    "Not only rocket engines. Their [the USA] narrative is very selective. They are trying not to disturb what they are interested in. They say: ‘Space is out of politics.’ We regard it as ‘Space is out of politics, but the morning sun never lasts a day,’ he said, answering a relevant question.

    The USA continues to …

  • Putin pardoned two women convicted for sending text messages about Russian tanks moving to Georgia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin pardoned Annik Kesyan and Marina Dzhandzhgava, the two women convicted of high treason as a result of text messages they sent, as reported by Meduza news web site.

    Annik Kesyan was accused of sending two text messages in 2008 to a friend in Georgia saying that she saw that the military equipment was being transported by rail.

    Then, the recipient of the message asked the woman if the tanks were being transported. In response, the woman wrote, "Yes, they are …

  • Russian Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin threatened sanctions against those who prevented him from visiting Moldova

    Russia is preparing sanctions against those involved in denying Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin entry into Romanian airspace. The incident prevented him from making a planned visit to Moldova, said Rogozin during an interview on channel Russia 24, reports TASS.

    "There will be an answer, of course. We will definitely establish who was behind these decisions in Chisinau, Bucharest, Budapest and Brussels. We will identify the persons who made these decisions. Our sanctions will be …

  • Expert: Blackout in the Crimea was due to a shortage of power supply in neighboring Russia

    The Director of the Center for Global Studies, Strategy XXI, Mykhailo Gonchar, believes that the blackout in the Crimea was due to a shortage of electricity in the neighboring regions of Russia, as he stated in a commentary with Krym.Realii.

    "The so-called energy bridge is in fact not very reliable. The neighboring region of Russia, Taman, which provides the power is as energy-deficient as the Crimea. If it's hot there, it's hot in the Crimea. We can assume that everyone turned on their air …

  • Lavrov: expulsion of American diplomats from Russia is a response to US’s hostile actions

    The decision to equalize the number of employees at the US and Russian diplomatic missions was triggered by a series of hostile moves by Washington, stated Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the Press Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry reported.

    "Lavrov stressed that the decision to equalize the number of employees of US and Russian diplomatic missions, as well as to close access to two US Embassy facilities, was …

  • Poland accuses Russia of rewriting history of World War II

    The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) believes that documents on the Red Army's liberation of the Polish territory, which have been made publicly available by the Russian Defense Ministry, falsify history.

    According to Polish researchers, information from the archive was given as proof that the Poles considered the Soviet soldiers to exclusively be liberators. An exemplary phrase is quoted: "In the summer of 1944, the troops of the First Byelorussian Front in the Brest area came …