Scholz acknowledges deadlock in Ukraine peace efforts, stresses need for negotiations

Germany is aiding Ukraine in its struggle against Russia to help the nation protect its integrity and sovereignty. At the same time, Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized the need to explore opportunities for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

To achieve peace in Ukraine, all possible methods must be considered. However, at this time, Russia is not showing any readiness or willingness to de-escalate its aggression, Chancellor Scholz said, as reported by n-tv.

The German leader highlighted Germany's support for Ukraine, which has fallen victim to an illegal aggressive attack. According to Scholz, this support is necessary for Ukraine to defend its integrity and sovereignty. "At the same time, it's crucial to explore possibilities for opening peaceful development," he added.

Scholz recalled the first Peace Summit in Switzerland, which ended with a consensus on the necessity of a new meeting, this time with the inclusion of Russia.

"It's time to take stock of the situation. It's clear that this is not working: instead, Russia is continuing the war and attacking Ukraine with great aggression. One should never forget that it is Russia that not only started the war but is also continuing it and can always contribute to ending it by stopping its aggression," the German Chancellor concluded.

Earlier, Olaf Scholz has suggested inviting Russia to the second peace summit. The German Chancellor revealed efforts aimed at quickly ending the full-scale hostilities.

Subsequent reports indicated that the Bundestag does not share the optimism regarding a peaceful resolution to the war. According to Government Spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit, there is little reason for celebration despite Chancellor Scholz's statements about the necessity of initiating negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv.

  War in Ukraine, Germany, Scholz
