Contents tagged with Russia

  • Czech Prime Minister confirms his son's visit to Crimea

    Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis confirmed that last year his son visited annexed Crimea, informs Radio Liberty’s Russian Service.

    According to the local informational website, on November 14, the head of the Czech government, while speaking to the journalists in Prague, clarified that Andrej Babis Junior was visiting Ukraine.

    The prime minister said that Babis Junior has some psychiatric problems and criticized journalists for interviewing him. According to the politician, …

  • Putin forced to go through metal detector in Singapore

    The security services at the ASEAN summit forced the Russian president to go through a metal detector, which is not usually the case for heads of state, who are normally given a separate passage without control. Despite the customary practice, Vladimir Putin was made to walk through a metal detector, Kommersant newspaper reported on Wednesday, November 14.

    “He arrived at the summit at the Suntec trade exhibition center and wanted to pass by the metal detector frame as usual, which under such …

  • Russia claims to be fighting off western cyber attacks

    The Russian military are taking all measures to ensure the information security of the Defense Ministry due to the increase in the risk of cyber-attacks by foreign countries, stated the head of the Eighth Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, Lieutenant-General Yuri Kuznetsov in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

    He said that Russian experts currently enhance security in the automated systems of the Defense Ministry, detect and eliminate cyber-attacks on …

  • Norway: Russia jammed GPS signal during NATO exercises

    The Norwegian Ministry of Defense claims that Russia, operating from the Kola Peninsula, interfered with the work of the satellite navigation systems (GPS), which were used by air traffic, during the NATO Trident juncture military exercises.

    The Aftenposten newspaper reported that the Norwegian Ministry of Defense sent a statement to the Norwegian Telegraph Bureau (NTB) accusing Russia of causing GPS failures.

    “We are monitoring the situation along with other departments concerned. It is …

  • Russia decides to restore Libya

    Russia is prepared take part in the work to restore Libya’s economy and social sphere, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev as cited by the Russian news agency TASS.

    “Restoring the economy, restoring the social sphere, prospective projects, which could be and need to be restored – this is also key for resuming normal life in Libya,” Medvedev said at a conference on Libya held in Italy.

    “We are also willing to be involved in this,” he stated.

    Medvedev noted that Russia is willing to …

  • Russia threatens to boycott Davos

    On Tuesday, during his visit to Italy, Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that Russia would boycott the World Economic Forum in Davos, if the head of VTB, Andrey Kostin, co-owner of Rusal, Oleg Deripaska, and the main shareholder of the Renova group, Viktor Vekselberg, are not allowed to come to the conference.

    The Davos forum leadership’s decision, requesting Russians that are under the sanctions not to come to the conference is "very strange," said Medvedev.

    “If these …

  • Media: Russia’s anti-Ukrainian sanctions only partial

    The restrictions that Russia imposed on Ukraine at the start of November do not include a direct ban on shipping goods from the companies under sanctions, the Russian news outlet Interfax reported, citing its own source in the financial and economic division of the Russian government.

    “The government’s decree from November 1 concerns only financial relations and does not impose a ban on trade agreements with the involvement of third parties,” the source stated.

    Products manufactured by the …

  • Russia conducts aviation exercises over the Sea of Japan

    TASS reports, citing the press service of the Russian Eastern Military District, that the reconnaissance aircraft Su-24MR of the Aerospace Forces of Russia carried out scheduled flights over the Sea of ​​Japan.

    The Su-24MR are a part of an aircraft unit deployed in the Primorsky Krai territory. During the flight, the aircraft worked on the search and detection of the hypothetical enemy’s targets. These exercises were conducted in collaboration with the air defense forces on duty and the …

  • Ukrainian politician: Hungary changed the city in which Ukrainians can receive Hungarian passports

    On November 12, before the start of the Regional Development Council in Kyiv, the head of the Zakarpattia (Transcarpathian) Regional State Administration, Gennady Moskal, stated that Budapest has postponed the issuance of its passports to residents of Zakarpattia (Transcarpathia) from Berehove to the neighboring Hungarian city of Kisvárda in eastern Hungary, UNIAN reports.

    “Nothing has changed. Well, they moved the issuance of passports to the neighboring Hungarian city of Kisvarda. People can …

  • Kremlin: Putin managed to speak with many world leaders in Paris

    More than seventy heads of state were present at the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of Armistice Day in Paris and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with many of them, said Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov.

    “He briefly exchanged a few words with the President of the United States, Donald Trump,” said Peskov. According to him, the leaders agreed that they had “something to talk about” including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. They agreed to target [for the …