Contents tagged with Russia

  • Pompeo: Nord Stream 2 undermines the economic and strategic security of Ukraine

    During the joint press-conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Washington, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that he believes that the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic Sea undermines the economic and strategic security of Ukraine.

    "We’ll keep working together to stop the Nord Stream 2 project that undermines Ukraine’s economic and strategic security and risks further compromising the sovereignty of European nations that depend on Russian gas,”  …

  • The US promises to work with Ukraine to oppose Nord Stream 2 pipeline

    The United States will work with Kyiv to stop the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline initiated by Russia, stated the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo at a press conference following the meeting with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Pavlo Klimkin.

    The US State Secretary said that he would not allow Moscow to put Ukraine under pressure. “We do not want our European friends to fall prey to the kind of political and economic manipulation Russia has attempted in Ukraine since it cast off …

  • Japanese Prime Minister Abe promises Putin not to deploy US base on the Kuril Islands

    During his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Shinzo Abe, the head of the Japanese government, promised Putin not to deploy US military bases in the south of the Kuril Islands if Moscow agrees to hand over these territories to Tokyo, reported Asahi Shimbun with reference to high-level government sources.

    As reported in the newspaper, Abe's statement confirmed his determination to continue negotiations on the disputed territories.

    According to the newspaper, the actions of the …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister calls on US senators and congressmen to increase pressure on Russia

    The press service of the Foreign Ministry reported that the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, during his visit to Washington, discussed increasing pressure on Russia with the members of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Robert Corker and Robert Menendez.

    Specifically, Klimkin informed his interlocutors about the current situation in the Donbas and in the annexed Crimea.

    "While discussing further support to our country, Pavlo Klimkin stressed the importance of …

  • Ukraine promises a harsh response if Russia closes the Azov Sea

    Iryna Lutsenko, the Ukrainian president’s representative in the Verkhovna Rada stated that there will be a severe response if Russia closes the Sea of Azov.

    According to her, in this case, Kyiv will appeal to international courts, reports Ukrinform. Also, “there will be a reaction from the Security Services of Ukraine and the Border Patrol.”

    Lutsenko noted that the countries would have to use an international convention since agreements on the use of the Azov Sea were not signed. She also …

  • Poroshenko calls on EU and the United States to increase pressure on Russia because of interference in Ukrainian elections

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had a meeting with the delegation of the US National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the European Parliament. During the meeting, he called on the EU and the US to increase pressure on Russia because to interventions in the electoral processes in Ukraine, stated the press service of the president.

     “The head of the state discussed with the representatives of NDI and the European Parliament the pre-election situation in the country and the latest development …

  • Finland summons Russian ambassador after GPS disrupted during NATO exercises

    The Finish media reported that Russia’s Ambassador to Finland Pavel Kuznetsov was summoned to the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs due to the incident with GPS disruption during the NATO exercises.

    According to the Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs Timo Soini, the meeting in the Finnish Foreign Ministry will be Monday, November 19th.

    Earlier, the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that talks with Russia are taking place through diplomatic channels regarding the issue of GPS …

  • Russia threatens to close the Azov Sea to Ukrainian vessels

    A member of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council Frants Klintsevich commented on Facebook the detention of 15 ships by Ukrainian border guards for visiting ports of Crimea, calling the situation absurd.

    “This is clearly an absurdity. And it doesn’t matter if we are talking about Russian ships or ships from foreign governments, both completely legally entered ports in the Crimea,” he stated.

    According to him, Kyiv is provoking Moscow to respond. The senator stressed …

  • Czech Republic Senate wants Prime Minister Babis to resign over ‘Crimean scandal’

    Radio Praha reports that the Czech Senate adopted a resolution that urged Prime Minister Andrej Babis to resign. According to a message, "The upper house of parliament made the following decision by a majority of votes. Members of the Social Democratic Party, an ally of the ANO movement in the government coalition also voted in favor."

    Reports say that thousands of people took to the central streets of Prague, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Andrej Babis because of the scandal over …

  • Turchynov: New Ukrainian anti-tank weapons are as good as Russian and US counterparts

    The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Oleksandr Turchynov, speaking at the Kyiv’s Armoured Plant during the transfer of the military equipment and weapons to the army, stated that the new Ukrainian high-precision anti-tank weapons characteristics are not inferior to their counterparts from Russia, Europe and the United States, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    According to Turchynov, in particular, this can be said about the Ukrainian Stugna-P anti-tank missile systems, …