Contents tagged with Russia

  • US expands sanctions against Russian companies

    The U.S. expanded sanctions lists by adding six individuals and three organizations that contributed to the oil supply to the Syrian government.  According to the U.S. Treasury, among them, were such Russian companies as the Global Vision Group and Promsyrioimport.

    The US authorities have disclosed a scheme, which bypassing Washington’s sanctions, enabled the supply of Iranian oil to Syria through Russian companies. According to the U.S. Treasury, the Global Vision Group is a Russian company …

  • Ukrainian journalist: Russia deployed additional warships in the Sea of Azov

    The corvette Kerch of the coast guard of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service arrived in Rostov on the way to the Azov Sea, stated Andrii Klymenko, the head of the Ukrainian civic movement Maidan of foreign affairs, on Facebook.

    “On November 18, at about 19:00, the towing caravan bound from Petersburg-Yaroslavl to the occupied Crimea, which included a new Svetlyak-type corvette called Kerch, arrived in the port of Rotov-on-Don. It was towed by the tugboats SHLUZOVOY 65 ( …

  • Experts predict inevitable collapse of Russian Navy

    Extreme measures will be required to deal with the critical problems faced by the Russian above-water shipbuilding industry, 3rd rank captain Maxim Klimov wrote on the website

    He claims that the “short-range ships are worn, outdated, and have effectively lost combat significance,” and that the “long-range ships are outdated, worn, expensive to run, and remain only a few units”. By the start of the 2020s, Klimov believes that this will lead to an inevitable navy “collapse”. The expert …

  • Ukrainian Internal Affairs Minister: Ukraine may suspend membership with Interpol if it is headed by a Russian

    The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov stated that Ukraine might suspend its membership in the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) if a Russian heads it.

    “Russia’s probable presidency in Interpol is absurd and contradicts the spirit and goals of the organization. In case the arguments of Ukraine and other countries will not be heard, Ukraine will consider suspending its membership in the ICPO,” he said on Twitter.

    The need to elect a new head of Interpol arose after …

  • Ukrainian President: For the first time European Council discussed Russian aggressive actions in the Sea of Azov

    The European Council discussed Russia's aggressive actions in the Sea of Azov for the first time, stated Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

     “I welcome the promising results of the work of the Ukrainian-American Strategic Partnership Commission which has been revived after a long pause. Grateful to Donald Trump , State Secretary Mike Pompeo, all American friends for a shoulder of strong support and unwavering solidarity with Ukraine!” Poroshenko wrote on Twitter.

    In addition, Poroshenko …

  • Putin: Russia will respond if US withdraws from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the United States withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), promising that this move by Washington will not remain unanswered by Moscow, TASS reports.

    “Today I propose to discuss our steps related to the possible United States withdrawal from the medium and shorter missiles treaty. The United States decision to withdraw from this treaty, of course, cannot remain and will not remain unanswered on our part,” said Putin.

    The …

  • Ukraine: Russian military refuses to serve in Donbas

    The command of the Russian armed forces in the Donbas is intensively calling for more and more Russian military. However, they are massively refusing to serve, in particular, due to the unofficial status of their service there, stated the speaker of the Ministry of Defense, Dmytro Hutsulyak, during a briefing, with reference to the information of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

    According to the speaker, since the beginning of November this year, in all …

  • Russian mercenaries ask Hague to investigate owners of private military companies

    Russian armed forces veterans and mercenaries from Russian private military companies (PMCs) have asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague to start an investigation into the organizers of the PMCs and the entities assisting them.

    Yevgeny Shabaev, chairman of the All-Russian Officers’ Assembly, told Radio Liberty that the petition to ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has been signed by 357 delegates from 52 regions of Russia, who represent 18 all-Russian and international public …

  • Russia and the West disagree about Syria chemical attack investigations

    A conflict has arisen between Russia and western countries concerning the plans to give the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the authority to identify who is to blame for the chemical attacks. Russia’s representatives say that these plans contravene the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    At a conference of OPCW participant countries on Monday, November 19, Russian permanent representative to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin said that the organization’s mandate does not imply an …

  • Media: Belgian and Dutch farmers export pears to Russia despite sanctions

    Fruit companies from the Netherlands and Belgium are supplying their products to Russia despite the sanctions imposed by the EU and Moscow’s counter sanctions, reported the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. The newspaper cites the information received during the negotiations between the suppliers of Belgian pears with Russian importers.

    On August 7, 2014, Russia prohibited the importation of meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits from the EU. The President of Russia imposed a ban in the response …