Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin visits annexed Crimea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the annexed Crimea to have a number of working meetings and take part in a meeting of the State Council Presidium, reported press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

     “The president will most likely stay longer here to hold a number of meetings with the members of the government, deputy prime ministers, and the leadership of the Kremlin administration,” the Russian news agency TASS quoted Peskov.

    He added that after this kind of meetings, " …

  • Media: Gas supplies via Turkish Stream will go through Hungary and Slovakia bypassing Ukraine

    The Russian gas monopoly Gazprom chose its gas supplies’ route to Europe along the second Turkish Stream line. It will go through Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia, reported the Russian newspaper Kommersant citing materials published by the countries’ gas transmission operators.

    These materials were published in October-November as part of the procedure for booking future capacity (open season) which is stipulated by the legislation of the European Union (NC CAM) and is necessary for the …

  • Head of Roscosmos speaks of collapse of Russian space program

    Nearly all of the production equipment belonging to Roscosmos, the Russian State Corporation for Space Activities, is outdated, the company’s director Dmitry Rogozin told RIA Novosti.

    By Rogozin’s assessment, at least 87% of the capabilities of the Russian space industry do not meet modern standards.

    “Despite the fact that Roscosmos’s production funds are severely outdated and that modern equipment accounts for no more than 13%, it is only a question of money,” Rogozin said.

    However, he …

  • NATO thanks Russia for 'assistance' during military exercises

    During the NATO military exercises Trident Juncture 2018, Russia created obstacles to the operation of the GPS equipment. Nevertheless, Russia unwittingly helped the Alliance forces who performed military tasks to improve skills, stated NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller, Ukrinform reported.

     “The representatives of the commanding staff of the exercises said that they expected such actions by Russia. They believe this helped to train better since Russia’s attempts to interfere …

  • Another head of Russian intelligence dies

    For the second time in three years, the head of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) has died. According to the official explanation, Colonel General Igor Korobov died after a “severe and lengthy illness”. However, several sources in the media believe that his health only started to deteriorate after he was taken to task by Vladimir Putin.

    Igor Korobov was appointed head of the GRU in January 2016, replacing the recently deceased Igor Sergun.

    During his time in the position, Korobov …

  • Media: coup in Montenegro was organized by a Russian intelligence agent

    Russian citizen Vladimir Popov, who was placed on the international wanted list after organizing an attempted coup in Montenegro, has been identified as Vladimir Moiseev, an agent of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), as reported by the investigative group Bellingcat and The Insider on November 22.

    The journalists’ investigation materials show that 38 year-old Moiseev, after graduating from the Tyumen High Military Engineering Command School, was trained between 2006 and 2009 in …

  • Russia considers changing conditions for use of nuclear weapons

    Participants in the round table of the Russian Federation Council’s Defense and Security Committee have advised the Russian Security Council to update its conditions for the use of nuclear weapons, Deutsche Welle reports, citing the Russian news agency RIA Novosti.

    “The interdepartmental commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on military security proposes that the following matters be considered: the drafting of a new version of ‘Basis of the Russian Federation’s policy …

  • Russia wants to sell Igla-S MANPADS to India

    The news agencies Interfax and RIA Novosti, citing their sources, report that Russia’s tender to supply India with Igla-S MANPADS was accepted.

    At the same time, a TASS military-diplomatic source said that Russia had not yet won the tender, but “there is a high degree of probability that Russia will win in the competition to supply MANPADS.”

    Earlier, Reuters reported that the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport offered the lowest price among bidders for the supply of MANPADS for the Indian …

  • Russia began Missile Forces' rearmament with new MLRS

    The chief of the Missile Forces and Artillery Forces, Mikhail Matveyevsky, announced that this year, Russian Federation begins rearmament from large-caliber multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) Smerch to more modern Tornado-S systems.

    In an interview with the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, Matveyevsky stated that modernized self-propelled howitzers 2S19M2 Msta-SM are fully integrated into a tactical single level control system, as well as a modernized mid-caliber multiple-launch rocket system, …

  • Russian National Guard buys laser weapons to disperse protests

    The Russian National Guard will soon have laser weapons at its disposal. According to a report by Open Media and RBC based on current state procurements, the Russian Guard is purchasing laser emitters which can deafen and blind people. The non-lethal systems will be mounted on GAZelle vehicles and colored “mouse-gray” at the client’s request. The laser emitters can create “acoustic pressure” which exceeds the human pain threshold. At 10 meters, the volume is an ear-splitting 135 dB.

    In …