Contents tagged with Russia

  • Latvia condemns the blockade of the Azov Sea by Russia

    The blockade of the Azov Sea is another proof of Russia's consistent destructive regional policy. Russia continues aggression in the Donbas and does nothing to de-escalate the conflict, said Latvian President Raimonds Vējonis at a joint briefing with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv, Ukrinform reported.

    "Latvia strongly condemns Russian aggression in Donbas. Unfortunately, Moscow does not take any steps to de-escalate the conflict. The blockade of the Sea of Azov is another proof …

  • Media uncovers ties between Wagner private military company and Putin’s chef

    The BBC Russian service has found a connection between the Wagner private military company (PMC) and the businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is also known as “Putin’s Chef”.

    Megaline, a company affiliated with Prigozhin, built a chapel in Russia’s Rostov province to commemorate the Russian volunteers who died in Syria. It has also built a number of facilities for the Defense Ministry, including a small military town in the region of the Belgorod province bordering with Ukraine.

    The company …

  • Prague accuses Russia of trying to destroy the Czech Republic

    Director of the Czech Security Information Service (BIS) Michal Koudelka said during an international conference “Current Security Threats” that the Russian special services intend to destroy the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance, and especially the Czech Republic.

    “The main problem is posed by spies from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service and the Main Intelligence Directorate, who are very active and aggressive,” said the Director of the BIS. He asserted that “agents of …

  • US on Holodomor: today once again Russia is trying to destroy Ukraine’s identity

    The United States Department of State published a statement on the anniversary of the Holodomor in which Washington condemned this crime and expressed support for the Ukrainian people. 

    "This month we join Ukrainians around the world in marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, when millions of innocent Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by the regime of Josef Stalin. The Soviet Union’s barbaric seizure of Ukrainian land and crops was undertaken with the deliberate political …

  • Ukraine starts withholding Gazprom gas transit payments to recover the debt

    Ukraine’s national oil and gas company Naftogaz recovered $3.8 million received in overpayment from Gazprom for the transit of gas in October towards the amount that Gazprom is obliged to pay according to the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration Court.

    “Naftogaz of Ukraine sent a statement to Gazprom about withholding the funds received for transit of gas this October in the amount of $3.8 million as payment of a fine that the Russian monopoly owes according to the Arbitration decision from …

  • President of Slovakia: Nord Stream 2 is a purely political project

    The President of Slovakia, Andrei Kiska, at a joint briefing with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, announced that Nord Stream 2 is a purely political project, reports "112 Ukraine".

    "Slovakia has always emphasized that this is not economic, but a political project, and it is very important to understand this when someone constantly repeats that this is only a business project. Absolutely not! This is a purely political project," said Kiska.

    In turn, Petro Poroshenko added that today …

  • Ukrainian President: Putin’s visits will not make Crimea Russian

    Commenting on Putin’s trip to Crimea for an extensive meeting of the State Council Presidium of the Russian Federation Ukrainian, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated that Putin’s visits to Crimea will not make the peninsular Russian.

    “We consider these Russian president’s visits as a gross violation of international law. I would like to emphasize separately that these visits - and I hope they hear us in Russia – will not make Crimea Russian. Crimea is Ukraine. It was and always will be, …

  • Ukrainian representative: PACE refuses to ensure return of Russian delegation

    The chairman of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE Volodymyr Aryev wrote on Facebook that at a PACE meeting in Helsinki, it was decided to abandon almost all changes to PACE regulations which Russia asked for in order to return to PACE .

    “The Council left only one point: in case a delegation’s right to vote is revoked, this does not apply to the election of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the judges of the ECHR (European Human Rights Court) and the Commissioner for Human Rights,” …

  • Relatives of those killed in the MH17 crash suing Russia

    Radio Livery reports, citing the Netherlands media, that relatives of the 55 victims who died in the crash of the  Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in 2014 in the Donbas airspace filed a suit against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights.

    “Russia has not provided vital information to an international group of investigators. Furthermore, the facts provided by them ended up being incorrect,” the media writes citing the relatives’ lawyer.

    In 2016 relatives of the victims from Australia, …

  • Russian Foreign Minister: we will not beg our 'colleagues' to lift sanctions

    Moscow does not plan to ask for the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions said Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov at a press conference with his Italian counterpart Enzo Moavero Milanesi, RIA Novosti reports.

     “We understand that sanctions are a reality. We did not create this mess. And we will not beg our colleagues in Europe or anywhere else to cancel these sanctions,” said the foreign minister.

    Lavrov cited data according to which, the total damage due to all sanctions is about $ 100 billion, …