Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin wants to discuss the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with the United States

    Russian information agencies reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow wants to restore a full-scale dialogue with the United States on the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

    Kremlin also stated that Putin he might be able to meet with Trump at the G20 summit in Argentina. According to Kremlin, the meeting in Argentina is being prepared, and that the time, date, and content are under negotiation.

    On Sunday, October 21, during his speech in front of his supporters …

  • Kremlin: Trump and Putin did not discuss the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in Paris

    US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin did not discuss the fate of the  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) treaty while they were in Paris, the press secretary of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov stated on Sunday, Interfax reported.

    Earlier, Russian information agencies reported that Putin stated that Moscow wants to resume the large-scale dialogue with the USA on the fate of the historical missile treaty concluded during the Cold War.

    Information agencies …

  • Kremlin: Putin and Trump agreed to meet at the G20 summit

    According to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, presidents of the United States and Russia, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, confirmed their intention to talk during the G-20 summit in Argentina, writes Interfax.

    Peskov, answering the question whether the leaders of the two countries confirmed their intention to talk separately in the capital of Argentina, said: "Yes. We agreed to meet there."

    Earlier, Putin said that he was able to talk with Trump …

  • NATO: elections in the DPR and LPR contradict the Minsk Agreements

    NATO refuses to legitimize the elections that took place in the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, stated the NATO Press Office on their website on November 11. "They run contrary to the letter and spirit of the Minsk Agreements and undermine efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict,” the statement reads.

    "NATO fully supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We continue to call on Russia to withdraw …

  • Poland urges the European Union to punish Russia for elections in LPR and DPR

    In a statement published on the Polish Foreign Ministry’s website, Warsaw stated that Russia must be punished for conducting  elections in the Donbas.

    “These “elections” in the so-called DPR and LPR are part of the policy of a forced change of the status quo carried out by Russia, that is also manifested in promoting the militarization of the Crimea as well as aggressive activities in the Azov Sea,” stated the Polish Foreign Ministry.

    The Foreign Ministry notes that these “elections” go …

  • Austrian intelligence unmasks second Russian spy in one week

    For more than a year, the Austrian Prosecution Office has been investigating a employee of the Office for Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism (BVT) who is suspected of spying for Russia, reported the Austrian news outlet Kronen Zeitung with reference to sources in the economic and corruption prosecution office.

    “An Austrian counterintelligence agent is suspected of disclosing state secrets. According to Austrian legislation, the punishment for this may be up to ten years in …

  • Media: Austrian colonel who spied for Russia was exposed by Germany

    An Austrian colonel who worked for Russian Intelligence was exposed by German counterintelligence that handed over the information to the colleagues in Austria, reported Profil magazine.

    Earlier, Austrian authorities said that the information on the Russian spy was handed over to Vienna by a “friendly intelligence agency.” According to Profil, the Austrians were referring to the German Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD).

    The magazine is currently investigating where the retired …

  • Volker: New US sanctions acknowledge Russia’s control over Donbas

    The financial sanctions on Russia which the US Treasury Department announced on November 8 are the first to officially recognize that Russia has complete control over the situation in the Donbas, said Kurt Volker, The US State Department’s Special Representative for Ukraine, Voice of America reports.

    For the first time, the sanctions are also being placed on private entities who are “facilitating the integration of Crimea” through their financial investments, as well as persons complicit in …

  • Russian oligarch Rybolovlev suspected of corruption returns to Moscow from Monaco

    Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, suspected of corruption and commercial bribery in Monaco returned to Moscow despite the ongoing investigation, representatives of Rybolovlev told Reuters on Saturday. On November 7, Monaco police detained and questioned the oligarch who owns the football club AS Monaco.

    According to Dmitry Chechkin, a representative of the businessman, “Rybolovlev is now in Moscow.” Chechkin explained that Rybolovlev was released without bail and the authorities of Monaco …

  • Russia admits its vulnerability to US nuclear missiles in Europe

    The deployment of American nuclear missiles in Europe, which will become possible once the US withdraws from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, will render Russia’s “Dead Hand” nuclear response system ineffective, said Colonel-General Viktor Yesin, former head of Russia’s Strategic Missile Troops, in an interview with Zvezda, the Russian Defense Ministry’s official press outlet.

    The Dead Hand system, also known as Perimetr in Russia, is operational and has even been …