Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin's aide Surkov congratulates Pushilin and Pasechnik on their election victory

    Vladislav Surkov, aide to the Russian President congratulated the leaders of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik on their election victory, said Alexey Chesnakov, the Director of the Political Conjuncture Center as quoted by TASS.

    “The congratulatory letter said that the high voter turnout showed the world that proud and smart people, who believe in themselves and can defend themselves, live in the Donbas, and strongly …

  • Georgia condemns elections in LPR and DPR

    Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the elections in the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics illegal. “Holding such illegal elections in the regions where Ukrainian authorities cannot exercise legitimate jurisdiction due to Russia’s effective control over them violates the basic rules and principles of international law and is a flagrant interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine,” the Ministry stated.

    According to Tbilisi, “the elections contradict [Russia’s] …

  • Armenia may buy Su-30 fighters from Russia

    Acting Armenian Defense Minister David Tonoyan announced on Monday, November 12, at a press conference in Yerevan that his country is negotiating the purchase of Russian fighter jets. “Yes, these will be Su-30s,” he responded when asked which fighters were being discussed.

    Tonoyan also said that no decision has been made to buy Swedish multipurpose Saab JAS-39 Gripen fighters for the Armenian Air Force, despite reports in the media. However, he did note that Yerevan has received an offer “from …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO is not going to deploy nuclear missiles in Europe

    The North Atlantic Alliance does not plan to deploy new missiles with nuclear warheads in Europe, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Interfax Ukraine.

    “NATO is not going to deploy new missiles with nuclear warheads in Europe… But, as an alliance, we are committed to the safety of all member countries of NATO,” he said, commenting on the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF).

    Stoltenberg noted that NATO member countries have constantly …

  • Kremlin: meeting between Putin and Trump in Argentina may not happen

    The meeting between the presidents of Russia and the US Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump remains up in the air. After the cancellation of talks in Paris during the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, the discussions in Argentina at the G20 summit are also at risk.

    Interfax reports that spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov stated that the American side is slow in preparing a meeting that Putin publicly asked for from Trump’s national security adviser John …

  • Russia gives Belarus new $630 million loan

    Belarus has managed to negotiate a new loan from Russia for 2019, the Belarusian state news agency BelTA reported, citing the country’s Finance Minister Maksim Yermolovich.

    “Everything is in order, all the decisions have been made. The question now remaining is the drafting of the agreement. But that is already next year,” he said, adding that Minsk is not expecting any new decisions from Russia or from itself.

    The loan in question will be for $630 million, Russian Finance Minister Anton …

  • Ukraine and US agree to continue opposing Nord Stream 2

    Ukraine and the United States have agreed to continue opposing the construction of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2, reported Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s press service following a meeting between him and US Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

    “The parties pointed out the need to continue opposing the Nord Stream 2 project and also to diversify energy carrier sources, especially by expanding the possibilities for shipping liquefied gas from the US,” the press release states.

    During …

  • Media: Russia wanted to invite DPR representatives to the OSCE meeting

    During the OSCE Permanent Council meeting in Vienna on November 12, Representatives of the Russian Federation proposed to invite the DPR and the LPR representatives to speak at the meeting over Skype.

    According to Novosti Donbasa news outlet, Russians put forward this proposal during a meeting dedicated to "elections" held by Russia in LRP and DPR last Sunday.

    The delegations of Ukraine, the U.S., Canada and the European Union blocked this proposal. The representatives of Italy, which is …

  • Finnish Prime Minister: Russia might be responsible for GPS failures during NATO exercises

    During an interview with Yle news agency, the Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilä stated that he believes that the failures of the GPS navigation system that occurred during the NATO Trident Juncture military exercises can be attributed to Russia.

    “In technical terms, it is relatively easy to disrupt radio signals, and it is possible that Russia is behind this,” said Sipilä, adding that Russia has the means to do it. “This is a message to all countries participating in the military exercises, …

  • Putin supports Macron's idea of forming a European army

    In an interview with RT France during his visit to Paris, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that French President Emmanuel Macron's idea of forming unified European armed forces reflects a “generally positive process”.

     “As for the alternative all-European armed forces, this is not a new idea. President Macron has reanimated it but one of the ex-presidents of France, Jacques Chirac, also told me about it. These ideas existed even before him,” Putin said.

     “Europe is a powerful economic …