Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia received an advance payment from Turkey for S-400 missile systems

    Russia received an advance payment from Turkey for the S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, as indicated by Vladimir Kozhin, Presidential Aide for military technical cooperation on September 29. "Yes, we received it. We cannot discuss the time frame for deliveries at this time," Kozhin said.

    According to him, Turkey wants the S-400 deliveries to start before 2019, however this issue is still being discussed. Earlier, the Undersecretary for Defense Industries of Turkey, Ismail Demir, said that …

  • US to strengthen sectoral sanctions against Russia

    The United States considers further strengthening of sanctions against the energy and banking sectors of the Russian economy, which were imposed for its aggression against Ukraine, as stated by the US Treasury, Radio Liberty reports.In a month, on November 28th, restrictions will be imposed on the terms for financing Russian companies under sanctions by the US legal entities or individuals, as well as from within the United States.

    For Russian companies in the energy sector, the time during …

  • Crimean government employees fired for mining bitcoins at the workplace

    Two employees of the Council of Ministers of the Crimea have paid for installing software for mining bitcoins on a government server with their posts, as announced at a press conference in Sevastopol by the head of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Crimea, Alexander Akshatin.

    "The people have been fired. I think that in the future there will be no interest [in doing something like this]," RIA Novosti news agency quotes Akshatin as saying.

    The Committee head explained that the incident …

  • Putin: conditions are in place to end the war in Syria

    Conditions have been created in Syria allowing for the end of the war, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the TV channel Russia-24 reports.

    “The necessary conditions have been created for putting an end to the fratricidal war in Syria, completely destroying terrorists and allowing Syrians to return to peaceful life," said Putin.

    He said that the earlier decisions on creating "de-escalation zones" in Syria created the conditions for the …

  • German Ambassador to Russia: Investors in Russia concerned about scandal with Siemens turbines

    The scandal surrounding Siemens turbines has heightened the concern of foreign investors in Russia, stated German Ambassador to Russia Rüdiger von Fritsch in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant.

    “The anxiety and uncertainty among foreign investors in Russia has been exacerbated by the fact that even a company such as Siemens, which has been operating in the world for more than 160 years and has created 3,000 jobs here, cannot rely on written and oral promises,” said the ambassador.

    The …

  • Russia threatens to block Telegram messenger, Google and Facebook

    The Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Nikolay Nikiforov, stated that Telegram and other Internet services that refuse to comply with Russian legislation will not work in Russia, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    "We have no prejudiced attitude to either Russian or foreign Internet services. As it is written in the law, so it will be, without options. Services that don’t comply with Russian laws in Russia, won’t work in Russia," said the Minister in response to …

  • Russia promises to retaliate if US infringes on the Treaty on Open Skies

    The spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova has stated that they will take adequate measures if the United States complicates the conduction of Russian observation flights over US territory, reported TASS.

    "Regarding the measures that the United States is imposing - which, as the media write, are intended to make it difficult to conduct Russian observation flights over America - we will evaluate them, including from the point of view of compliance with the Treaty (on …

  • Kremlin: the deployment of UN monitors on the Russian border violates the Minsk agreements

    Moscow believes that the Ukraine’s insistence on the need to place the UN peacekeeping mission primarily on the Russian-Ukrainian border violates the sequence of the stages of the Minsk agreement, as stated by the official spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

    "Immediately after the introduction of the Russian draft resolution, it was distorted in much of Ukrainian mass media, and presented completely differently," Zakharova said. “One of the serious problems in the …

  • Russia announces withdrawal of all troops from Belarus after Zapad-2017 exercises

    A week after the completion of the Zapad-2017 exercises, Russia has withdrawn its last troops from the territory of Belarus, the press service for the exercises reports.

    It is reported that the last Russian echelon with military equipment and personnel has gone to its point of permanent deployment.

    "The last train with personnel and equipment of units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that took part in the SSU-Zapad-2017 has departed for home from one of the railway stations in …

  • ISIS announces capture of two Russian soldiers in Syria

    The terrorist group ISIS captured two Russian soldiers in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, reported SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors the activities of terrorists, citing Amaq news agency.

    It was also reported that one of the Russian soldiers was killed.

    Later, a representative of the Russian Khmeimim Air Base told Russia’s Interfax news agency that the information about the capture and death of Russian military in the Deir ez-Zor province is untrue.

    “There were no incidents connected …