Contents tagged with Russia

  • Crimean authorities: more than a hundred foreign delegations visited the peninsula in the last half year

    The permanent representative of annexed Crimea under the President of Russia, Georgy Muradov, stated that groups of foreign politicians, businessmen and public figures regularly visit the Crimea. According to him, over the past six months, more than a hundred such groups visited the peninsula.

    He said this on September 27 at a video press conference bridging Moscow and Simferopol. RIA Novosti Krym reported Muradov as saying that the said visits would influence the formation of international …

  • Russia says it will build together with the US a moon orbiting station

    Russia and the United States agreed to create a shared space station named Deep Space Gateway, which will operate in the Moon's orbit, as stated by the head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov, at the International Astronautical Congress in Australia, Interfax reports.

    According to Komarov, the first modules of the space station can be put into orbit as early as 2024-2026.

    "We have agreed that we will jointly participate in the project to create a new international near-moon station called Deep Space …

  • President Dodon outraged at barring of Russian journalist from Moldova

    Russian journalist Daria Aslamova, who set out for Chisinau for an interview with President Igor Dodon, has been refused entry into the country, as reported by the Moldovan President on his Facebook page.

     “I am angered by the non-admittance to our country of ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ correspondent Daria Aslamova”, wrote Dodon.

    He also complained that “today, it is necessary to send a personal invitation for every Russian journalist who arrives in our country.”

    According to reports by Russian …

  • Russian State Duma accuses Ukraine of 'ethnocide of Russians' and prepares statement to UN, OSCE and PACE

    The Council of the Federation of the State Duma of Russia adopted a statement on the inadmissibility of imposing restrictions in Ukraine regarding obtaining education in native languages by indigenous peoples and national minorities.

    “The law on education, signed by the President of Ukraine, will become an act of ethnocide of the Russian people in Ukraine, as the law violates the basic standards of the UN and the Council of Europe on the protection of the linguistic identity of indigenous …

  • Kadyrov asks Russia to increase subsidies to Chechnya because of high birth rate

    In his Instagram post, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, asked Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak to take into account the high birth rate in the republic when formulating the budget.

    “We also touched upon the issue of high rates of population growth in Chechnya due to the high birth rate. This puts some work before us that requires prompt resolution. It should be taken into account when forming the budget,” he wrote.

    Kadyrov noted that when calculating subsidies when working out the …

  • Media: Russia-NATO Council frozen until the end of the year

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has frozen the NATO-Russia Council until the end of the year, reports the newspaper Izvestia, citing Russian diplomatic sources.

    It is noted that the pretext for such a step was the Russian-Belarusian Zapad-2017 exercises, which took place from September 14-20 at a training area in Belarus, as well as in the Kaliningrad, Leningrad, and Peskov oblasts in the Russian Federation.

    “The Russia-NATO Council will be frozen until the end of this year, at the …

  • US Department of Defense and Department of State officially recommend the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine

    A decision on the provision of lethal weapons support to Ukraine is now at the White House. Joseph Dunford, spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces, announced this during a Senate hearing, reports Radio Liberty. At the same time, he did not name a deadline for the adoption of the decision by the White House.

    “The US Department of Defense and State Department have officially recommended the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine,” noted Senator Roger Wicker during the …

  • Deputy Head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People sentenced to two years in prison

    The Simferopol District Court, which is under the control of the Russian authorities, found Ilmi Umerov, deputy head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, guilty of calls for separatism and sentenced him to two years in prison in a colony settlement, reported his attorney Mark Feygin.

    The prosecutor’s office asked that Umerov be given a three-and-a-half-year suspended sentenced.

    Umerov was arrested in Simferopol on May 12, 2016. An hour before his arrest, he posted information on his …

  • Russian national, owner of Spanish soccer team, detained in Spain over ties with Russian mafia

    Russian businessman Alexander Grinberg, as well as nine persons connected with him were detained in the Spanish resort town of Marbella as well as in neighboring Mijas.

    The representative of the Spanish Civil Guard (Gendarmerie) reported to DW (Deutsche Welle) on Tuesday, September 26th that the detainees are suspected of laundering money from the "Russian mafia," in particular, the Moscow organized crime group (OCG) Solntsevskaya, as well as the creation of a "criminal community" in Spain. …

  • Russia threatens to block Facebook

    Facebook may stop its work in Russia in 2018 if it does not comply with the law on the localization of personal data, said the head of Roskomnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) Alexander Zharov, reports Interfax.

    "The law applies to everyone. In any case, either we will accomplish the law’s implementation, or the company will cease working on the territory of the Russian Federation, as, unfortunately, was the case with  …