Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: Four governors in Russia may lose their positions by the end of the week

    This week, in several Russia’s regions, a reshuffle of local governors may take place. According to newspaperKommersant, one of the vacated seats may be given to the head of state-run aerospace concern Oboronprom.

    Kommersant’s reports citing its sources that this week's resignations are expected in the Ivanovo, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Novosibirsk, and Omsk regions, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO), and the Krasnoyarsk and Altai Krais. However, the interlocutors of the newspaper …

  • Siemens rethinks its procedure of working with Russian customers after the turbine-delivery scandal

    After the delivery of Siemens turbines to a power plant in the Crimea in defiance of sanctions and without the manufacturer’s consent, the German concern plans to take measures regarding any future cooperation with Russian customers, CEO of Siemens AG, Joe Kaeser said in an interview with the German magazine Spiegel.

    "In any case, our trusting relations with Russia, formed over more than 160 years, were spoiled," he said, stressing that this was "not a trivial trespass." "On the other hand, …

  • Russia to conduct large-scale exercises of its Strategic Missile Forces

    In late September, Russia will conduct large-scale, command and staff exercises for the Strategic Missile Forces in the Novosibirsk region. More than four thousand military and about 400 units of equipment will participate in the maneuvers, the Russian Defense Ministry announced.

    "We will work on an extensive list of tasks, including achieving highest levels of combat readiness, maneuvering the routes of combat patrolling, countering subversive groups and strikes of precision weapons, …

  • Kremlin: Americans are incapable of defeating Russians

    First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council's Committee on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich considers the US military’s training manual to be useless in the case of an armed conflict between Russia and the United States, RIA Novosti news agency reports.

    "No kind of manual will help them if they go crazy and start some kind of confrontation with Russia. Neither in military-technical terms, nor in moral-psychological training, are they capable of fighting the Russians," …

  • Russian police did not allow march in support of peace with Ukraine to walk through St. Petersburg

    The police did not allow an unauthorized peace march in St. Petersburg to pass along Nevsky Prospekt. A total of about 200 people participated in the march.

    The march, scheduled for September 24, the International Day of Peace, was to start at 2 p.m.

    According to the publication Fontanka, by that time the participants of the march had gathered near the Kazan Cathedral, and 40 minutes later were to head towards the Senate Square along the main thoroughfare of the city. The police blocked part …

  • Russian general who commanded separatists in eastern Ukraine killed in Syria

    Russian general Valery Asapov was killed in Syria, as initially reported by the radio station Govorit Moskva (Moscow Speaks) with a reference to a source in the headquarters of the Fifth Army of the Russian Federation. According to their information, Asapov did not respond to attempts to contact him after 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. It is assumed that he was killed in a mortar strike at the command post in Syria.

    Later, information appeared on social networks stating that the incident occurred near …

  • As Assad’s Army converges on Der ez-Zor Russia sends pontoon equipment to help cross Euphrates

    Russia has started deployment of equipment to help Assad’s army battling for Deir ez-Zor cross Euphrates River, writes Russian newspaper Vestnik Mordovii (Messenger of Mordovia).

    A batch of PMM-2M self-propelled ferries has been delivered to Khmeimim airbase in Syria.

    The ferries are intended for transportation of tanks, self-propelled artillery and other non-amphibious vehicles. The ferries are highly mobile and can reach speed of up to 55 km/h over terrain and 11 km/h on water. It can …

  • Russia opposes UN proposal to limit the veto power of permanent members of the Security Council

    According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein, Aurelia Frick, 114 countries have already supported the initiative of ​​limiting the veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council, reports RIA Novosti.

    According to Frick, "the response to this initiative was exceptional."

     "This initiative is based on voluntary self-restraint of the permanent members of the Council in situations when it comes to mass atrocities. It is based on our deep conviction that a Veto is not …

  • Russia accuses the US of providing safe passage to Syrian Democratic Forces into Deir ez-Zor through ISIS positions in Syria

    The United States Special Forces ensure the unimpeded movement of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the positions of the Islamic State, as stated by the Russian Defense Ministry on Facebook.

    "Without meeting any resistance from ISIS, the SDF forces are moving along the left bank of the Euphrates River towards the city of Deir ez-Zor. Aerial images, which were taken from September 8 to 12, 2017 over the positions of ISIS, recorded a large number of American armored Hummer vehicles …

  • Russian Ministry of Defense organizes a missile and artillery armament conference in Crimea

    The second All-Russian scientific and practical conference devoted to "topical problems of the development and operation of missile and artillery weapons, special weapons and naval equipment" will be held in annexed Sevastopol from September 27 to 29 at the Nakhimov Black Sea High Navy School, as announced  by the press service of the Russian Southern Military District on September 23.

    "The purpose of the conference is to exchange scientific and practical experience and to define the main …