Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian State Border Service buys 50 km of fence to install on the Crimea-Ukraine border

    The Russian-controlled Border Service of the Federal Security Service for the Crimea announced the purchase of 49.5 km of a fence for installation near the administrative border with annexed Crimea, Kryminform news agency reports with reference to the website of state purchases of neighboring Russia.

    According to the document, 212.9 million rubles ($3.6 million) were allocated for the purchase and installation of a full-profile fence. "The engineering barrier is intended for use as a part of …

  • Russia: the US intends to withdraw from Open Skies Treaty

    The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Washington was going to restrict the conditions of Russian military aircraft flights over the territory of the United States within the framework of the Treaty on Open Skies. This was announced by Mikhail Ulyanov, Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control, as reported by Russia's RBC news agency.

    "Yes, we know that Americans are going to take such steps. There is a plenary meeting of the Commission on Open Skies …

  • Volker: Russian proposal on peacekeepers in Donbas will further divide Ukraine

    The deployment of UN peacekeepers in the Donbas under the Russian scenario is unacceptable, as this option will further divide the country. However, Russia is already ready for negotiations, as expressed by the US Special Representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, in an interview with Voice of America.

    "I believe that the fundamental goals of US policy are clear, as are Ukraine's goals, and they are to restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as ensure the security …

  • Lithuanian Ministry of Defense accuses Russia of 'simulating an attack' on Baltic states

    The head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense, Raimundas Karoblis, said that during the Belarusian-Russian Zapad-2017 tactical exercises, Russia worked on the scenarios for an attack on the Baltic States, reported   Lithuanian newspaper Respublika.

    “The fact that Russia simulated an attack on all the Baltic countries is important,” Karoblis stressed. He noted that during the exercises there were obvious decisions made of a tactical and strategic nature, and there was actual bombing near the …

  • Russia threatens with escalation in the Donbas, if deliveries of American weapons are made to Ukraine

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has warned the United States against arms supplies to Ukraine.

    "This decision will be tantamount to trying to put oil on the fire. I think, even in the American administration, many people are aware of this. That is why such supplies have not been implemented so far, although the conflict arose long ago," Mikhail Ulyanov, Director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at a press conference. 

    "If now the …

  • Ukraine joins initiative to remove Russian national team from Winter Olympics

    The National Anti-Doping Center (NADC) of Ukraine has supported the initiative to remove the Russian national team from the Winter Olympics, which will be held in February in South Korea, as stated on the website of the NADC of Ukraine.

    "On September 14, 2017, in Denver (USA), a special meeting of 17 heads of national anti-doping organizations was held under the auspices of the Institute of National Anti-Doping Organizations (iNADO) .The two-day meeting discussed issues of the responsibility …

  • Klimkin: Ukraine will submit a draft resolution on peacekeepers in the Donbas, agreed with foreign partners

    Ukraine will propose a draft resolution on the peacekeeping mission in the Donbas to the UN Security Council, after it coordinates the position with foreign partners, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said.

    "Nothing has begun regarding the Russian resolution, except for very formal consultations, and even then, only one round was held just to react. We will not take the bait. First, [we propose] the joint position with the "big seven", with the EU. China is also important… Only then …

  • Ukrainian President asks Canada to share satellite intelligence about Russia

    Petro Poroshenko has appealed to Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau with a request to grant Kyiv access to satellite reconnaissance data. The Ukrainian president himself spoke about this in an interview with the Canadian television channel CBC.

    As Poroshenko explained, Kyiv is interested in satellite images of the border with Russia. According to the Ukrainian authorities, the data that Canadian satellites can provide would help with tracking the movement of Russian troops in the Donbas. …

  • Russia sends Special Forces to Minsk for joint exercises with Belarus

    On Monday, September 25, a unit of Russian Special Forces arrived in Minsk, the capital city of Belarus, as   reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

    "Today, a unit of separate, special-purpose Russian Airborne Troops arrived in Minsk to take part in a joint, bilateral, tactical, special exercise," the report says.

    According to the Defense Ministry, preparations for the training will be carried out from September 25 to October 8.

    "During the exercise, which will …

  • Russian Ministry of Defense: 15,000 schoolchildren in the southern regions of Russia joint 'Young Army' youth movement

    In the territory of the Southern Military District of Russia, which includes the annexed Crimea, 15,000 young men and women are members of the "Yunarmia” (Young Army) youth movement, as reported by the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry. According to its information, more than 200 regional branches of the Yunarmia movement were registered on the district’s territory. The Defense Ministry intends to establish clubs and military units with military registration specialties for the …