Contents tagged with Russia

  • Captain of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate killed In Syria

    Kurban Kasumov, Captain of the Main Intelligence Agency (GRU) of Russia, was killed in Syria on August 2.

    This was reported in the community "Heroes of Russia" on VKontakte, and was noticed by a group of independent investigators from the Conflict Intelligence Team. The Russian Defense Ministry did not report on the death.

    The community "Heroes of Russia" wrote about Kasumov's death of on September 21. Attached to the post are photographs, including his awards and a monument erected on …

  • Journalist: Putin’s aide Surkov is a godfather of Zakharchenko’s son

    The Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladislav Surkov, who oversees the separatist republics in the Donbas, became a godfather to a child of the leader of the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic), Alexander Zakharchenko, as reported on Facebook by journalist Denis Kazansky.

    "I heard earlier that Zakharchenko and Surkov have already become related. Now it is confirmed. Surkov baptized the son of Zakharchenko, who was born two years ago. So while Surkov oversees the Donbas in the …

  • Russian Prime Minister Medvedev says U.S. intends to bury Nord Stream-2

    The U.S. wants to bury the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, as stated by Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev at a press conference following a meeting with his Finnish counterpart Juha Sipila, Interfax reports.

    “The most pragmatic is the position of the United States, which wants to bury this project with all sorts of legal decisions, instruments, sanctions, having an ambiguous impact on the European Union,” said Medvedev.

    He noted that the European Commission’s position on Nord Stream-2 is …

  • U.S. embassy encourages Russians to apply for American visas in Ukraine

    Residents of Russia can obtain visas to America at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv, reported on the website of the U.S. embassy in Ukraine.

    “Those who live in Russia but could not apply for a U.S. visa in time can apply for one in Kyiv. Applicants do not have to be residents of Ukraine in order to get a visa, but must physically be in Ukraine to apply and receive the visa, because we cannot accept applications from residents through the mail if they are outside of Ukraine’s borders,” the report says. …

  • Kremlin: US behind Jabhat al-Nusra's attack on Russian military positions in Syria

    The Russian Ministry of Defense has accused the US of giving terrorists in Syria information which enabled them to surround a Russian platoon. Moscow believes this was done in order to halt the successful advance of the Syrian forces supported by Russia. The US, in turn, accuses Russia of carrying out airstrikes on its allies who are located near to American fighters, Meduza news agency writes.

    Together with Iran and Turkey, Russia has been trying since May 2017 to establish a de-escalation …

  • Turchynov: Ukraine will monitor withdrawal of Russian troops from Belarus after Zapad-2017 exercises

    Ukraine will monitor the withdrawal of Russian troops from Belarus after the completion of the Zapad-2017 exercises.

    This was stated by Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov, as reported on the site of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC).

    “On September 21, after the completion of combat training in the Zapad-2017 exercises, Russian personnel, military equipment and weapons from the ranges located in the territory of Belarus will leave. Ukraine …

  • Pentagon: Russia and the US use 3 telephone lines for communication in Syria

    The Russian Armed Forces and coalitions led by the United States now support three direct telephone lines to prevent incidents between them in Syria. This was announced at a briefing on Thursday by US Colonel Ryan Dillon, the Spokesman for the Combined Joint Task Force of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), which is being conducted in Iraq and Syria by a coalition of countries led by the United States.

    According to Dillon, he is referring to lines between the commander of the Russian military …

  • Turchynov: Russia rehearsed massive ballistic missile strike to conclude Zapad-2017 drills

    At the final stage of the Zapad 2017 military exercises, Russia rehearsed a massive nuclear missile strike, involving the forces and equipment of all three components of the nuclear triad, reported Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC), as cited by the NSDC press service.

    According to Turchynov, on September 20, the last day of the drills, six long-distance Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 aircraft were engaged to fly in the airspace of the Barents, …

  • Employees of Yandex evacuated after Putin’s visit

    The offices of the company Yandex, which President Vladimir Putin visited on Thursday, were evacuated soon after his departure, the BBC Russian service reports.

    Some of the staff say that a fire alarm went off, whereas others say that Yandex was due to a bomb threat.

    According to TASS news agency, nearly 3000 people were evacuated from the company’s offices.

    The Russian president came to Yandex in order to congratulate the company on its 20th anniversary, as well as to see its engineering – …

  • Russian citizen sent to psychiatric hospital for demanding separation of Siberia from Russia

    Angarsk City Court has referred a local resident who called for the separation of Siberia from Russia to involuntary treatment, said the Prosecutor's Office of the Irkutsk region.

    The Court found that citizen A. appealed on the Internet in January 2016 for the creation of a separate republic stretching from the Urals to the Pacific. Criminal proceedings were instituted against him under Part 2 of Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Public calls for action aimed at …