Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin wants to allow the sentencing of heads of companies who violate the fulfillment of state military orders

    The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin has submitted for consideration of the State Duma the bill that proposes 4 to 8 years of imprisonment for the heads of companies who have abused their power in implementing the state defense order (SDO). The corresponding document was published in the electronic database of the lower house of the parliament.

    The bill establishes the "responsibility of the person performing administrative functions in commercial or other organizations, for …

  • Kremlin: Russia opposes US military assistance to Ukraine

    Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin does not know anything about the decision of the US Senate to allocate $500 million to support Ukraine in the sphere of security and defense.

    He noted that the information came from Kyiv; Washington did not make any statements. "This is a matter of bilateral Ukrainian-American relations in terms of providing loans," Peskov said.

    He stressed that Russia has repeatedly opposed the provision of lethal weapons to Kyiv, since …

  • German journalist: the European Union is waiting for Putin to leave

    Russia is waiting for the European Union (EU) to understand that the EU needs it, while the EU is waiting for Putin to leave and be replaced by someone with whom they can talk, as in the 1990s, stated Alexander Rahr, the scientific director of the German-Russian forum, at a political discussion dedicated to the forthcoming parliamentary elections in Germany, Rosbalt reports.

    "I believe that the influence of the Kremlin on the elections and Western policy is very exaggerated. I do not think …

  • Turchynov: combat efficiency of Russian Zapad-2017 exercises was 'tainted by rain'

    The effectiveness of the Russian forces involved in the Zapad 2017 exercises was significantly reduced and ruined by heavy rain, said Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine.

    “On September 18, 2017, at the Luga 33th combined arms training ground of the Western Military District in the Leningrad province, a tactical episode of defense maneuvers and the transition to offense was demonstrated for the high-ranking political leadership of Russia …

  • Russian UN delegation leaves before Lithuanian President’s speech

    The Russian delegation left the session of the UN General Assembly before the speech of Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite. Before her speech, First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Pyotr Ilyichev and the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky left the hall. On Tuesday, Grybauskaite met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

    The press service of the Lithuanian president reported that during this …

  • Helicopter accidentally fires missile at reporters during Russian-Belarusian Zapad 2017 drills

    A video from the cabin of the Ka-52 helicopter, which accidentally shot at spectators at the Zapad 2017 exercises in the Leningrad province, has appeared online, published by the Mash telegram channel.

    The video shows the helicopter firing unguided C-8 missiles at an area with vehicles. According to news website, there were journalists among those injured as a result.

    Bloggers from the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) have analyzed the video clip showing the effects of the helicopter …

  • Media: Ukrainian imports of glass from Russia and Belarus amount to $80 million

    Ukraine exports 98% of raw materials for glass production to Russia and Belarus and imports finished glass produced in these countries, according to an article of the Economichna Pravda.

    At the same time, Ukraine takes second place in Eastern Europe for the reserves of raw materials required for glass manufacturing. Most of the Ukrainian 100 fields have the proven reserves of 5 million tons each.

    However, every year 2% of the extracted raw materials are processed into low-quality products …

  • Ukrainian political analyst: In advance of Presidential elections, the Kremlin is diverting financial assistance from Donbas to Crimea

    The Ukrainian political scientist and leader of the United Coordination Center, Oleh Saakian, believes that the end of the of assistance to the separatist-held territories of the Donbas by Russia and the redirecting of this money to the annexed Crimea is a demonstrative step in the run-up to presidential elections. This allows the Kremlin to fulfill several tasks at once, the expert said on the air with radio Krym.Realii.

    "It is very likely that the money is being transferred "for the Crimea" …

  • Russia to ban its military from posting about their service on social networks

    The Russian Defense Ministry is preparing a bill which will prohibit military servicemen from providing details of their official service on social networks and online forums, as reported on the website of the Russian government.

    According to the report, it is proposed to impose similar restrictions for the military that are already in place for FSB officers and border guards. In particular, the Russian Ministry of Defense want to prohibit the publication on the Internet of any "information …

  • Ukrainian military command: Russia tried to engage its forces from the Donbas in Zapad-2017 exercises

    Russia planned to engage forces, which are deployed on the territory of the Donbas, in the Zapad-2017 exercises, stated the spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Andriy Lysenko, Radio Liberty reports.

    "We can see now that they tried to engage Russian troops in the Donbas in these exercises. We received intelligence data that showed most of the armor units that should have arrived at the staging areas to perform parallel tasks within the framework of Zapad-2017 exercises simply …