Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine to sell off its broadcasting rights of 2018 World Cup in Russia

    Ukraine’s draft budget for 2018, prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers provides for the sale of the right of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (UA:PBC) to broadcast matches of the World Cup that will be held in Russia.

    According to the document, the government expects to earn UAH 200 million for the license, which is little more than $7.6 million at the current exchange rate.

    "This is to determine that in 2018 the funds in the amount of UAH 200 million from the sale of …

  • NATO: Russian-Belarusian Zapad-2017 exercises look like a preparation for a big war

    The joint "Zapad-2017" large-scale military exercises by Russia and Belarus, which are being held from September 14 to September 20, are similar to preparations for a big war, stated the Chairman of the Military Committee of NATO, General Petr Pavel, Delfi news agency reports.

    "In general, what we see is serious preparation for a big war," he said.

    The NATO general added that "if we look at the exercises in the way that Russia represents them, there would be no disturbances. But if we look at …

  • Two Russian planes violate Lithuanian air space during Zapad-2017 exercises

    On Saturday, September 16, two Russian Il-76 military transport planes flew into Lithuanian air space, Delfi news agency reported, citing information from the Lithuanian Defense Ministry.

    It was reported that the aircraft were over Lithuanian territory for a period of two minutes. They were sent from the Russian mainland to one of the airfields in the Kaliningrad region.

    On Monday, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry registered a protest with the Russian ambassador in connection with the incident, …

  • Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey: Russia's Gazprom will stop at nothing to go through with Turkish Stream project

    Gazprom is accelerating the construction of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, at a time when the United States’ willingness to use sanctions on the project is in question writes Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Sergey Korsunsky article for the Zerkalo Nedeli newspaper.

    The author notes that at the start of September, Swiss Allseas Group S.A., which was contracted to lay the most complicated sea stretch of the gas pipeline, was joined by the British company Petrofac, which has signed a contract to …

  • Crimean authorities warn of possible power outages in fall and winter season

    Sergey Bazhan, the Kremlin-controlled Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Peninsula reported that the Crimea might need to endure electricity cuts during the autumn-winter period, according to approved schedules.

    “We predict that during the autumn-winter period, the Crimea and Sevastopol will consume 1,467 MW of electricity. 1,181 MW will pass on to the other parts of the peninsula while 286 MW will go to Sevastopol. Last year, the highest level of evening electricity consumption for the …

  • Russia: Peacekeepers in Donbas needed only for protection of OSCE

    Russian Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matviyenko said she sees no logic in the U.S. State Department’s proposal to deploy UN peacekeepers to the border of Russia and Ukraine.

    “I see no logic in this suggestion,” said the speaker of the Federation Council to reporters after a meeting with Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Akja Nurberdiyewa, as reported by TASS news agency.

    Matvienko brought up the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian Foreign Ministry to …

  • Moldovan President Dodon thanks Russia for its position in the face of the ‘provocations’ by Moldova’s government

    At a meeting with Valentina Matviyenko, Moldovan President Igor Dodon thanked the Russian authorities for their position regarding the actions of the Moldovan government, which oppose the actions of the Presidernt, RIA Novosti reporetd.

    Dodon met with the chairman of the Federation Council in Ashgabat, where they arrived for the opening of the 5th Asian Indoor Games. In a conversation with Matviyenko, Dodon noted that there have been both positive and negative aspects in the relations between …

  • Court hearing of Siemens turbine case to commence on October 20th in Moscow

    The Moscow Arbitration Court scheduled a preliminary meeting on October 20th to review the suit brought by the joint venture of Siemens and OJSC Power Machines – Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies LLC (SGTT) – against two Russian enterprises, the Rostec state corporation and Technopromexport JSC, as stated in the court documents. 

    The press service of Siemens in Russia has not yet commented on the content of the claim against Rostec.

    Earlier, Siemens itself filed a lawsuit against …

  • Rasmussen: Russia agreed to peacekeepers because of the threat of Ukraine receiving lethal weapons

    Former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said during the 14th Yalta European Strategy (YES) annual meeting that Ukraine's partners could loosen sanctions against Russia after the introduction of UN peacekeepers in Donbas with a full-fledged mandate.

     “If Russia accepts what I said - namely, giving the UN peacekeeping mission a clear mandate with full control of the Russian-Ukrainian border and covering the entire territory to protect the population, then a carrot can be given to …

  • 3 Russian warships detected near Latvian borders

    "Three Russian warships have been detected in the exclusive economic zone of Latvia – the Andromeda, the Kilektor 1 and the Bira," the National Armed Forces of Latvia reported on their official Twitter page.

    According to the Delfi news agency, last year Russian aircraft and ships approached the borders of the Baltic Republic 209 times, which is about ten times less than a year earlier.

    The joint Russian and Belarusian strategic military exercises, Zapad 2017, are currently under way. Earlier, …