Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine: 30 ships visited annexed Crimea in September

    During September, 30 cargo ships illegally visited annexed Crimean ports, the Ukrainian Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons reported.

    “During the period between September 1 and October 1 this year, the visits of 30 violating vessels to occupied Crimean ports were recorded. Overall, these vessels made 79 visits in the ports of Kerch, Sevastopol and Feodosia. 23 of them were under the flag of the Russian Federation, and 7 were under the flag of other …

  • Russian Defense Ministry: More than two thousand Crimeans will be drafted into the Russian army

    In annexed Crimea, more than 2,000 citizens will be drafted into the Russian army for military service, as announced on October 2 by the press service of the Southern Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The military department says that the recruits "will fulfill their military duty on ships and units of coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet."

    "According to the schedule, the first dispatch of recruits into the army is planned for the middle of October," the Ministry’s press …

  • Lithuania blocks Russian TVCi channel over ‘incitement of war’

    Lithuania suspended the retransmission of the Russian TV channel TVCi Lithuania for six months for inciting war and hatred, as reported by Delfi news agency. The station is owned by the Russian State TV company, TV Center.

    According to Delfi, the Lithuanian Radio and TV Commission (LRTC) decided to suspend the retransmission two weeks ago, stating that the channel has repeated violations and the sanctions imposed earlier have not yielded any results. This decision by the commission was upheld …

  • Media: Internet traffic from North Korea goes through Russia

    The Russian company Trans Telecom (TTK) has established an Internet connection with North Korea, reported the website 38 North, with reference to the database of Internet routing. The Reuters news agency also drew attention to this. The portal refers to the data of the Dyn Research Company, which studies the state of the Internet around the world and analyzes and compares the connections of individual networks and providers with each other. According to the data, the connection from TTK was …

  • Kremlin decided not to relocate back to Russia companies operating abroad

    The government of Russia has decided not to transfer large businesses from abroad to the jurisdiction of the country.

    Previously, it was proposed that 'deoffshorization' would be compulsory for backbone Russian companies.

    Interfax, referring to a source in the Cabinet, reported that the bill was voted down. Officials came to the conclusion that “compulsory measures of transferring a wide range of systemically important organizations to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation will create …

  • Russia intends to establish second military base in Kyrgyzstan

    A second Russian Federation military base may be deployed In Kyrgyzstan, stated the country’s Prime Minister, Sapar Isakov.

     “Consultations were held on this issue at the level of the relevant ministries. The Kyrgyz Republic believes that to ensure security not only in Kyrgyzstan, but also in the region as a whole, it is necessary to deploy a military base in the south," Isakov said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

    At the same time, Sapar Isakov noted that a final decision on this issue has …

  • Two MiG-29 fighter jets gifted by Russia arrive in Serbia

    Two of the six MiG29 fighters given by Moscow to Belgrade arrived in Serbia on Monday, the Serbian Defense Ministry announced.

    “The first two MiG-29 planes have been transferred to the Serbian Armed Forces. The landing of the An-124 [cargo plane] and reception of the planes at the Batajnica Air Base was attended by Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Chief-of-Staff Ljubiša Diković, and anti-air defense Commander Ranko Živak,” the report states.

    Vulin told those assembled that, on July 4 …

  • Kremlin: Russia ready to respond to US over seizure of diplomatic property

    The seizure of Russian diplomatic assets in the United States by US Special Services is a gross violation of international law, and Moscow is ready to respond to Washington's actions, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement released Tuesday.

    "Despite our warnings, the U.S. authorities did not listen to reason and did not give up their illegal intentions. Today they have completely seized all facilities of the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco," the Foreign Ministry said in …

  • Crimean Ministry of Finance: as of October authorities have used only half of the funds allocated by Kremlin

    The consolidated budget expenditures from the annexed Crimea exceeded 77 billion rubles (more than $1.3 billion), which is 44.5% of the annual budget, as reported by the Crimean Ministry of Finance’s press service, which is controlled by Russia.

    "Our analysis for January-August showed that if the growth of 2016 over 2015 was more than 9 billion rubles ($156.1 million), then those of 2017 as compared to 2016 would already be 17.4 billion-($301.9 million)," the press service published the …

  • Russia raises export duties on oil

    The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has decided to increase the duty on oil exports from October 1. According to the department’s documents, the first increase since September last year will amount to almost $4 per ton, bringing the tax on exported oil from $84.10 to $87.90 this September.

    The increase will affect almost all types of fuel. According to RIA Novosti, the export duty for high-viscosity oil is raised to $13.60 from $12.90 for commercial gasoline, up to $26.30 compared …