Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin says he knew about the existence of nuclear bomb in North Korea for a long time

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Kim Jong-Il had already told him about the North Korean nuclear bomb in early 2000, and that the situation had not changed in the ten-year existence of the country under Western sanctions, TASS news agency reported.

    "In 2001, when I was on my way to pay a visit to Japan, I made a stop in North Korea, where I had a meeting with the father of the country’s current leader. It was back then when he told me that they had a nuclear bomb. Moreover, (the …

  • Media: FSB tells family of Russian prisoner captured by ISIS in Syria not to cause stir

    FSB staff have forced the parents of the Russian soldier Gregory Tsurkanu, who was captured in Syria, not to “cause a stir”, Tsurkanu’s parents told Radio Liberty.

    The ISIS-controlled news agency Amaq released a video depicting two allegedly captured Russian citizens. One of them was Roman Zabolotny, the other was Grigory Tsurkanu.

    Tsurkanu supposedly fought in Syria as part of Russia’s private company Wagner Group, his brother Roman told Radio Liberty. He noted that Tsurkanu left for Syria …

  • Turkish Foreign Minister: Russian and Syrian airstrikes on Idlib should not be ignored

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, commenting on the situation in Syria and Idlib, said that it is necessary to ensure the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, and one should not turn a blind eye to the airstrikes carried out by Syrian and Russian aircraft, reported Anadolu news agency.

    According to him, Idlib is a key region in terms of preventing armed conflicts in Syria. The minister also mentioned that during the Inter-Syrian talks in Astana, the decision was made to …

  • Lavrov: Relations between Russia and the US were ruined by Obama

    The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs has said that Moscow hopes for an exit from the impasse in Russian-American relations and is ready to seek ways to improve them, as he discussed during an interview with the inter-Arab newspaper Asharq Al Awsat, RIA Novosti reported.

    "There is hope for the withdrawal of cooperation based on the artificially created impasse, but the future of relations depends not only on us, but also on the Americans," Lavrov said.

    According to him, the fact that …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands that Russia stop military conscription in the Crimea

    In a statement released on October 3 on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine demands that Russia cancel conscription for military service in annexed Crimea.

    "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expresses its strong protest over the intention of the Russian Federation to draft citizens for military service in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in the city of Sevastopol," Ukrainian diplomats …

  • Spanish court agreed to extradite Russian hacker to the US

    The National Court of Spain approved the extradition to the US of a Russian citizen accused of creating a mass network of computer "bots" that were sending millions of spam emails a year.

    According to the decision made by the National Court of Spain, a special court that considers requests for extradition, Russian Pyotr Levashov should be brought to trial in the US where law enforcement regards him as one of the most infamous criminal spammers. It was reported that he has the right to appeal …

  • New US ambassador to Russia promises to restore confidence between countries

    The new US Ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, while presenting his credentials to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said he would work to restore confidence and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries, Radio Liberty reports.

    The American diplomat added that he intends to "seek out Russian people from all walks of life to share perspectives, [and] to relay American values."

    During the formal ceremony of presenting credentials at the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin noted that …

  • Russia conducts exercises of its missile forces in North Ossetia and Stavropol Krai

    One of the Southern Military District’s (SMD) missile units, equipped with Iskander missiles, has been put on high readiness state in order to carry out command and staff exercises in Stavropol Krai, SMD spokesperson Vadim Astafyev announced.

    “One of the SMD’s missile units, deployed in North Ossetia, has been placed on alert for training purposes, in order to carry out command and staff exercises at the Sernovodsk training ground in Stavropol Krai,” he said.

    According to him, the quick …

  • U.S. calls on Russia to free Ilmi Umerov

    The United States of America called on Russia to release Ilmi Umerov, deputy head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

    “The United States is deeply troubled by the September 27, conviction and two-year prison sentence for Crimean Tatar leader Ilmi Umerov in Russian-occupied Crimea. He was convicted for his opposition to Russia’s attempted annexation of Crimea and given a harsher sentence than the Russian occupation prosecutor requested. This compounds past injustices in the case, …

  • Russian soldiers captured by ISIS in Syria previously fought in eastern Ukraine

    One of the Russian soldiers who were captured in Syria by ISIS terrorists fought previously in the Donbas in the ranks of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic), and another is connected to the so-called “Domodedovo” military brotherhood, as reported by Russian blogger Anatoly Nesmiyan (El Murid) in his LiveJournal.

    As evidence, he released a photo which may shed light on Roman Zabolotny’s connection to the LPR, and Gregory Tsurkanov’s connection to the Domodedovo military brotherhood.

    Nesmiyan …