Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian University in Crimea plans to train students in firearms and Special Services work

    The Saratov Institute of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) is pushing for graduates of Sevastopol schools to attend the university in order to learn firearms training and other Special Services skills.

    As a Krym.Realii reports, the graduates were given a presentation on the "Captains of Russia" program, whose aim is to prepare students for study in the business college.

    At the same time, military instructors-teachers told the students that they would teach the future …

  • Russia threatens to block Instagram and YouTube because of footage about oligarch Deripaska

    Roskomnadzor (Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) gave Instagram and YouTube until the evening of February 14 to block posts and videos as stipulated by the Ust-Labinsk court on the lawsuit of businessman Oleg Deripaska to Anastasia Vashukevich (Nastya Rybka) and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie). The agency's representative reported this to Vedomosti newspaper.

    Roskomnadzor has been trying for months to get the content voluntarily …

  • Russia wants to rename street address of US embassy to 'North American Dead End'

    The US Embassy in Moscow may be given the address "One North American Dead End". A corresponding article is to be considered by the Mayor's office of the Russian capital. Novaya Gazeta reported on this on Monday, February 12, citing Mikhail Degtyarev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport, Tourism and Youth Affairs.

    Degtyarev said that Americans are trying to conduct "intrusive foreign policy" and thus "drive the world to a dead end."

    "That said, the US itself is not …

  • Russian Presidential Speaker Peskov says Putin has got a cold

    Russian President Vladimir Putin caught a cold, as relayed to journalists by Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, Interfax reports.

    During a meeting with the finalists of the Leaders of Russia contest, Putin apologized that he spoke quietly, as he lost his voice a little. As a result, journalists asked Peskov about the President’s health. Peskov answered, "He has a cold but he continues to work."

    He stressed that the ailment hasn’t affected the President's working schedule.

  • Kremlin: Russian banks and companies ready to be disconnected from SWIFT

    If Russia is disconnected from the SWIFT interbank system, it will impede bank operation and necessitate the use of outdated technology, but Russian financial institutes and companies are technologically prepared to do this, stated Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich in response to students’ questions during the opening ceremony of the seventh session of the “International Model United Nations” conference.

    “Of course it [the disconnection from SWIFT] would not be pleasant, because …

  • Names of Russian mercenaries killed in US strike in Syria begin to appear on social networks

    New evidence has begun to appear on Russian social networks and media on the death of Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group, a private military company, in an airstrike by the US-led coalition forces in the Syrian Deir al-Zor province.

    The death of Alexey Ladygin from Ryazan was reported on Sunday.

    Ladygin’s friends write that he was involved in the events in Crimea as part of the Russian special forces. He later took part in the fight for Debaltseve in western Ukraine. In the Wagner …

  • Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov calls his entry on 'Kremlin list' 'ridiculous'

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the inclusion of his person in the so-called Kremlin list as "ridiculous". He spoke about this in an interview with the program Political Actors with Nailya Asker-Zade on the TV channel Russia 1.

    When asked about what the US authorities wanted to achieve, Lavrov replied that he was "completely indifferent as to what is happening now concerning the Kremlin report." According to him, it was possible "in half an hour…to compile the names of [ …

  • US strategic drone conducts reconnaissance flight over Donbas and Crimea

    As Interfax reported, a RQ-4 Global Hawk strategic drone from the US Air Force conducted a reconnaissance flight along the line of demarcation in the Donbas and also off the coast of the Crimea and the Krasnodar region of Russia on Sunday, February 11th.

    The drone was flying for more than 4 hours in the Ukrainian airspace along the line of demarcation in the Donbas. Afterwards the drone headed for the Black Sea and made more than four passes starting from the westernmost point of the Crimea …

  • UN reports 230 civilians were killed over the past week in air strikes by Assad's and Russian air forces in Syria

    Over the past week, 277 civilians were killed in Syria, 230 of whom perished in air strikes by the government forces of Bashar al-Assad and their allies, including Russia. This data was presented in Geneva by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on Saturday, February 10, Deutsche Welle reports.

    According to the UN, another 812 Syrian civilians were injured. "The past week has been one of the bloodiest periods of the entire conflict," Al Hussein said. Most of the air …

  • Russian foreign Minister Lavrov says Russia will not recognize LPR and DPR

    During a broadcast of Russia 1, when asked about whether Russia will recognize the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded that the Kremlin remains committed to Minsk Agreements.

    According to the Russian Minister, deviation from the Minsk agreements would be a “colossal mistake." "You know, unlike some of our international colleagues, we [Russia] are still people of our word; and we always stand by our word, especially when it was the subject of …