Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian aircraft practice launching cruise missiles at Ukraine

    While Ukrainian aircraft were carrying out drills, Russian planes took off, approached Ukraine’s border as closely as possible, and practiced launching cruise missiles, reported the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    “A group of strategic Tu-95 missile-carrying bombers, accompanied by a pair of Russian Su-30 fighters, flew into the airspace of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and practiced the imaginary launch of cruise missiles towards mainland Ukraine,” the command’s Facebook post reads. …

  • Russia confirms death of five Russian citizens in US coalition airstrike in Syria

    Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that according to provisional information, five Russians were killed in the US-led coalition’s airstrike against Syrian government forces. The Russians in question were not soldiers.

    “According to provisional information, as a result of the armed encounter which took place, the reasons for which are currently being determined, five men who were presumably Russian citizens may have died. There are also wounded, but this all needs to be …

  • Former Deputy Secretary General of NATO: there is substantial evidence that Russia is fighting in the Donbas

    There are many Russian tanks without identifying information in the uncontrolled territories in the Donbas, and NATO is aware of this, as stated on Wednesday, February 14th, on Echo of Moscow radio by the former Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Alexander Vershbow.

    He noted that although there are "a lot of tanks in the Donbas that do not have Russian markings, but we are aware of where they come from."

    Also, NATO knows about the Russian military, who are in the Donbas.

    "In fact, we are …

  • Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov loses up to 90% of its global civil arms market due to sanctions

    Sanctions imposed on the Kalashnikov concern (part of the Rostec state corporation, the Russian Federation) have cut off the company’s access to 70-90% of the global civil arms market, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    “Sectoral sanctions imposed against Kalashnikov concern in 2014 by the United States, European Union states, Canada, Japan, Australia, and other countries have decimated the company: the sanctions cut off Kalashnikov’s access to 70-90% of the world’s market of civil weapons,” according …

  • Stoltenberg: It will be difficult for Turkey to integrate Russian S-400 into NATO’s system

    It will be difficult for Turkey to integrate Russian S-400 missile systems into NATO’s air defense system, as stated by NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference in Brussels, a correspondent of Evropeyskaya Pravda reports.  

    According to him, during the ministerial meeting, Turkey’s air defense was discussed and it has been said that NATO is strengthening it by deploying their Patriot batteries.

    "We have discussed the situation with the acquisition of the S-400 complex  …

  • Russian Gazpom to dispute gas price with largest European buyer

    Gazprom Export intends litigate in Stockholm with the German company Uniper, its largest Europen gas client. Gazprom’s trading division notified Uniper that an arbitration procedure would be initiated, with the demand to revise the gas price according to the contract starting on February 1, 2018. “Approaching arbitration to resolve a contract dispute is a standard practice, envisaged by such contracts,” reads Gazprom’s statement, as quoted by RBC news agency.

    The official Gazprom Export …

  • Russian political party releases statement about missing activist after US strike in Syria

    RBC news agency reports, citing the Other Russia Party spokesman Alexander Averin, that another activist from the unregistered Other Russia party has disappeared after a strike in Deir ez-Zor, Syria on February 7. The strike was conducted by the international coalition led by the United States.

    "Yes, indeed, there is still one National Bolshevik who has not gotten in touch. He stopped contact after that very battle," Averin said. According to the spokesman, the missing activist was in the same …

  • Russian Ministry of Defense requests that military personnel stop using social networks

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has issued recommendations to the military on safe use of the Internet, Izvestia newspaper reported, citing an official document obtained by the newspaper. Servicemen are advised to abstain from using social networks or publishing data concerning their military unit or their service. They are also advised to turn off the geolocation tool on their mobile devices.

    The recommendations were issued in a form of memos and educational posters. The …

  • Turchynov: the threat of Russia’s offensive from the Crimea still exists

    The threat of Russia’s offensive from the annexed Crimea remains even today, as stated by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, Hromadske reports."They have concentrated a strong military force in the occupied territory of the Crimea, and it is not only for defense," he said.

    According to Turchynov, new offensive means, strategic aviation, and missile systems which can carry and use nuclear weapons, are deployed in the Crimea.

    "It …

  • Tillerson: Russia must create conditions for a peaceful solution of the future of Syria

    The US has appealed to Russia with a call to end its support of violence in Syria, said State Rex Tillerson during an interview with Al Hurra TV.

    "What we’re encouraging Russia and others is to de-escalate the violence – once ISIS is defeated, do not promote the violence. And we’ve asked Russia to persuade the regime [of Bashar Al-Assad] to stop the march and the campaign against opposition forces," Tillerson said.

    According to Tillerson, having agreed to the creation of ceasefire areas in …