Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian Soyuz rocket fails to launch again

    The launch of the Soyuz 2.1A carrier rocket with the Progress MS-08 transport cargo vehicle was postponed to its reserve date, February 13. During its scheduled launch attempt, the engine shut down automatically, for reasons that are still being investigated. This was reported to RBC by the press service of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos).

    The launch was supposed to take place at the Baikonur launch site. An interlocutor of TASS said that the launch was postponed due to a conflict …

  • USA: Russia is preventing the coalition from battling ISIS in Syria

    Russia’s presence in Syria makes it difficult for the Americans to fight against ISIS, according to a report from the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense.

    The report analyzes the actions of the Russian armed forces in the territory of the Arab Republic from October to December 2017.

    In particular, the U.S. military once again pointed to “dangerous maneuvers” of Russian aircraft flying too close to its combat aircraft. The Pentagon asserts that the actions of the …

  • Russia bans investigative documentary of opposition leader Navalny about oligarch Deripaska

    The documentary of Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) about the ties of businessman Oleg Deripaska and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko was "blacklisted" by Roskomnadzor, Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.

    "The court has placed in the register of prohibited information not only the news about the investigation but also Navalny's writings about the investigation and our video," FBK's employee Georgy …

  • Kremlin says no Russian forces hit by American strike in Syrian Deir ez-Zor, users of social networks prove otherwise with their posts

    The first death of Russian soldier killed in the American strike in Deir ez Zor on February 7 has been reported on social networks.

    On February 7, the US-led coalition forces conducted the strike against the Syrian militia affiliated with Assad in the province of Deir ez Zor. The U.S. coalition said that the blow was struck in response to an attack on the headquarters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). According to Reuters, at least 100 people were killed in the attack.

    Commenting on the …

  • Minister of Youth and Sports urged Ukrainian fans not to go to the 2018 World Cup in Russia

    During a broadcast of Pryamiy TV, Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Ihor Zhdanov urged soccer fans not to go to the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will take place in the summer in Russia. He stated this on Prymiy TV, RBC-Ukraine reports.

    "I saw how the world community was close to [boycotting the championship] two years ago when trials began against the former leadership of FIFA: changes, accusations of corruption," Zhdanov said. Now, according to the minister, the "campaign" for boycotting …

  • Russia says that it will continue deploying Iskander strategic missiles in Kaliningrad despite Western protests

    The Russian State Duma has commented on Washington's plans to monitor the deployment of the Russian Iskander missile system in the Kaliningrad region. Yury Shvytkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense and Security Committee, said that Moscow will continue to deploy the weapons in order to "maintain the balance”.

    "We will deploy them [the Iskander missiles] and similar types of weapons where we find it necessary to strengthen our borders and maintain the balance that the US is trying to …

  • Estonia and Russia exchange spies at the border

    Estonia and Russia have conducted a border exchange, swapping citizens convicted of espionage, reported Estonian news outlet Delfi.

    The exchange was conducted on February 10 at the border crossing point in the village of Koidula, located on the Russian-Estonian border. Russian citizen Artem Zinchenko, who had served time for espionage in Estonia, was exchanged for Estonian businessman Raivo Susi, who had been convicted of espionage by Russia.

    Russian citizen Zinchenko was convicted of …

  • Russia claims that ISIS generates revenue through online casinos

    Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya said that the Islamic State uses online casinos to generate revenue, reports Interfax.

    "They improve their skills in modern technologies. For example, in one of the neighboring Syria countries, the accomplices of the terrorists are stealing the money of ordinary citizens through fake online shops. The fighters of the ‘Caliphate’ do not shun earnings from online casinos either," Nebenzya said.

    According to him, thanks to the actions …

  • Russian nuclear center engineers caught mining Bitcoins on a supercomputer

    As Telegram channel “Mash” reports, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officers arrested engineers of a secret nuclear center in Sarov, who tried to mine a Bitcoin on a supercomputer. The computer did not have internet access but the culprits solved this problem by connecting to the internal network.

    Employees of the nuclear safety control department quickly detected the connection of new devices to the network and apprehended the two engineers, who were immediately turned over to FSB …

  • Each day Syria becomes a more complicated battleground with everybody fighting everybody

    While Russia was paying tribute to the deceased pilot Roman Filipov, a sharp escalation in the armed conflict began in Syria. Judging by the reports in the Russian, US and Arabic media, the forces loyal to Russia’s ally Syrian President Bashar al-Assad decided to attack the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Assad’s partners were reportedly trying to capture a gas fields controlled by SDF.

    They did not have to wait long for the US response. As reported by the press service of the Operation …