Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian spy detained in Latvia

    A citizen of Latvia has been detained on suspicion that he was collecting data about military objects and situations in the area adjacent to the Latvian-Russian border and passing it to the Russian special services, according to reports by Latvian news outlet.

    No detailed information was revealed for legal reasons to preserve the secrecy of the investigation.

    The Latvian Security Police that conducted the arrest elaborated on the statement saying that the Russian special services (FSB) …

  • Yanukovych’s lawyer: in March 2014 the Government of Ukraine decided to surrender the Crimea

    The decision to withdraw Ukrainian forces from the Crimea in spring 2014 was made on the recommendation of Serhiy Pashynsky who was the head of the Presidential administration of Ukraine at the time.

    Yanukovych’s lawyer, Vitalii Serdiuk, who represents the interests of the former President of Ukraine stated on his Facebook page that this is evidenced by Ihor Tenyukh, the former Defense Minister.

    According to a copy of the interrogation report published by Serdiuk, at a meeting of the National …

  • Media: USA and Russia negotiate on deployment of peacekeepers to Donbas

    As Interfax-Ukraine reports, the United States and the Russian Federation are working to overcome contradictions in the issue on UN mission deployment in the Donbass. This negotiation is being conducted ahead of the negotiations round on the Donbass problem.

    An unnamed source said, “So far, different views on the question of the UN contingent deployment to Donbass remain. The parties retain hope for rapprochement to the next consultations round in March.” According to that source, the main …

  • Poland reasserts its demand for the return of the Presidential Tu-154M plane wreckage from Russia

    Poland says that Russia has no more reasons to hold on to the wreckage of the Presidential Tu-154M plane that crashed near Smolensk in 2010. According to the Polish press service department, this was stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Jacek Czaputowicz during a meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Andreyev.

    “The head of Polish diplomacy emphasized that Russia has no basis for further retention of the governmental plane wreckage and [the Ambassador] expects it to be returned.” …

  • Kremlin confirms that Su-25 was shot down with Russian air defense system in Syria

    Major Roman Filipov’s Su-25 assault jet was shot down in Syria with a missile from a Russian Igla man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS), said Franz Klintsevich, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Defense and Security Committee.

    “According to unofficial information, it was an ‘Igla’,” Klintsevich said. According to him, serious work is being done to clarify all the circumstances, especially who supplied the MANPADS.

    On February 3, militants shot down a Russian Su-25 SM assault jet …

  • Russia announces the possible delivery of Ka-32 helicopters to Turkey

    Head of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko and Deputy Director General of the Turkish General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGCA) Can Erel signed a working agreement that opens up opportunities for the delivery of Russian Ka-32 helicopters to Turkey, as reported on the website of the Federal Air Transport Agency of Russia.

    As noted in the report, the agreement provides for the delivery of helicopters in the spring of 2018.

    “The agreement is aimed at providing the …

  • Media: Putin might vote in Crimea during the presidential elections

    Russian President Vladimir Putin might vote in Sevastopol for the March 18th Presidential elections, the newspaper Kommersant writes.

    According to the newspaper’s source, the region was chosen based on anticipated low turnout for the Russian Presidential election. During the previous federal elections, Vladimir Putin always voted in Moscow."However, after the change in the legislation in 2017, it became easier to vote at the place of residence rather than registration. The expert said that …

  • Europe clamps down on wealthy Russians

    European banks have tightened supervision of the accounts of Russian clients ahead of the transition to the new standards of financial information exchange stipulated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), RBC news agency reports with reference to bankers and lawyers involved.

    The transition to the new standards of financial information exchange is carried out in two stages. The first stage has already been completed, with around 100 countries involved in creating …

  • Latvian Ambassador to Russia: if Moscow stations Iskander missile systems permanently in Kaliningrad NATO will have to respond

    If the recent permanent deployment of Iskander mobile short-range ballistic missile systems to the Kaliningrad region (the Russian Federation) are confirmed, this could be interpreted as a step toward the imbalance and destabilizing of the situation with Russia, according to the Ambassador of Latvia to Russia, Maris Riekstins, on LTV’s Rita Panorama program.

    According to the Rus.TVNET, Mr. Riekstins also said that Russia had not announced the stationing of the missile systems, though there had …

  • Japan protests against Russia’s military exercises on the Kuril Islands

    At a Budget Committee meeting of the lower chamber of the Japanese Parliament, Foreign Minister Taro Kono expressed a strong objection against the beginning of the Russian military exercises on the Kuril Islands, Kyodo news agency reports.

    According to the report, Russia’s exercises contradict the position of Japan on the four Northern islands (the South Kuril Islands).

    Shortly before, week-long military exercises started on the islands of the Kuril Ridge, Interfax reported, citing the …