Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: Russians came under fire during US strike against Assad's partners in Syria

    Citing the publication Tasnim, the Iranian news agency Fars has reported that three militants affiliated with the group Hezbollah, as well as several militiamen and ‘several Russian military advisers’, were killed on Wednesday as a result of a strike by the coalition forces against supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad the vicinity of the Hasham gas field in Deir ez-Zor province.

    The report discusses the attack by Assad supporters, whom the Pentagon earlier claimed approached the zone …

  • President Dodon condemned Moldovan parliament for anti-Russian declaration

    Moldovan President, Igor Dodon, criticized the Republic’s Parliament for adopting a declaration in which Russia is accused of interfering in the country’s “information security.”

    In his opinion, “all these systematic and intentional provocations are aimed at forcing Russian to take equivalent actions against our country.”

    He also added, “I really hope that today’s hasty decisions won’t have serious impact on our relations with Russia.”

    As previously reported, the Moldovan parliament adopted …

  • Russia warned Israel against recognizing Holodomor as genocide

    A Russian diplomat warned Israel about approving a proposed bill on the official recognition of the Holodomor in Ukraine as genocide, as indicated in a comment to a local radio station by the Deputy Russian Ambassador to Tel Aviv, Leonid Frolov, Radio Liberty reports.

    "This is not the best time to discuss this proposal ... It will be bad, it will be a wrong step," he said.

    Earlier, a bill to recognize the Ukrainian Holodomor as genocide was filed for consideration by the Israeli parliament ( …

  • Oracle limits its work with Russian oil companies due to sanctions

    Oracle, an American, multinational, computer technology corporation warned Russian oil companies that they would tighten the requirements for cooperation with them, the newspaper Kommersant, citing the corporation’s letter dated January 12. The list attached to the letter includes 283 companies including Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil and Surgutneftegas.

    The letter refers to the ban by American authorities on deals related to deep water and Arctic offshore exploration technologies if they involve …

  • Estonian Intelligence warns of information warfare by Russia against NATO troops in the Baltic States

    In a report titled “International Security and Estonia 2018”, the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service has warned that Russian information warfare against NATO troops in the Baltic States will continue into 2018.

    "Information attacks on NATO forces in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will continue at a pace similar to 2017," Estonian experts believe.

    According to the Estonian intelligence, the Kremlin's propaganda machine is also making an attempt to reduce and denigrate the significance of …

  • Russia calls US strikes on Assad partners a crime

    The strike conducted by coalition forces led by the United States on the forces of Bashar al-Assad’s supporters in the province of Deir ez Zor is a crime, stated Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya, RIA Novosti reported.

    The diplomat noted that despite the fact that Washington declares that its goal in Syria is to fight terrorists, the real actions of the United States appear different. “They keep saying that they are fighting international terrorism, but we see that …

  • Latvia approves imposing sanctions against those on Magnitsky List

    On Thursday, February 8, the Latvian Saeima approved the introduction of sanctions against those on the so-called Magnitsky List, Delfi news outlet reports.

    The bill, previously approved by the Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs, lists 49 individuals who will be banned from entering Latvia. The results of the vote led the Saeima to call on the Cabinet of Ministers to impose the sanctions. According to the main provisions of the Magnitsky Act, foreigners who are associated with large- …

  • Bridge built by Russian military in Syria washed away

    A Russian-built bridge across the Euphrates in Syria was destroyed due to rising water levels in the river, according to RIA Novosti.

    On September 23 last year, construction on a 212-meter automobile bridge was begun by the Russian military in the suburb of Deir-ez-Zor. A week later, the construction was handed over to Syria. It was intended to be used for the transfer of military equipment and personnel to the eastern shore of the Euphrates.

    On January 6, 2018, the water level and the speed …

  • Washington uncertain if Russians were involved in attack on US partners in Syria

    The White House does not know if Russian citizens were involved in the attack on the headquarters of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on February 7,  Donald Trump’s deputy press secretary Raj Shah told reporters at a press conference.

    One of the reporters was interested to know whether Trump had been notified about the attack which took place in the region of the Khasham settlement, and whether there is “any information on Russian representatives’ involvement in this”.“The …

  • Estonia will continue to upgrade the border with Russia despite a sharp rise in cost of work

    Estonia will continue to reinforce the border with Russia, despite the fact that the cost of work has more than doubled, as stated by the Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas, according to ERR news outlet.

    Ratas said that the cost of the construction along the eastern border was 79 million euros in 2015, but now, after the completion of the design work, it turns out that it will cost two and a half or even three times more.“This, of course, does not mean that the construction on the eastern …