Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia to sell Indonesia fighter jets for palm oil

    Russia has signed a contract to sell Indonesia 11 Su-35 fighters, Interfax news agency reported, citing a source in Jakarta. The negotiations which lasted nearly four years have resulted in a deal that will be partially realized as a barter.

    The latest fighters, the closest to the fifth generation among the Russian aircraft, will be exchanged for batches of palm oil, crumb rubber, and other Indonesian goods. These goods will cover roughly half of the contract’s value ($1.1 billion), a source …

  • Ukraine prepares memorandum against Russia for violating the Law of the Sea

    Ukraine is preparing to file a memorandum with the UN International Tribunal on Russia's violation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

    Ukrayinska Pravda reports that Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin shared this information with journalists.

    "Since Russia has violated all its obligations, in particular under the Convention on the Law of the Sea, it should not only bear responsibility for this, it should pay for it," the Foreign Minister said.

    He added that “all the …

  • The US expresses concern about the new Russian cruise missiles

    The commander of the United States Northern Command And North American Aerospace Defense Command, General Lori Robinson spoke to the United States Senate Armed Services Committee about her "concern" over the potential of the newly developed Russian cruise missiles. The text and video of her speech are published on the website of the Committee.

    Speaking about possible events that may affect the mission of US defense, the general noted that Russia and China "have expanded their military presence. …

  • Russia sends first batch of T-90 tanks to Iraq

    The first batch of Russian T-90 tanks and armored transports has already been sent to Iraq. This was announced by Hakim al-Zamili, head of Iraq’s parliamentary defense committee, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    According to al-Zamili, a batch of nine tanks is en route and will soon arrive in Iraq. They were dispatched from Russia on February 15. He added that the shipment of tanks will lead to “a strategic change in Iraq’s military infrastructure” since Iraq will have modern equipment which it can …

  • Russia conducts tests of Tor Arctic missile system

    A video of tests of the Arctic Tor-M2DT short-range missile system has been published on the YouTube-channel of RT (Russia Today) news agency.

    According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the tests that were conducted at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region were successful. The consecutive firing of missiles at two targets proved the accuracy of the system.

    The Tor-M2DT system is especially designed to be used for Arctic region based on the chassis of the DT-30PM tracked all- …

  • Ukrainian President: Russia has unleashed 'World Hybrid War'

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that the hybrid war in Ukraine, which Russia unleashed, is gradually affecting other countries, the Presidential press service reported.

    "Today, there is nothing for us but to acknowledge that the hybrid war being waged by Russia is gradually turning into a full-fledged World Hybrid War... I am the one to warn you that there are no limits in the Kremlin as regards its hidden agenda. There is no country, which is so familiar with Moscow’s hybrid …

  • NATO accuses Russia of violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    At the Munich Security Conference, Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, said that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty [INF Treaty] and that is a nuclear threat.

    "Unfortunately, the nuclear threat is again on the agenda. And it would be irresponsible to ignore it. Key agreements in the field of nuclear safety are under threat, including the INF Treaty," the Secretary General said

    He said that the violation takes place in the development and testing of …

  • Turchynov: 'heroes' claiming that Russian annexation of Crimea could have been prevented are lying

    Some recent claims asserting that the Russian annexation of the Crimea in 2014 could have been prevented are not true, according to statements made by the chairperson of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Oleksandr Turchynov, in his witness statements before the court where he was testifying in a high treason case against the former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych.

    “Former Chief of General Staff, Volodymyr Zamana, misled the court when he stated that in February 2014 he …

  • Polish Prime Minister: launch of Nord Stream 2 pipeline may provoke a war between Ukraine and Russia

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the construction of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream-2 creates a new unnecessary tension, and that its launch could lead to war between Ukraine and Russia, reports RBC-Ukraine.

    The official noted that Ukraine is now relatively safe since it controls gas routes to Central Europe. According to the Polish Prime Minister, if Nord Stream 2 is launched and the Ukrainian gas pipelines are disconnected, Russia will be able to aggravate the …

  • Turchynov: it is impossible for Ukraine to declare war on Russia

    Ukraine does not have sufficient means to conduct a military confrontation with Russia if the latter uses nuclear weapons, said the head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, 112 Ukraine TV channel reported. Turchynov made this statement under examination in the case against former President Viktor Yanukovych, who was charged with high treason.

    "That is why we could not declare war in February-March 2014. Unfortunately, now that we have a combat-ready …