Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia has suspended military cooperation with Turkey

    The Russian Presidential spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Russia has suspended military cooperation with Turkey with regards to further military actions along Turkey- Syria borders. He added that the Russian operation in Syria has continued without restrictions and he is unaware of any agreements regarding the cessation of flights along the Syrian-Turkish border.

    “We assume that Russian forces continue the operation in support of military offensives against terrorist organizations …

  • Russia bombs busy marketplace in Syria

    Over fourty civilians killed in a Russian bombing raid on a busy maketplace in the Syrian town of Ariha in the north-west Idlib province.The strikes came on a busy Sunday afternoon and were reported by the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.The Observatory believes cluster bombs were used in the raid launched in support of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad. In addition to the market, several other areas of the town were hit.

    The town of Ariha is not a stronghold of ISIS and has been …

  • Ukraine promises to increase food exports to Turkey in response to Russian sanctions

    Ukraine made a statement about its readiness to ensure food security for Turkey in case of export restrictions from the Russian side. Kiev intends to increase export of grain, corn and oil to the Turkish market. The Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Alexander Pavlenko, posted on his Facebook page, November 29, a statement which explains that Ukraine is ready to provide food for Turkey.

    According to Pavlenko, if traditional partners of Turkey suspend grain export, Ukraine is …

  • Der Spiegel: At least two Russian officers killed in Syria

    At least two Russian army officers were killed during military actions in Syria, reported Der Spiegel. According to the edition, on November 12th, two servicemen of the 22nd Special Forces Brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia were buried in Rostov-on-Don. Russian media has not mentioned these events.

    Der Spiegel reported that the Russian Army, in addition to the airstrikes, is also involved in the transportation of Syrian army personnel using IL freighter planes and MI-24 …

  • Syrian opposition rebels strike Hmeymim Russian airbase in Syria

    The Turkish newspaper, Hurriyet, reported that on November 26, oppositionists from Ahrar ash-Sham carried out an artillery strike on Russian airbase Hmeymim in Syrian Latakia. Artillery shelling at the airbase of Russian aviation resulted in deaths and injuries. The sources claim that none of the Russian planes went up into the sky after artillery strike.

    The Israeli branch of International Volunteer Group, Inform Napalm, confirmed that there is a large number of wounded individuals, and …

  • Poland prepares a new investigation of air crash near Smolensk

    The ruling party believes that the air crash which happened in 2010 near Smolensk was planned. The brother of the deceased President also required an independent evaluation of the previous investigation. The Party Law and Justice, which won the recent parliamentary elections in Poland, prepared a new investigation of the air crash of TU-154M, as a result of which the former President of Poland was killed. This was reported to the AP on November 26.

    The tragedy happened in 2010 near Smolensk. …

  • Zhanna Nemtsova: Putin won’t run Russia forever

    “Kremlin critics live in fear of President Vladimir Putin, but when the time comes, Russia will be ready for a new kind of politician,” said the daughter of slain opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov.

    Nemtsova stated in her interview to Reuters in Berlin that Putin won’t run the State forever. Nemtsov was the most prominent among Kremlin critics who have been killed during over the 15 years that Putin has been in power. His murder in the very centre of Moscow shocked followers and caused an …

  • Khodorkovsky: Putin is leading Russia towards stagnation and collapse

    President Vladimir Putin will survive Western sanctions as well as falling oil prices, but the Kremlin chief has brought such stagnation that Russia could eventually collapse, the former tycoon, Mikhail Khodorkovsky said on Thursday.Russia's richest man, who was arrested in 2003, after quarreling with Putin and released in 2013, told Reuters that Putin could indeed survive oil prices of $45 per barrel, but the longer he stays in power, the greater risks will be for Russia.He said that Putin, …

  • Will the conflict between Russia and Turkey affect Ukraine?

    While Russia and Turkey accuse each other of violating basic international rules and threaten each other with rigorous sanctions, we tried to understand what the long-term consequences of the SU-24 crash would be. How strongly tied are the economies of the two countries? Immediately after the crash, the Kremlin stated that the status of the relationship between the countries was undermined at that time. Both parties stand to suffer losses should the relationship deteriorate further. Turkey is …

  • Russia bombs Turkish humanitarian aid convoy

    As reported by Turkish state-run Anadolu News Agency, Russian warplanes bombed a Turkish truck convoy at the Syrian border on Wednesday.The trucks belonged to IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, an Istanbul-based humanitarian organization with connections to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 

    Seven people were killed and ten others injured in the air strike on the convoy of 20 trucks delivering supplies to refugees.

    Meanwhile, a US official said he was "aware of reports that a convoy of …