Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia intends to upgrade Strategic Missile Troops’ weaponry by 66% by the end of 2017

    The proportion of latest weaponry and technology of the Russian Strategic Missile Troops (RVSN) will reach 66% by the end of 2017. This was announced by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu in a session of the Ministry of Defense board, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    According to him, active rearmament is currently underway for four Yars missile system compounds, both mobile and ground based.

    Shoygu said in April that the proportion of modern technology in the RVSN is reaching 60%. The …

  • Russia: Unidentified aircraft helping ISIS in Afghanistan

    The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the flights of an unidentified aircraft which provides assistance to ISIS in Afghanistan.

    The ministry drew attention to reports of regular flights of an aircraft without identification marks in various regions of Afghanistan. In particular, the reports contain information about instances where boxes with weapons and other supplies were dropped for ISIS units.

     “This naturally raises a question to the above-mentioned representatives of NATO …

  • Russia expelled Estonian Consul General in St. Petersburg

    The Russian authorities sent a letter to Arti Hilpus, Ambassador of Estonia in Moscow, in connection with the expulsion of two Russian diplomats from the country and declared two members of the diplomatic mission of Estonia persona non grata, as published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

    The Foreign Ministry ordered the Consul General of Estonia in St. Petersburg, Jaanus Kirikmäe and the head of the Pskov Chancellery of the Estonian Consulate General in St. …

  • Montenegrin Prime Minister and leading politicians banned from entering Russia

    Montenegrin Prime Minister Duško Marković, former head of state and leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Đukanović, parliament spokesperson Ivan Brajović and a number of other Montenegrin politicians were placed on the Russian sanctions list. This was reported by the newspaper Pravda with reference to a source in the republic’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    The restrictive measures were introduced against a total of 70 people, 46 of them being members of the Montenegrin parliament. …

  • Russia transferred Iskander-M missile systems to Tajikistan

    Russia has deployed Iskander-M missile systems for the first time to Tajikistan in preparation for joint exercises.

    According to the Russian news agency TASS, the commander of the troops of the Central Military District, Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, stated that the Iskander-M missile systems will carry out a combat launch at a hypothetical “terrorist” base camp in the mountains in the course of the combat exercises.

    This will be the first time the Iskander missile systems will take …

  • Russia expels five Moldovan diplomats

    Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared five Moldovan diplomats in Moscow persona non grata and ordered them to leave the country within three days, as reported on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.

    On Wednesday, May 31st, the ministry summoned the minister-counselor of the Moldovan Embassy in Russia, Nikolae Miinea, and informed him that Moscow requires that five diplomats leave the country.

    “Russia expresses hope that those in Chisinau realize the counterproductive nature of …

  • Russian warships fire cruise missiles at targets in Syria

    Russian frigate Admiral Essen and the submarine Krasnodar which are currently in the Mediterranean fired four Kalibr cruise missiles at Islamic State targets in the Syrian Palmyra region, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    All the missiles reportedly hit their targets. The strikes were directed at heavy equipment and troops brought over from Raqqa.

    The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that the “commands of the US, Turkey and Israel were informed in good time about the …

  • Putin: NATO contradicts itself by increasing military expenditure while talking about establishing relations with Russia

    In an interview for Le Figaro, Russian President Vladimir Putin called NATO’s plans contradictory, since it is increasing military expenditure but simultaneously talking about a desire to establish relations with Russia.

    “At the NATO summit there was talk that NATO wants to establish good relations with Russia. But why then are they increasing their military expenditure? Who are they intending to fight against? There are a couple of internal contradictions here,” Putin observed.

    The Russian …

  • Ukraine initiates a case against Russian officials for conducting a 'hybrid war'

    The Prosecutor’s Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (a unit that remains within the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine) has opened a criminal case against Russian officials for conducting a "hybrid war", as stated in a message published on the Prosecutor's Office website.

    The case was opened, according to the materials of the Security Service (SBU), under Part 1 of Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (planning, preparation, unleashing and waging an aggressive war).

    It is …

  • Putin admitted he did not expect anything special from Trump’s US election victory

    Russia did not hold special expectations from Donald Trump’s administration coming to power. Moscow understands that an internal political struggle continues in Washington and that this hinders the establishment of relations. This was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s expressed opinion in an interview with Le Figaro newspaper.

    "We did not expect anything; nothing special actually [from the Trump administration]," he said. "Of course, during the election campaign we heard about Mr. Trump’s …