Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia condemns the ratification of Ukraine-EU Association Agreement by the Netherlands

    Maria Zakharova, official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on the Netherlands’ ratification of the Ukraine—European Union Association Agreement, as reported by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    The spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the agreement on the association of Ukraine and the EU is essentially anti-Russian, and the people of the Netherlands have been cheated by their own leaders.

    “However, all of this …

  • Kremlin: Russia ready for talks with U.S. about the Donbas

    Russia intends to step up the dialogue with the U.S. on the settlement of the situation in Donbas, as reported by the newspaper Izvestiya citing the by Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Ryabkov.

    According to him, Russia expects that soon the U.S. will appoint someone in the State Department to care for this matter. First, a successor to Victoria Nuland – who was involved in the Ukraine issue under Barack Obama – needs to be appointed. Only then will there be possible a substantive …

  • McCain: Russia is a bigger threat to global security than the Islamic State

    U.S. Republican Senator John McCain believes that the actions of Russian leadership are a greater threat to global security than the crimes of the Islamic State terrorist group.

    In an interview with Australian ABC TV, released on Monday, May 29th, McCain acknowledged that the IS militants "can do terrible things." However, he said, "it is the Russians who … try to destroy the very fundamentals of democracy, and that is, to change the outcome of an American election." The senator added, "I’ve …

  • U.S.-led coalition: U.S. does not cooperate but works to avoid incidents with Russians in Syria

    A representative of the US-led international coalition, Ryan Dillon, explained the situation regarding the interaction with Russia in Syria. Dialogue between Russia and the members of the coalition continues every day, said the colonel.

    According to him, the Russian Federation will not participate in the offensive operation near Raqqa, which the coalition is planning. "As for the operation near Raqqa - no. But in other parts of Syria we have contact. We support the work of the hotline. Both we, …

  • Russia denies entry to Montenegrin MP citing EU sanctions

    The ban on the entry of a Deputy from the ruling Montenegrin party, Miodrag Vuković, into Russia, is connected with EU sanctions, as stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, the press service of the ministry reports.

    "It's not a secret that Montenegro joined the anti-Russian sanctions of the EU from the very beginning, including sanctions against individuals. We have always said that we reserve the right to take …

  • Russian opposition prepares new wave of anti-corruption protests

    In Moscow and other Russian cities, initiative groups submitted applications for endorsement of rallies against corruption on June 12. At the moment, pro-active groups in 212 Russian cities have announced their planned participation in the protest rallies on June 12, oppositionist Alexey Navalny reports in his blog.

    In many cities, the groups had stood waiting overnight in front of administrative offices in order to be the first to submit an application for holding a rally. The declared number …

  • Moldova announces the expulsion of five Russian diplomats

    Five Russian diplomats have been declared persona non grata in Moldova, according to the Moldovan news outlet Publika, quoting Anna Samson, Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova. The Russian embassy told RIA Novosti that they were examining a message about the declaring of five Russian diplomats as persona non grata, thus confirming its receipt.

    According to Interfax, the diplomats were ordered to leave the country within 24 hours. Russian …

  • Head of the Pentagon believes that Russia knows that NATO is not a threat

    US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, in an interview with CBS said that NATO is not a threat to Russia, and stated that it remains a mystery why the Russians think differently.

    "It's clear that NATO is not a threat," said Mattis, noting that Russia chooses strategic competition with the West. "But the point is that NATO is not a threat, and they know it. They do not doubt this," the head of the Pentagon added.

    According to him, the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, intends …

  • Russia deployed newest Terminator helicopters to its Eastern Military District

    The first batch of Mi-8ATMSH Terminator attack helicopters was delivered to the District Army Aviation Unit in Vladivostok, as reported by Russia’s TASS news agency citing the District’s Press Service. This was the first of the year’s scheduled deliveries.

    “New helicopters were delivered to the District Army Aviation Unit in Zabaykalsky Krai. They were accepted by the Unit Technical Specialists at the manufacturing plant and pilots tested the helicopters during a flight to their permanent …

  • Russia will form a UAV battalion at its military base in Tajikistan

    A battalion of drones will be formed at the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan before the end of the year, as stated by the Commander of the Central Military District, Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, Interfax reports.

    According to the Colonel General, the battalion will be equipped with Orlan and Eleron UAV systems. The creation of the unit will make it possible to use considerable forces of unmanned vehicles "in a single information system” and improve the effectiveness of …