Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia: Ukraine's banning of the St. George's ribbon will postpone the implementation of the Minsk agreements

    The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs belives that banning St. George's ribbon in Ukraine will postpone the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova at a briefing in Moscow, UNIAN reports.

    "Regarding the ban on the distribution and manufacture of St. George's Ribbons, you know perfectly well that this will not affect the Russian Federation in any way but it will have a huge negative impact on …

  • Russia intends to build helicopter carrier by 2022

    The first Russian helicopter carrier could be delivered to the Russian Navy within as little as four years, its construction has already been included in the state weapons program, said Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov, as reported by TASS.

    “The construction cycle of a helicopter carrier is a minimum of four years, well, somewhere towards 2022,” he said during the HeliRussia 2017 exhibition, in response to reporters’ questions on when the Russian helicopter carrier could be built. …

  • Ukraine's NSDC did not consider the termination of passenger rail transport with Russia

    The termination of passenger rail transportation between Ukraine and Russia was not considered at the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

    "The issue of stopping passenger transportation by rail to Russia was not considered at the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council," the NSDC press service stated, responding to a request from Interfax-Ukraine.

    Russian newspaper "Kommersant" cited several sources close to the government of Ukraine, reporting that …

  • Russia’s representative to NATO: Russia concerned about increase in U.S. military budget

    Russia is concerned about the increase in military spending by Donald Trump’s administration within NATO by 40% in 2018, Russia's permanent representative to the alliance Alexander Grushko said on the television station Rossiya 24.

    “What worries us right now is that the Trump administration asked for $4.8 billion for next year for the so-called Allied Reassurance Initiative. This year, the funding amounted to $3.7 billion. This means a 40 percent increase,” he said.

    According to Grushko, this …

  • U.S. and Russian militaries are actively exchanging information about skies over Syria

    The commander of U.S. air operations in the Middle East said that the United States and Russia are now more actively exchanging information through an established “hotline,” as the airspace over the territory controlled by ISIS is becoming more crowded.

    “We had to increase the amount of work to eliminate conflict situations, which we are doing together with the Russians, given the limited airspace in which we are now operating,” U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigan told the media …

  • Russia has tested almost all kinds of weapons during military operations in Syria

    Russia tested almost all kinds and types of weapons during the special operations in Syria, not only ones currently in use, but also promising ones, those under development and testing, Russian Deputy Defense Minister, Yury Borisov said.

    Armed confrontations have continued in Syria since March 2011. Since September 30, 2015, at the request of Bashar Al-Assad, Russia has been conducting air strikes against targets in Syria. With the support of Russia, Damascus has managed to reverse the …

  • Russia deploys a division of Uragan MLRS to its military base in Tajikistan

    Russia’s TASS news agency reports that the Russian 201st military base in Tajikistan has been reinforced by a division of Uragan (Hurricane) multiple launcher systems (MLRS), as reported by the commander of the Central Military District, Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky.

    "The combat capabilities of the 201 military base have been reinforced by a high-capacity division equipped with Uragan MLRS," said the commander.

    He clarified that the size of the compound remained within the framework …

  • In Defense Doctrine of Poland, Russia named as main destabilizing factor

    The new Defense Concept of Poland emphasizes that Russia continues to violate international law, tries to destabilize surrounding countries and the West, and poses a threat to Poland, the countries of the region, and other states that are interested in a stable international system.

    Of particular concern is the steady growth of military spending in Russia, the document said.

    "Russia's ultimate goal remains the introduction of a new international system based on the so-called concept of ‘ …

  • Media: Kyiv intends to discontinue rail commuting between Ukraine and Russia

    From July 1, Kyiv plans to completely stop the railway passenger commuting between Russia and Ukraine. This was reported on Thursday by Kommersant newspaper with reference to several sources that are close to the government of Ukraine.

    One of the newspaper’s interlocutors notes that the pretext for such a decision will be the JSC Russian Railways’ unwillingness to stop passenger transportation to Russia from the territories of the Donbas that are uncontrolled by Kyiv, which "violates the …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador: Black Sea states refuse to cooperate with Russia until the Crimea’s annexation has been repealed

    Prior to the de-annexation of the Crimea, the countries of the Black Sea region will not sign any major agreement with Russia in the economic sphere. The former Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey, Sergiy Korsunsky explained this on Radio Krym.Realii while commenting on the 25th summit of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) held in Istanbul, in which both Ukraine and Russia took part.

    "Russian representatives tried to promote a policy. They say, “let's talk about …