Contents tagged with Russia

  • U.S. Department of State: Proposed budget for 2018 aimed at “opposing Russian aggression”

    The proposed budget of the U.S. Department of State for the 2018 fiscal year (beginning October 1, 2017) is aimed in particular at “opposing Russian aggression” in Eurasia. This position was stated in an interview with reporters on Tuesday by Hari Sastry, Director of the Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources, which is a division of the U.S. Department of State.

    “This budget will also allow us to counter Russian aggression and malign influence in Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia, and …

  • President of Philippines asks Putin for weapons

    President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that his country needs modern weapons and will ask for help from the Russian Federation, RIA Novosti reported.

    Duterte also said that he had come to Moscow to enlist the support of Russia.

    “Our country needs modern weapons. We had ordered certain things from the U.S., but now the situation is not going very smoothly. And in order to fight the Islamic State, with their many units and factions, …

  • Putin demanded that the process of developing a super-heavy rocket be sped up

    Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that the process of developing a super-heavy rocket be sped up, as indicated by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin following a meeting on the development of the space industry. A new super-heavy class rocket may appear after 2025, he said.

    In March 2017, Roskosmos reported on the development of the space industry, stating that flight tests of the super-heavy rocket are scheduled for 2035, according to TASS.

    "The president set the task before …

  • Media: One of the victims of the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya was a member of the Russian National Guard

    One of the victims of the mass persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya was a serviceman of National Guard of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia), as reported by Novaya Gazeta citing unnamed sources.

    "We provided new information to the investigation in order to verify the four victims who were residents of Chechnya. Three of whom, according to our information, were killed in on the suspicion of homosexual orientation (among them - an employee of the National Guard)," the report says.

    According …

  • Russia threatens the USA with possible retaliation for the ejection of Russian diplomatic property

    Moscow announced the possibility of retaliatory measures in connection with the USA’s ejection of Russian diplomatic property in the country.

    The Counselor of the Russian Embassy in the United States, Denis Gonchar said in an interview with RIA Novosti that American authorities have become familiar with the nature of retaliatory steps.

    He noted that Russia is seeking an early return of its property, however "so far, the State Department is trying to negotiate a positive solution to the issue …

  • Russia imported more than 1 million tons of coal from the separatist-held territories of eastern Ukraine in 2016

    In 2016, roughly 1.04 million tons of coal was exported from the Donbas territories which are not controlled by Ukraine into Russia, reports, citing Russian railway data. In 2015, the volume of smuggled exports was somewhat larger – 1.3 million tons.

    The mined coal is enriched at Donetsk and Luhansk factories and transported through the border with Russia that is not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. Later on the fuel is exported to European and African countries. Some of the …

  • Medvedev: Russia is negotiating with Greece and Bulgaria an entry point for the second branch of the Turkish Stream pipeline

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that Russia is in talks with Greece and Bulgaria regarding an entry point to Turkey for the “Turkish Stream”, reports RIA Novosti.

    "We, within the framework of negotiations that are being conducted with a number of European countries, are determining where it is better to establish an entry point to Europe. There are different proposals. Negotiations are being conducted with a number of European countries, these are both Greece and Bulgaria. Well, and …

  • Two Russian officers killed in Syria

    Two military advisers from Russia have been killed in Syria: Captain Evgeny Konstantinov and Major Aleksander Skladan, commander of the reconnaissance battalion, as reported by RBC news outlet, citing Sergei Minko, the Chairman of the regional branch of “Boevoe Bratstvo” (“Military Brotherhood”) in the Jewish Autonomous Region of Russia.

    In Minko’s words, the retreating Syrian army left the Russian military alone with the enemy.

    “The Syrian army stopped providing covering fire, and retreated. …

  • Mogherini: Russia hardly can be called a superpower

    The Russian Federation can hardly be called a superpower today due to its economic situation, as stated by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa in Jordan, CNBC reports.

    "If we look at the state of the Russian economy today, it can hardly be called a superpower," Mogherini said. She also added that today the GDP per capita in Russia is lower than in most of the …

  • For now, Russia does not plan to supply Belarus with Iskander-M missile systems

    Dmitriy Shugaev, Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, told Interfax that for the time being, Russia does not plan to supply the Iskander-M operational and tactical missile system to Belarus. "At the moment, there have been no official requests for the acquisition of these systems from Belarus," he said during MILEX – 2017, the 8th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Machinery.

    In October 2016, Belarusian Foreign Minister, Vladimir Makei, gave an …