Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine submitted a report to NATO on Russia’s ties to ISIS and Taliban

    The People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc "Solidarity" and head of the Ukrainian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Iryna Friz, provided NATO leadership with a report on Russia's relations with Islamist terrorist groups, including the Islamic State.

    "During the NATO PA spring session in Tbilisi, I provided the Vice President of the organization, Rasa Jukneviciene, and each member of the national delegations with an analytical report on the Russian Federation’s …

  • Lithuanian foreign minister pushes for new sanctions against Russia

    Western countries must impose additional sanctions on Russia, since the existing ones are not working well enough to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, as stated by the Lithuanian Foreign Minister, Linas Linkevičius, at the GLOBSEC security forum in Bratislava.

    According to him, discussions on the lifting of sanctions are premature since the situation in Ukraine is not changing, and Russia is providing military support to militia in the Donbas.

    Since Lithuania borders with Russia, the situation …

  • Montenegro’s Foreign Ministry: Russia interfered in country’s affairs

    Montenegro’s Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanović said that Russia “strongly interfered in the internal affairs” of the country and tried to interfere with the government’s intentions to join NATO, reports the broadcast network RTCG.

    “Russia openly interfered in our internal political matters, which, of course, we do not at all approve of. Over the past two or three years, Russia has been pursuing a policy that is opposed to the enlargement of NATO. We decided that we would determine the …

  • The Head of the Chechen Parliament denied allegations about his involvement in gay abuse

    The speaker of the Parliament of Chechnya called the Human Rights Watch report ‘cheap slander’ and stated he welcomed an investigation. Earlier, the human rights organization accused him of being involved in the prosecution of gays in the republic.

    The Speaker of the Parliament of Chechnya, Magomed Daudov, commented on the report by the human rights organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW), on his page on Instagram, accusing him of being involved in the prosecution of gays in Chechnya.

    "Yes, I …

  • Media: Russia postpones the launch of its new piloted spaceship

    The management of Roscosmos intends to revise the plans to launch the new Russian piloted spaceship Federation, to postpone it until 2022 and change the location to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, as reported by TASS news agency, with reference to a source in Russia’s space rocket industry.

    According to the news agency’s source, in addition to the scheduled date, the proposal for the launch itself will change: the ship will be taken into orbit by a new Phoenix medium-class carrier rocket, and not an …

  • Ukrainian MP: U.S. and EU advised Ukraine not to fight against Russia during the annexation of Crimea

    Representatives of the United States and Europe recommended Ukraine not to enter armed conflict with Russia and not to declare martial law during the seizure of the Crimea by Russia in 2014.

    This was stated by the then-acting head of the presidential administration, Sergei Pashinsky, on channel "112 Ukraine" while answering a question about whether the EU and U.S. had really advised not to defend the Crimea.

    "The Americans and Europeans recommended our country not to engage in an armed …

  • Kremlin: Russia will not be able to partner with West in fight against terrorism while under sanctions

    According to Franz Klintsevich, Russia’s First Deputy of the Federation Council on the Defense and Security Committee, the Group of Seven’s statement on its readiness to intensify anti-Russian sanctions means that these nations do not really intend to fight international terrorism, because under such conditions Russia will not be able to partner with the West in this area, and without its participation, the fight against terrorism is not possible.

    “Today the leaders of G7, having expressed …

  • Kremlin: Russian military tested more than 200 weapons during the operation in Syria in 2016

    According to the Chairman of the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Igor Makushev, the Russian military scientists have analyzed the use of more than 200 weapons in Syria over the past year, as reported by Russia’s TASS news agency .

    "Over the past year, an analysis of the use and operation of more than 200 weapons systems has been made, with special attention paid to the latest models, including those undergoing testing," the …

  • Russia will create in the Arctic research and experimental center for the military

    The Russian Defense Ministry plans to establish a research and experimental scientific center in the Arctic this year, according to Lieutenant-General Igor Makushev, Chairman of the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    "On the order of the President, as part of the development of the Arctic zone in 2017, it is planned to create a research and experimental Arctic scientific center. It is planned to establish the center's …

  • Estonian Foreign Ministry announced the expulsion of two Russian diplomats

    Russia's Consul General in Estonia’s third largest city Narva Dmitry Kazennov and Consul Andrei Surgaev have been delivered a note that they must leave Estonia, as reported by Delfi news outlet, citing Media Adviser of the Estonian Foreign Ministry Sandra Kamilova.

    Kamilova confirmed that Kazennov and Surgaev would be expelled from the country, but refused to comment on it. The reasons for this decision have not been specified.

    Russia’s RIA Novosti reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs …