Contents tagged with Russia

  • Kyiv court allows the seizure of 6 billion of Gazprom property in Ukraine

    The Economic Court of the City of Kyiv satisfied the petition of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) and the State Executive Service of the Ministry of Justice by changing the procedure of the execution of the court decision regarding the recovery of a 172 billion UAH ($6.48 billion) fine from Russia's Gazprom.

    "To put it simply, until now, only the funds on Gazprom’s bank accounts could be recovered. Now, the recovery extends to all the debtor’s property,” posted Minister of Justice …

  • Russia accuses Prosecutor of Netherlands of bias in investigation of MH17 crash

    Russia considers the Dutch prosecutor’s office unfair and biased in its accusations that Russia has not provided sufficient help in the investigation of the Malaysian Boeing disaster, which occurred in July 2014, said the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova.

    “Once again, we have confirmed what we observed initially in the matter of the investigation of the MN17 disaster, only now it is officially announced, in connection with the Attorney General of the …

  • Putin: U.S. wants to push Russia out of European energy markets

    The U.S. wants to oust Russia from the energy markets of Europe through sanctions, stated on Thursday, October 19,  Russian President Vladimir Putin at the session of the Valdai Discussion Club.

    “Some do not even hide the fact that they use political pretexts and occasions to promote their own, purely commercial interests. Thus, the recent sanction package adopted by the U.S. Congress is openly aimed at pushing Russia out of the European energy markets, forcing Europe to switch to more …

  • Russia blocks OSCE placement at border stretch not controlled by Ukraine

    Russia has refused the expansion of the OSCE mission along the entire stretch of the border belonging to the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces which are temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian Government, Interfax-Ukraine reports. In connection with this decision, the Ukrainian delegation to the OSCE made a statement expressing deep disappointment in Russia’s sole refusal to give consent.

    “Such actions by Russia are evidence of a deliberate unwillingness to facilitate the de- …

  • Crimean authorities admit there is a shortage of construction materials on the peninsula

    The head of the Kremlin-controlled Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, admitted that there is a shortage of building materials on the peninsula, as well as difficulties with their delivery. As Konstantinov indicated to journalists on October 18th, the shortage of construction materials is creating high prices for them in the Crimea.

    At the same time, the head of the Russian parliament of the Crimea reminded that part of the construction materials prior to the peninsula’s annexation came …

  • Mayor of Kaliningrad urges residents to leave city during FIFA World Cup 2018

    Kaliningrad Mayor Alexander Yaroshuk advised residents to “leave the city for a holiday in nature” during the Football World Cup.

    “The city will be crowded. It will be much harder to move about, virtually prohibited, except for the shuttles which will carry the fans,” Yaroshuk said in a radio interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

    The city mayor also pointed out that one of the four World Cup 2018 matches which Kaliningrad will host will be a “top” match.

    “Seventy to a hundred thousand …

  • Russia says it prepared the contract for delivery of S-400 missiles systems to Saudi Arabia

    Russia has finished preparing its contract to supply S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems to Saudi Arabia. Director General of Rostec Sergey Chemezov told RIA Novosti news on Wednesday, October 18 that they expect a decision from Riyadh, although the contract does not include the transfer of the technology needed to produce the S-400.

    It was recently reported that Rosoboronexport and the Saudi Military Industrial Company or SAMI had signed a contract to localize the production of AK-103 …

  • Czech MEPs call on President Zeman to apologize to Ukraine

    A group of members of the European Parliament (EP) from the Czech Republic have sent a letter to the President of the country, Milos Zeman, with an appeal "to apologize to Ukraine for [his] statements, thus at least partially correcting the harm," reported Radio Liberty.

    The deputies’ letter, which the editorial staff of Radio Liberty has obtained, also notes that Zeman undermined the authority of international law during his performance in Strasbourg, when Ukraine became a victim of Russian …

  • Russia closes navigation in the Barents and Kara Seas ahead of test firing of ballistic missiles

    The Russian Navy will conduct test launches of ballistic missiles from the Barents Sea and the northwestern Pacific Ocean, as indicated in the statement published on the website of Russian Ministry of Defense warned seafarers.  

    According to the Navigational Warnings system (PRIP), some areas in the Barents and Kara Seas are closed to ships due to "rocket launches" until October 30. This includes the waters of the Chosha Bay near the eastern coast of the Kanin peninsula, the areas around the …

  • Ukraine ends agreement with Russia on specialization of companies producing military products

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has terminated the intergovernmental agreement with Russia to preserve the specialization of companies and organizations engaging in military-related manufacturing.

    The relevant decision was made at a government session.

    The agreement was signed in Moscow on December 21, 2000, and came into force on March 4, 2005.

    According to the document, the parties undertake to facilitate the preservation of the manufacturing and technological specialization of …