Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia lifts ban on imports of Turkish tomatoes

    Russia will lift its restrictions on the import of tomatoes from Turkey beginning November 1, as announced by the Russian Energy Minister, Alexander Novak, who is also the Co-Chairman of the Russian-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation.

    "The decision has been prepared. The possibility of supplying 50,000 tons of tomatoes to the Russian Federation starting November 1 has already been agreed upon by our authorities," said Novak to the reporters, TASS quotes.

    He …

  • Media: At previous meeting with Surkov, Volker wanted to learn if Russia was ready to resolve the Donbas conflict

    On October 7, a meeting between the US Department of State's Special Representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, and Russian Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov took place in Belgrade. However, the details of the meeting had remained unknown- until now.

    The publication, citing sources in diplomatic circles, has reported that the meeting itself consisted of three elements. First, lunch; further, a tête-à-tête, which lasted more than an hour; and, finally, communication with members of their …

  • Latvia detects Russian warships near its borders

    Three Russian warships were sighted near the Latvian border, the National Armed Forces of the Republic stated on Twitter.

    "In the Latvian exclusive economic zone, 18 nautical miles from territorial waters, on October 21, the Navy identified the Bira-class supply ship Irgiz of the Russian Armed Forces," the statement says.

    It also notes that 13 nautical miles from the territorial waters of the republic, a Russian Sura-class buoy tender Kilektor 1 was seen, and at six nautical miles, a Smolny- …

  • Russian Sberbank admits that it is impossible to operate in the Crimea due to sanctions

    Lawyers from the Russian Sberbank cannot find a legal mechanism that would allow them to operate in the Crimea while avoiding related sanctions, stated Herman Gref, the bank’s CEO, during a lecture at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, reports RIA Novosti.

    "You can imagine what the price of such an issue is for Sberbank. It is a question of the entire financial system of the country, the competitiveness of the country as a whole. Therefore, the speculators who raise these …

  • Elections winner in Czech Republic excludes possibility of pro-Russian coalition

    The leader of the ANO party, the decisive winner in the Czech elections, said that he will not negotiate the formation of the government with the pro-Russian parties who were also among the leaders of the election.

    This was reported by iDnes, citing the speech given by ANO head Andrej Babiš. iDnes is part of Babiš’s own media holdings.

    Appearing before the media after the announcement of election results, the politician said that he would work “with all the political forces” in parliament, …

  • Lavrov: Russia has difficulties sharing its northern territories with Norway

    Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov indicated that there were problems with the Norwegian authorities on sharing the Svalbard archipelago, Interfax reports.

    "Of course, we believe that the situation around our interaction in the archipelago could be more constructive. We support ensuring the items of the treaty on Spitsbergen, that they should be strictly observed by its all participants," Lavrov said.

    According to the Minister, "sometimes we have problems with our Norwegian …

  • Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed dissatisfaction with Putin’s frequent visits to Hungary

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Witold Waszczykowski, stated in an interview with the newspaper Valasz that he was not happy with the frequent visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Hungary.

    "We are not happy, because we see Russia in a different way. But this is natural, because our geopolitical situation is also different, too. Fortunately, Hungary has no borders with Russia and therefore it is not directly threatened. The Polish-Russian border in Kaliningrad is more than 20 …

  • Kremlin believes Russia’s new Iskander missiles will help to contain nuclear threats

    The capabilities of the Iskander-M ballistic missile system make it possible to repel even a nuclear threat, which is relevant in light the worsening situation around North Korea, RIA Novosti reported, citing the head of the Defense Committee of the Federation Council and former Commander of the VKS (Russian Space Forces) Viktor Bondarev.

    Earlier this week, the chief of the Kapustin Yar rocket launch and development site, Major General Oleg Kislov, announced the completion of tests for a new …

  • Crimean authorities: Turkey's refusal to accept ships from Crimea is a 'political statement' against Russia

    The head of the Kremlin-controlled Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, believes that the decision by Turkish leadership to ban the reception of ships from the closed ports of the Russian-annexed Crimea will not affect the economy of the peninsula in any way. He told journalists about this in Simferopol, RIA Krym reports.

    "By and large, this [the ban on receiving ships in Crimea] doesn't affect us in any way. Even before that, we did not particularly have a freight flow with them [Turkey] …

  • Putin says he is disappointed that Trump is not respected in the US

    Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his regret over the lack of respect that his American counterpart Donald Trump receives in his own country, the United States.

    According to Putin, Trump is worthy of respect. "Mr. Trump was chosen by the American people and, at least for this reason, he should be respected, even if they do not agree with some of his positions. He is disrespected in his country. This is a regrettable negative component of the American political system," TASS quoted …