Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia extends Yanukovych asylum permit by another year

    The Rostov Region Office of Immigration of the Russian Interior Ministry extended the temporary asylum of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych until October 26, 2018. This was reported by the newspaper Kommersant. Vitaly Serdyuk, Yanukovych’s attorney, confirmed this information to the publication.

    According to Kommersant, the document that was issued in October 2015 expired on October 26, 2017. And the newspaper’s source in law enforcement stated that Victor Yanukovych has no other …

  • Russian court extends detention of Ukrainian Pavlo Hryb until January 4

    The Oktyabrsky District Court of Krasnodar (Russia) has extended the detention of 19 year-old Ukrainian citizen Pavlo Hryb until January 4, 2018.

    “The court session ended two hours ago. According to its ruling, Pavlo’s detention has been extended until January 4, 2018,” Hryb’s father Ihor said at a press conference, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    Citing the attorney, Ihor said that his son looks bad, and needs medical assistance.

    Pavlo Hryb’s disappearance was reported at the end of August by his …

  • Russia tests new missile for Iskander complex

    The Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the completion of tests of the new missile for the Iskander short-range ballistic missile system, as stated in the message issued by Major General Oleg Kislov, the head of the Kapustin Yar rocket launch and development site where the tests were conducted published on website of the Defense Ministry.

    According to Kislov, the military conducted test firing of 400 surface-to-air missile system as part of the re-armament tests.

    According to the Major …

  • Russia puts together a list of undesirable Western media sources

    The Commission of the Russian Federation Council on the Protection of State Sovereignty and the Prevention of Interference in Internal Russian Affairs has compiled a list of media outlets whose activities may be restricted in the Russian Federation. The list included CNN (Cable News Network), Voice of America, and Radio Liberty, although there are no more than five media outlets on the list, according to RBC news’ source in the Department. This information was confirmed by one of the commission …

  • Expert: Siemens will boycott maintenance of its turbines in the Crimea

    The Siemens company will boycott maintenance of the turbines that have been delivered to the Crimea; it is currently unclear how these turbines will operate without professional service. Russian economic analyst and oil and gas market expert Mikhail Krutikhin, who is a partner in the information and consulting agency RusEnergy, voiced this view on the radio show “Day Show” on Radio Krym.Realii.

    He added that Russia is unlikely to submit to Siemens' demand for the return of the turbines from …

  • Kremlin: Russia cannot give up current defense spending 'in present situation'

    Russian Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov has stated that Russia cannot give up current defense spending in the present situation, RIA Novosti reports.

    "I am perfectly aware that in the current situation, we can not abandon the costs of defense.... Today, budgetary spending on defense and security is about a third of all expenditures; this is a large share, but absolutely justified by the fact that our country is a nuclear power and has to repel all those political attacks that are [being …

  • Kremlin calls 11 foreign organizations 'undesirable' in Russia

    The Prosecutor General's Office (GPO) of the Russian Federation has recognized 11 foreign organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation as undesirable, and is ready to continue this work. A corresponding statement was made by Alexei Zhafyarov, the Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision over the Execution of the Laws on Federal Security, Interethnic Relations, and Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Prosecutor General's Office, reports RIA Novosti.

    "As of today ... the …

  • Syria invites Russia to build railway to Palmyra deposits

    During a bilateral meeting of Syrian and Russian diplomats and officials which took place last week in Sochi as part of the Syrian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission, Syria approached Russian Railways (RZD) and other Russian companies with several projects to develop Syria’s transport infrastructure, as stated by Najib Faris, director of Syria’s railway department, RBC news agency reports.

    “We offered the company RZD a project to reestablish the railway traffic line from Tartus, through Homs, …

  • Media: Russian 'Troll Factory' organized 40 rallies in US

    Through the Saint Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, also known as the “Troll Factory”, nearly 40 rallies and protest actions were organized in the US between 2016 and 2017, reports RBC news agency with reference to statistics reports in its possession.

    In recent years, nearly a dozen events have been held under the auspices of the BlackMattersUS movement (the name alludes to the Black Lives Matter movement which advocated the rights of black people, but has nothing to do with it), …

  • Kremlin: Russia will not reduce its military presence after completion of the operation in Syria

    After the completion of the main phase of the military operation in Syria, Russia will not reduce its military presence there, stated in Moscow on Tuesday, October 17, the first deputy head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich.

    “We will have a military base there, and there is hardly any need for a reduction. There are 34 aircraft, there is no sense in removing them,” he said.

    On October 16, during the meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor …