Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia to test new Mi-28UB helicopter in Syria

    Russia plans to send its new Mi-28UB helicopter (with dual control) to Syria for testing, said Andrey Boginsky, CEO of Russian Helicopters.

    “Today the Mi-28H has a pilot and an operator, and the primary goal and task of the upgrade is to make it combat training-ready, such that the helicopter can be controlled from either of the cabins. We would like these helicopters [Mi-28UB] to undergo their kind of testing here [in Syria],” he said during an interview for Zvezda’s Voyennaya Priyomka ( …

  • Putin wants to bring scientists back to Russia

    At a meeting with participants of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, Vladimir Putin said that Russia is interested in those citizens “who were here and who can work here” returning to Russia, reported RBC news agency.

    “Not all at the same time,” added the president. He added that, as far as citizens are concerned, “we are interested in all our citizens returning, but when speaking about science, those who can work toward scientific advancements.”

    Putin’s comments were in …

  • 50 people detained in Crimea during protest actions in support of Crimean Tatars

    49 people were detained for holding unauthorized solitary pickets in the Crimea, as reported by Interfax, citing the press service of the Crimean Ministry of Internal Affairs. Those participating in the pickets were released from police stations after “preventive talks.”

    As previously reported, the pickets were organized to oppose the local authorities’ actions directed against the Crimean Tatars. Specifically, participants in the rally protested against the arrests of Crimean Tatars who were …

  • Russia preparing a bill to counter the US sanctions

    The State Duma of the Russian Federation is working on a draft bill on countering the US sanctions policy as stated by the Russian State Duma Chairman, the Speaker of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, RIA Novosti reports.

    "We are working on this issue, but we can’t present it yet and talk about specific content," he said, answering the question of whether the work on the relevant draft bill is going on in the State Duma.

    The United States recently strengthened …

  • Russia buries another soldier killed in Syria

    Death of another Russian soldier killed in Syrian has been reported on Russian social media.

    26-year-old Azat Nurullin has been buried in Kazan. It is reported that he went to Syria in the end of August as part of Russian private military company Wagner group.

    According to his friends he was killed by a sniper in the Province of Homs in the end of September. His body was brought back to Russia on October 6.

    There has been no official confirmation about the death from the Russian ministry of …

  • Media: New PACE President plans to meet with Russian Parliament speakers

    The Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Stella Kyriakides, has sent a letter to the speakers of the Russian Parliament’s lower and upper houses in which she confirms her readiness to hold a meeting with them in the near future, TASS reported, citing a source on the sidelines of the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s assembly on Saturday in Saint Petersburg.

    "She [Kyriakides] expresses her appreciation for the invitation to participate in the work of the Inter- …

  • Russian MPs to visit Syria

    A delegation of MPs from the State Duma intends to visit Syria, State Duma Spokesperson Vyacheslav Volodin told reporters at a briefing in Saint Petersburg, RBC news agency reported.

    Volodin said that the Duma delegation’s trip, which he personally intends to lead, could take place “during the first half of next year”. “There has been an invitation, and it has been accepted,” Volodin emphasized.

    The State Duma spokesperson said that on Friday, October 13, on the sidelines of the Assembly of …

  • Russia calls Turkey's decision to not allow ships from the Crimea an 'unfriendly step'

    Turkey has confirmed that it will not permit entry for ships arriving from ports in the Russian-annexed Crimea, stated a member of the Turkish Chamber of Shipping in response to Russian news agency TASS.

    In response, the Russian Federation Council called the decision an “unfriendly” step.

    “By its ban, Turkey may be pushing Russia to correct relations between the two countries, which could affect joint actions in Syria,” stated the Russia's First Deputy of the Federation Council on Defense and …

  • Putin calls on international community to think about rebuilding Syria

    The international community should already be thinking about rebuilding Syria after the war, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the opening of the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Saint Petersburg.

    “I think that the international community should already think about the post-war restoration of the state, about how, in what formats and what quantities to assist it and other countries in the region, how to promote more effectively their socio-economic development and enhance …

  • Russia not invited to General Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation in Kyiv

    The Russian Federation is not invited to the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), which will take place in Kyiv, reports Interfax.

     “An absolutely unprecedented incident has occurred, which the Ukrainian side – the host country – did not invite Russia – a member country – to a BSEC General Assembly meeting. This is the first such incident in the 25-year history of the BSEC,” said Russia’s delegation head, State Duma deputy Mikhail Emelyanov. …