Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: Six thousand Russian troops still in Belarus after Zapad 2017 Exercises

    About six thousand Russian soldiers who took part in joint military maneuvers of the Zapad 2017 exercises are still in Belarus, stated Andrei Lysenko, press secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on ATO issues, according to news agency UNN.

    “A combination of Russian and Belarusian forces, totaling about 12,000 troops, was in Belarus. Of these, 5,800 were from Russia. The military understands that the headquarters and other units remain in the territory of Belarus, and international …

  • Russia deploys S-400 missile system in annexed Crimea

    Russia has deployed the S-400 missile system in the annexed Crimea. In February 2018, the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems will become operational in Sevastopol, as stated by Russian Lieutenant-General Viktor Sevostyanov, as reported by TASS news agency.

    “In Sevastopol, the rearmament of the S-300PM anti-aircraft missile complex began with the new S-400 air defense system. The equipment is now being sent and installed, and then test firing is planned,” Sevostyanov said.

    In addition, …

  • Russia vetoes UN investigation into chemical attacks in Syria

    On Tuesday October 24, Russia vetoed the draft resolution put forward by the US for voting in the UN Security Council which proposes an extension of the mandate to investigate cases of chemical weapons usage in Syria, Deutche Welle reports.Another Security Council member – China – refrained from voting.

    These incidents are being investigated by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) – UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) formed in 2013.

    The mission’s mandate expires …

  • Russia to conduct two tests of its new ‘Satan’ ballistic missile

    Before the end of the year, the Russian Ministry of Defense plans to hold two tests of the liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile, RS-28 Sarmat, at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, as reported on October 23rd by Kommersant, citing sources close to the department and the missile industry.

    The program is planning to launch a rocket from a silo at the Plesetsk spaceport. "The main goal is to test the operation of the rocket systems at the time of the exit from the silo and the start of the …

  • Russia accuses the US of removing archive documents from Russian consular building

    US authorities did not give Russian diplomats access to the Russian Consulate General building in San Francisco to retrieve the consular archives, but independently brought them to the Russian embassy, as stated on the Russian Embassy Facebook page.

    "The US authorities never granted us access to the Russian Consulate General building in San Francisco, which was closed by them on September 2nd, in order to retrieve the consular archives. Instead, they packed it themselves and took it to …

  • Russian activist: Kerch Strait Bridge will collapse soon

    The Kerch Strait Bridge in the annexed Crimea, which is currently under construction, may collapse by this winter, wrote Elena Vasileva, Russian human rights activist and founder of the group “Cargo 200 from Ukraine to Russia”, on Facebook.

    "The Kerch Strait Bridge will most likely collapse this winter; two of the platforms have already failed. They are trying to restore them, but the people of Russia do not understand that there is a rift in the earth's crust located there. There is no bottom …

  • Russia wants to reduce contributions to Council of Europe

    Russia is investigating the possibility of reducing its contributions to the Council of Europe (CE) since there is no way to influence the operation of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Izvestiya reports with reference to a source in the State Duma.

    The news outlet’s sources said that Russia plans to cut back on its contributions to the organization by $7-10 million. This amount is comparable to the amount which is allocated to the operation of the court.

    “If Russia does not take …

  • Russia and Mexico negotiating contract for military helicopter maintenance

    Russian Helicopters Company, a part of Rostec plans to sign a contract with the Mexican Air Force for the maintenance of Mi-17 helicopters, as reported by the press service of the company on Sunday, October 22.

    Major repairs of nineteen Mi-17 and Mi-17-1B helicopters of the Mexican Air Force were made in 2014-2015. According to Rostec, repaired helicopters now successfully perform the most difficult tasks in the interests of the Mexican Ministry of National Defense, including firefighting and …

  • Media: South Korea may postpone decommissioning of Russian tanks

    Seoul may postpone plans to phase out Russian T-80U tanks, despite problems with their compatibility with other equipment in the South Korean arsenal, Pohan News portal reported, citing MP Lee Chong Gol.

    The T-80U tanks and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles were delivered to the Republic of Korea in 1995 and 2002 as payment for the state debt of the USSR. It is expected that the South Korean army will gradually abandon the use of these vehicles in the period from 2018 to 2022.

    However, …

  • Crimean authorities admit the birth rate is dropping in the Crimea

    The number of children born in the annexed Crimea during the first nine months of 2017 declined in comparison with the same period last year, the press service of the Kremlin-controlled Ministry of Justice of the Crimea reported.

    "During the first nine months of 2017, 15,735 newborns were registered in the Crimea. This is less than the numbers for 2016, where about 17,000 children were born," the press service said.

    According to the Russian Ministry of Justice, the largest number of newborns …