Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia to create naval brigade to defend Kerch Strait Bridge

    Russia intends to create a special naval brigade to ensure the safety of the Kerch Strait Bridge which is currently under construction, Russian National Guard Chief Viktor Zolotov said on October 25 during “government hour” in the Federation Council.

    According to him, the naval brigade will be formed by the National Guard.

    “In order to deal with the tasks assigned to the Russian National Guard to ensure the safety of the bridge crossing across the Kerch strait, a new naval brigade unit will …

  • US State Department: delay with introduction of new sanctions against Russia caused by complexity of the process

    The US State Department is working on identifying individuals and organizations associated with the Russian defense and intelligence sectors, and the complexity of the process has caused the deadline to be set back, said State Department spokesman Heather Nauert at a press briefing.

    According to Nauert, defining such persons and organizations may lead to them being subjected to new sanctions. The State Department "is working to complete the process." " My understanding – and I’m not working on …

  • Crimean Tatar leaders Umerov and Chiygoz handed over to Turkey thanks to agreement between Poroshenko and Erdogan

    The Russian authorities have handed over Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz to Turkey, Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev told Ukrayinska Pravda.

    The two deputy heads of the Mejlis were flown to Ankara.

    Umerov and Chiygoz’s release became possible thanks to the agreements achieved as a result of Turkish President Recep Erdoğan ’s visit to Ukraine.

    The lawyer Nikolai Polozov confirmed this information on Facebook.

    “The thing we have been waiting for for so long has happened. Two more …

  • Media: Russia requested to remove important data from the report on the Kaczynski’s plane crash

    Data regarding a sharp heat increase on board Lech Kaczynski’s plane was withdrawn from the Polish commission report at the request of the Russian Federation, as reported by Gazeta Polska.

    According to Gazeta Polska, this record may indicate an explosion on board the government TU-154 before the plane hit the ground.

    "A sudden jump in temperature is difficult to explain rationally by any other reason than an explosion, especially when it started a series of breakdowns recorded on the on-board …

  • Media: Russia used Czech Republic as a base for its attacks on Ukraine, EU and NATO

    The Czech Republic has become one of the bases for special operations against Ukraine, the EU and NATO. Russian special services tried to obtain "confidential information" of a political nature, the Czech News Agency reports, citing counterintelligence services of the Czech Republic.

    According to the media, the Russian special service "has a network of contacts in the Czech Republic, which they continue to develop."

    Last year, massive cyberattacks against state organizations and commercial …

  • Russia and Philippines signed agreement for weapons supply

    Russia and the Philippines signed a contract for the supply of RPG-7V grenade launchers and ammunition, TASS reports.

    The document was endorsed by the General Director of Rosoboronexport, Alexander Mikheev and the Secretary of National Defense of the Philippines, Delfin Lorenzana. The contract was signed in the presence of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, although the details of the agreement have not been disclosed yet.

    Shoygu and Lorenzana also signed an agreement on military- …

  • Steinmeier: German companies do not want to work in Crimea

    German authorities do not recognize the Russian annexation of the Crimea peninsula. German companies will not work in this territory, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated, as reported by the newspaper Kommersant.

    "This fact, of course, has consequences for German companies’ activities both directly in the Crimea and in connection with it. German companies won’t work there. Besides, concerning Siemens, the existing agreement was violated and, therefore, the investors have lost …

  • Putin announces end of compulsory military service in Russia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia is gradually moving away from the compulsory military service model, and will abandon it completely “sometime later”, RIA Novosti reports.

    “We should bear in mind that we are gradually moving away from compulsory service in general,” the president said, adding that this process is taking place more slowly than planned due to budgetary limitations.

    “But we are still working and will continue to work to ensure that it won’t be long before …

  • Ukraine is ready to suspend membership in PACE if the Russian Federation returns to the 'club of decent countries'

    Ukraine is ready to suspend its membership in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in the event of Russia's return to PACE without the implementation by Moscow of the Assembly’s resolutions, reported news website, citing diplomatic sources.

    "A return of the aggressor country, Russia, which has not fulfilled any European resolutions, to the club of decent countries will force Kyiv to take retaliatory actions. We are not talking about a withdrawal of Ukraine from PACE …

  • Russian Prosecutor General asked the US to open a criminal case against Putin’s critic Browder

    The Russian Prosecutor General, Yury Chaika has requested the United States to launch a probe into British investor William Browder, on whose initiative the United States adopted the so-called "Magnitsky Act" on sanctions against Russian human rights violators.

    According to Radio Liberty, Chaika is said to have requested this in his letter to US Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In another letter, he called on the US to verify the validity of the adoption of the "Magnitsky Act" itself. According …