Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian MP: Resolution on UN peacekeeping mission in Donbas may be prepared by end of 2017

    A UN Security Council resolution on a peacekeeping mission in the Donbas may be drawn up by the end of 2017, Ukrainian MP from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc Volodymyr Ariev wrote on Facebook after the meeting of parliamentarians with Kurt Volker, the US State Department Special Representative for Ukraine.

    According to Ariev, the major points of the resolution will be drawn up by Volker himself.

    In Volker’s opinion, “the blue helmets must control the entire territory, including the border, and …

  • US Representative for Ukraine Volker: Russia must withdraw its forces before UN peacekeepers enter Donbas

    Russia must withdraw its forces so that the UN peacekeeping mission can start its work in the Donbas, and Ukraine must coordinate with the UN, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker told Hromadske in an interview.

    According to him, initially the parties must agree on the mission’s mandate and determine the composition and number of its staff. These matters are the topic of current negotiations.

    He added that the mission’s presence must become a necessary element in the area of …

  • As sand storm covers Der ez-Zor, ISIS launches offensive on Syrian forces

    According to reports, ISIS forces have approached the city of Mayadin from the south and have entered the suburbs of the city.

    While Syrian forces supported by the Russian military are fully engaged in the fight for Der ez-Zor, ISIS chose to attack in Mayadin. It’s the fighters of Hezbollah and Afghan Liwa Fatemiyoun who are trying to repel ISIS attacks in Mayadin.  

    Due to a sand storm, in conditions of poor visibility, the air support is minimal.

     The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights ( …

  • Media: Russia preparing new ambushes on Ukrainian border guards

    The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) is preparing new ambushes on the border with Ukraine with the intent to capture Ukrainian border guards, as reported by UNIAN with reference to the source familiar with the situation.

    "According to our information, the Russian side plans to continue to kidnap our border guards. After the situation in the Sumy region, they want to do the same thing in Luhansk region, "- said the interlocutor.

    According to the source, currently, the Russians are  …

  • Kremlin: Putin launched four ballistic missiles during exercises of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces

    Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the exercises of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces and launched four missiles, as stated by the spokesperson of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, TASS reports.

    "The Supreme Commander-in-Chief conducted the launch of four ballistic missiles," Peskov said. "During the drills, the interaction of the Strategic Missile Troops, nuclear submarines of the Northern and Pacific Fleets, and long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces was …

  • Russia expands its anti-Western sanctions

    Russia has banned the importation of live pigs and cattle by-products from the European Union, the United States, Canada and several other countries, as stated in a decree by the Russian government.

    The ban will be valid until December 31, 2018 for the countries of the European Union, the USA, Canada, Australia, Norway, Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

    "The imposed restrictions on the import of goods will not affect the domestic needs of Russia," the resolution says. …

  • Interpol recommends that member countries ignore Russia's requests

    The Central Bureau of Interpol has sent a warning to all member countries of the international police union that Russia has no right to unilaterally use the organization's channels to pursue its own goals, and has also advised them to ignore requests by the Russian authorities, Voice of America reports.

    Interpol also said that it has blocked Moscow's request for the arrest of British businessman and founder of the Hermitage Capital Management fund, Bill Browder. As the financier himself told …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko met with US special representative Volker to discuss situation in Donbas

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko met with the US special representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker, reported the press service of the Ukrainian President.During the meeting, the parties coordinated further steps to strengthen the international presence in the Donbas, both within the Normandy format, and at international organizations, primarily at the UN Security Council.Also, Poroshenko and Volker discussed the security situation in the region and noted the importance of implementing the …

  • Ukrainian General: Russia sets up its military base in Crimea for an attack on Ukraine

    In moving a new weapons to the annexed Crimea, Russia is preparing not for defense, but for an attack on mainland Ukraine, as expressed on Krym Realii radio by Lieutenant General and former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, Ihor Romanenko.

    "As far as I know, they are planning to bring another S-400 air defense system to Feodosia before the end of the year. The outdated Su-24 and Su-25 aircrafts are being changed to Su-30s, and more advanced ships are being transferred to the Black …

  • Putin calls for increased security in Russian internet segment

    Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the need to improve the security of the Russian Internet without creating barriers for law-abiding citizens, TASS reports.

    "It is necessary to improve the security and stability of the infrastructure of the Russian Internet," the Putin said, stressing, "we are not talking about restricting the access of law-abiding citizens to the global network resources, only some barriers and filters." According to him, it is necessary to "strictly observe and …