Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia fires 4 ballistic missiles during large-scale exercises in the north

    Russia conducted large-scale military exercises involving nuclear forces, launching four ballistic missiles.

    "The tasks of the training have been fulfilled and all educational goals have been successfully met," the Russian Ministry of Defense noted.

    According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region, the Topol intercontinental ballistic missile was launched. It struck a practice target at the Kura Missile Test Range in Kamchatka.

    Two missiles …

  • NATO warns Turkey of consequences of acquiring Russian S-400

    Turkey will be faced with “unavoidable consequences” if it buys Russian S-400 anti-air defense systems, said NATO Military Committee Chairman General Petr Pavel, as reported by Defense News.

    “The principle of sovereignty obviously exists in acquisition of defense equipment, but the same way that nations are sovereign in making their decision, they are also sovereign in facing the consequences of that decision” Pavel noted.

    According to the NATO representative, although each country is free to …

  • Russia to establish naval base on Kuril Islands

    An airport network is to be restored on the Kuril Islands, work on its creation is connected to the establishment of a Russian naval base, announced Senator Frants Klintsevich as reported by RIA Novosti.

    The naval base will accept “any ships”, including first rank vessels. Work to establish the base will begin soon, the senator noted. “Everything is going strictly according to plan, without rushed bursts,” he added.

    As Interfax reports with reference to Klintsevich, organizational matters are …

  • Islamists in Syria captured third new Russian T-90 tank

    Islamist militants in Syria have already captured the third, newest Russian T-90 tank, as  reported by a group of investigators, the Conflict Intelligence Team, via its Facebook page.

    "The propagandists of the so-called 'Islamic state' published a photograph of the T-90 captured from pro-Assad forces, to whom it had been sent from Russia. The researchers reported that the militants took advantage of a sandstorm near Mayadin, southeast of Deir ez-Zor, to capture the tank during a counterattack. …

  • NATO to discuss with Russia the true number of troops in Zapad-2017 exercises

    The true number of Russian Army personnel that were involved in the recent Zapad-2017 exercises in Belarus will be discussed during the next NATO-Russia meeting, reported  the German newspaper Welt, citing its sources in the headquarters of the Alliance.

    “We will very clearly say that we are thinking about such actions,” the newspaper quotes the diplomat as saying.

    The Alliance has serious reasons to believe that it wasn’t 12,700 soldiers that took part in the exercises – the number that …

  • Russia Today Editor-in-Chief accuses Twitter of collaboration with U.S. special services

    By forbidding the television channel Russia Today from advertising, Twitter has, in fact, signed up to cooperate with the U.S. special services, stated  RT (Russia Today) Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan.

    “I admit, I did not believe that Twitter was run by U.S. intelligence agencies. I thought it was a conspiracy theory. But Twitter has just admitted it. It's a shame,” she said.

    Along with this, Simonyan admitted that the Russian authorities would “respond politely” to the American media in …

  • Chubarov: freeing of Umerov and Chiygoz is not a concession but Russia’s implementation of the demands of UN courts

    The People's Deputy of Ukraine and Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov said during a press briefing on Wednesday, October 25 that the release of Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz relates to the decision of the International Court of Justice."There is no concession on the part of Putin. This is a partial fulfillment by them of the decision they cannot fail to fulfill. It is the interim decision of the International Court of Justice from April 2017 on two conventions …

  • Herashchenko: Poroshenko and US representative Volker will discuss the return of Ukrainian prisoners from their captivity in the Donbas

    One of the issues for the meeting between President Petro Poroshenko and the United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, Kurt Volker, will be the issue of the release of Ukrainian hostages in the occupied Donbas, as well as political prisoners in the Russian Federation, as stated by the Ukrainian representative to the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group, Iryna Herashchenko, Ukrinform reports.

    "The President of Ukraine is working on all of these issues and I …

  • Media: NATO prepares report accusing Russia of lying about Zapad-2017 military exercise

    NATO experts analyzed satellite images of the Zapad 2017 exercises and found tens of thousands of soldiers, while Russia assured that fewer than 13,000 military men participated in the maneuvers, as reported by Die Welt, citing sources in NATO.

    Exercises with military formations exceeding 13,000 people require the participation of observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), however, they were not present at the maneuvers.

    According to Die Welt, NATO is going …

  • Ukraine submits a claim against Russia to European Court of Human Rights over ‘aggression in the Donbas in 2014’

    Ukraine filed a legal claim with the European Court of Human Rights or ECHR as part of the lawsuit against Russia, which relates to the events in the Donbas in 2014, as stated by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko, reports. Petrenko explained that Kyiv filed a "big legal position" with testimonies of witnesses on the events in the Donbas in 2014. "The deadline ended a week ago. We made it in time," the minister said.

    Petrenko recalled that in early spring, …