Contents tagged with Russia

  • Poland calls expulsion of historian Glebocki from Russia a 'hostile act'

    Poland considers the expulsion of historian Henryk Glebocki, scientists studying the issue of “enslavement of the Polish people” by the Soviet Union, from Russia “hostile act”, as stated by the country’s head of the defense department Antoni Macierewicz, reported Polska Agencja Prasowa.

    According to Macierewicz, the deported historian was engaged in studying the crimes of the Soviet regime against the Polish people, which was the reason for the expulsion.

    “This famous historian, who was …

  • Russia plans to file complaint with the UN over restrictions for obtaining US, EU and Canadian visas by Crimean residents with Russian passports

    Tatyana Moskalkova, Russia’s Commissioner for Human Rights intends to appeal to the UN Secretary General and the Council of Europe regarding the restriction of the rights of Crimea residents to receive visas for travel to the EU, the United States and Canada on Russian passports, TASS reports.

    “I will appeal to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and to the Council of Europe on this issue, because such a defeat in rights is completely illegal, immoral and unreasonable," said Moskalkova. …

  • Russia opened 196 criminal cases against Ukrainian military

    The Investigative Committee of Russia has initiated 196 criminal cases against Ukrainian military personnel since 2014, as stated by the Head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, the authority's website reported.

    "From 2014 to the present, 196 criminal cases have been instituted on which 127 persons shall face criminal proceedings. Among them are high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, including Ukrainian Minister of Defense [Stepan] Poltorak and his …

  • Russian human rights commissioner investigating cases of citizenship revocation of Crimean residents

    The problem of revoking Russian citizenship of many people in the Crimea and Sevastopol can be solved within the framework of passport amnesty, as stated to journalists in Sevastopol by Russia's Commissioner for Human Rights, Tatyana Moskalkova, Kryminform reports.

    "We have cases where the citizenship of people who live in Sevastopol and the Crimea has been revoked and I have received these appeals. I, in turn, appealed to the Russian government to conduct a comprehensive verification of these …

  • Kadyrov believes that those sentenced for Nemtsov’s murder are innocent

    The Chechen Republic (Chechnya) natives sentenced to prison for the murder of prominent opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov, are not guilty, according to a statement made by the Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, in an interview with to Russia-1.

    “According to the information I have they are not guilty. And that’s why I continue to insist that this is not just. Somebody was score-settling, killed Nemtsov, and shifted all the blame on Kadyrov. And now they say this rubbish: Kadyrov …

  • Moldova refuses to send MPs to inter-parliamentary group meeting in Moscow news agency, citing the press service of the Moldovan Parliament, reports that the permanent bureau of the Moldovan parliament has decided neither to send MPs nor to allocate budgetary funds for a meeting of the Moldovan-Russian Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group in Moscow.

    According to Newsmaker, those MPs wishing to go are invited to go at their own expense and without an official mandate from the Parliament.

    The possible participation of some deputies will be carried out at …

  • EU to allocate 1 million euro annually to counter fake news coming from Russia

    The European Union will increase the funding of the working group that works on countering Russian disinformation and monitors the news on Russian media. Starting in 2018, 1.1 million euros will be allocated for these purposes annually for three years from the budget of the EU, Voice of America reports.

    The operational working group on strategic communications East StratCom Task Force was established in March 2015 by the decision of the heads of states and government of the countries of the …

  • EU condemns Russian 'Foreign Agent' media law

    The EU asserted that the “foreign agent” media law, signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 25th, runs counter to Russia’s obligations to uphold human rights and threatens “free and independent media.”

    This is another attempt to hinder the development of a civil society in the country, said the European Union External Action on Sunday, November 26.

    In Brussels, they are sure that as a result of “fines, checks, and the stigma” associated with the implementation of the law, “the …

  • Russia expels Polish scholar

    The Institute of National Remembrance of Poland or IPN said that Polish scientist Henryk Glebocki, who researched relations between Moscow and Warsaw in the 19th to 20th centuries, was expelled from Russia.

    The institute's statement says that on November 24, 2017, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation detained Dr. Glebocki, who is a research fellow at the Jagiellonian University, in Moscow. The detainee was told that, according to the FSB decision from November 21, he must …

  • Russian airstrikes kill 34 civilians including 15 children in Syria

    On the morning of Sunday, November 26, Russian Air Forces and forces of the Syrian government conducted an air raid and struck the village of al-Shafah in the province of Deir ez-Zor in Syria, reports the news agency Deutsche Welle.

    “The planes hit base stations and militants gathered in the Euphrates Valley,” said a statement released by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    However, civilians were also killed during these air raids. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 34 …