Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia objects to US arms shipment to Georgia

    According to a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia believes that the US military aid to Georgia will “push the Georgian government towards dangerous ventures”.

    “Russia once again stresses the danger of Tbilisi’s deepening military collaboration with NATO member-states. Recently the State Department and the Pentagon approved the shipment of Javelin anti-tank missile systems to Tbilisi. This is the first military deal of this scale between the US and Georgia since 2008. At the same …

  • Moldova refused entry to two Russian journalists

    Moldovan border policemen refused entry to VGTRK producer Marina Safronova and Zvezda TV journalist Aleksey Samolyotov upon their arrival at Chisinau airport.

    The Moldovan border police said that the reason for refusal was that the journalists did not specify the real purpose of their visit to the country.

    "They said that they came with a private visit, but could not confirm what was said, and then their real intentions were clarified," the press service of the ministry said. The border …

  • US Representative for Ukraine Volker: Negotiations with Russia put on pause

    US State Department Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker announced that the next meeting with Russian Presidential Advisor Vladislav Surkov on bringing an end to the war in the Donbas will not take place before December. Until this time, the parties are pausing, following the lack of success of the previous negotiations. Volker spoke about this in an interview with, recorded for the VIII National Expert Forum.

    “During the first two meetings, I had the feeling that we were …

  • Moscow court rejects Seimens’ request to seize turbines in Crimea

    A Moscow arbitration court refused to impound four gas turbines which were manufactured by Siemens and sent by Technopromexport to the annexed Crimea in violation of sanctions,TASS reported, referring to the court’s decision.

    “The court refuses to approve the application of Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies (a Siemens subsidiary),” TASS quoted the court as saying.

    The Siemens subsidiary demanded the seizure of the gas turbines and wanted Technopromexport and other parties to be prohibited from …

  • Russian authorities recommend that local schools in Krasnoyarsk prepare themselves to operate in wartime conditions

    The Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russia) has sent out guidelines to regional schools for operation "during mobilization, in wartime, and under martial law",  reported Govorit Moskva radio station.

    The document refers to bringing "subordinate institutions into readiness for operation during mobilization, in wartime, and under martial law."

    The radio station further specified that a photograph of the document was published the day before, on the Internet. Its authenticity …

  • Kremlin: Polish scholar was expelled from Russia in response to deportation of Russian historian from Poland

    The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Polish historian, Henryk Glebocki, was expelled from the country in response to Warsaw’s "unfriendly act,” as stated in a comment by the Press Secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, and posted on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    "We would like to remind that on October 11th, Polish authorities expelled a Russian historian from Poland, who was engaged in teaching there, on absurd charges, and the measures taken against …

  • Russia concerned by unemployment rates in Crimea

    The Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Protection released information on November 27 listing the annexed Crimea among regions with an increase in the number of unemployed citizens.

    At the same time, the Russian Ministry did not release exact data on the Crimea. It did note that the education, industry, construction, agriculture, and healthcare industries have the greatest staffing demand.The Kremlin-controlled Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Crimea did not directly report on …

  • Turkey says that S-400 missile systems supplied by Russia pose no threat to NATO

    The S-400 missile systems that Moscow will supply to Ankara do not pose a threat to NATO, said Turkish Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli.

    "In the S-400s, which will be delivered to Turkey in 2019, "friend-foe" identification systems will be modified," he told the newspaper Yeni Safak.

    Turkey and Russia signed a contract for the delivery of the S-400 in mid-September. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that Ankara had already made the first payment.

    The contract was criticized in the …

  • Russia proposes to place root Internet name servers in BRICS countries

    At a session on October 26, the Russian Security Council instructed the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications (MinComSvyaz) and the Foreign Ministry to begin discussion on the creation of “a system of backup DNS root name servers, independent of the control of ICANN, IANA and VeriSign, and capable of servicing the requests of users from the listed countries in the case of faults or targeted interventions”. These servers would be exclusively for BRICS member-states (Brazil, Russia, India, …

  • Dodon: Moldova has no chance to join EU

    According to Moldovan President Igor Dodon, the Eastern Partnership summit showed that Moldova “has no chance of joining the EU,” so the country should return to a strategic partnership with Russia, as expressed   in a statement by Dodon, in which he gave his assessment of the Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels, reported

    According to Dodon, citizens of Moldova have undergone a massive campaign of manipulation, the purpose of which was to prove that joining the European Union …