Contents tagged with Russia

  • Military expert: change of power in separatist LPR is a result of internal struggle between Russian special services and Russian military

    The removal of so-called head of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), Igor Plotnisky, from his position is the result of internecine power struggles between Russian proxies in the separatist-controlled Donbas. Recent events in the LPR indicate that Russian military won in a confrontation with Russian security services, military expert Oleg Zhdanov told Apostrof news agency.   

    The events in Luhansk are actually inner fight among the Russian special services. Most likely, Russia wants to create …

  • NATO: 60% of Russian-speaking Twitter users who write about the Alliance in the Baltic States are bots

    NATO's Strategic Communications Center of Excellence reports that 60% of Russian-speaking Twitter users are bots, according to the Center, which was founded in Riga, Latvia, The Voice of America reports.

    "Russian-speaking bots create about 70% of all Russian NATO reports in the Baltic States and Poland. In general, 60% of active Russian-speaking accounts are automated. In comparison, 39% of account tweeting in English are bots,” the report notes.

    The research notes that its conclusions are …

  • Ukrainian President calls on Russia to ‘repent’ for the Holodomor

    President Petro Poroshenko called on Russia to repent for the Holodomor, a man-made famine in Ukraine that took place from 1932-1933, during which at least 4 million Ukrainians were killed.

     “I wish that at least our children (though better if it were we) witness the incredible. I wish there would be such changes in Russia that its new elite will also recognize the Holodomor as a genocide. Or at least repent for it," said Poroshenko at a commemorative event at the Kyiv National Museum " …

  • Putin signs media ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill on the status of media “foreign agents”. The relevant documents were published on Saturday, November 25, on Russia’s official portal for legal information.

    According to the bill, "a legal entity registered in a foreign country, or a foreign structure without the formation of a legal entity, which distributes printed, audio, audio-visual and other messages and materials (of foreign mass media) intended for an unlimited number of persons, may be …

  • Head of Crimea prohibited Crimean officials from accepting foreign awards and titles without permission

    The head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov ordered Crimean officials to ask permission to receive foreign titles or awards. A corresponding decree was published on the website of the Russian Government of the Crimea.

    "The person who receives a rank or award from a foreign state, international organization, political party or other public institution shall submit to the head of the Crimea within three working days a request for permission to take an honorary or special title," the text of the …

  • Russia: NATO is pressuring Serbia to join Alliance

    Members of the Serbian Parliament's Committee on Defense and Internal Affairs reported to Russian colleagues that Belgrade is feeling pressure from NATO to join the Alliance, as stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Andrei Klimov, on November 24 in Belgrade, RIA Novosti reports.

    "The Serbs are now under unprecedented pressure; today, in a conversation with members of their Committee on Defense and Internal Affairs, they made …

  • Ukrainian journalist: Khodakovsky directly threatens DPR head Zakharchenko and prepares a coup

    Former commander of the separatist Vostok battalion Alexander Khodakovsky directly threatens the head of the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) Alexander Zakharchenko and prepares a coup following the example of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR, Igor Kornet, in Luhansk, wrote Journalist Yuri Butusov on his Facebook page.

    "The situation in Donetsk is not much better [than in LPR]," Khodakovsky says about Zakharchenko's leadership. If in Luhansk the main opponent of …

  • Dzhemilev: Russia intends to change demographic situation in Crimea

    In an interview with Channel 5, Mustafa Dzhemilev, Representative of the President of Ukraine on Crimean Tatar people, has said that Russia is forcibly changing the demographic situation in the Crimea by bringing 250 thousand people from the LPR and DPR, as well as 300 thousand people from Russia, to the area.

    "Russia is grossly violating the Geneva Convention on the inadmissibility of forcibly changing the demographic situation in an occupied territory. They are creating conditions under …

  • Media: head of separatist LPR Plotnisky left for Russia

    The motorcade, in which the leader of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic), Igor Plotnitsky, the head of his administration, Irina Teytsman, the head of the State Television and Radio Company of the LPR, Anastasia Shurkaeva, and a number of others were traveling, left the Luhansk for Russia on Thursday, Novaya Gazeta reported.

    Earlier, the Interior Minister of the LPR, Igor Kornet, who was dismissed from office by Plotnitsky, refused to leave his post and published a video message in which he …

  • Russia tests new anti-missile system

    Russia conducted a successful test of a new anti-ballistic missile or ABM defense system, reports Russian newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. The tests were held at the Sary-Shagan testing range in Kazakhstan.

    "The new, modernized, ABM defense system successfully accomplished the task and struck the target at the set time," informed the Deputy Commander the Aerospace Defense Forces Branch of the Russian Federation, Colonel Andrey Prikhodko.

    The missile defense system is in the arsenal of the Aerospace …